Congrats! After having a reading today, something in me clicked too. Why the hell am I spending my hard earn money on this?! I could have done so much with it by now, traveled, bought me great things, or just SAVED it all. I feel so foolish to be honest. I made notes all over my house that when I am feeling down and full of anxiety, listen to music, pick up a book, watch a movie, call a friend, go out for a walk, shoot I should even exercise!!
--- do anything except reach for the phone to call a psychic. I'm so tired of hearing "he has a lot going on, he has to fix his situation, he thinks about you often" -- I have a lot going on too, I have situations in my life that need fixing too yet I never left him with uncertainty about my feelings towards him. Why is it okay for him to do that to me? I can't do this anymore. I need to get my life back on track and just let it go.