Author Topic: Psychic (Addiction) - Gambling - And The Anxiety Feedback Loop  (Read 2977 times)

Offline sunshineluv7

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BOOM. Ready for this thread?

Maybe not, but here it is.

Psychic...dependence, addiction, whatever you want to call it. If you're in here, you have probably maybe spent hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on readings, and justified it. Because to get to the point where you're googling reviews of the advisors you read with, takes a certain level of...investment. Emotionally, and likely, financially. Whether or not you care to admit it to the forum - some people have - just search. And then there are lurkers, and those that choose to stay silent. And sure, maybe some that got here without that much spent.

Anyhow something to think about - we've gotten into it before - is why the cycle continues. The vast majority of humans walk around not relying on psychics to talk to them about what an outcome will be or the feelings of someone and so on and so forth. They just *live life*. And the issue is, it's like going to a smartphone and then back to a non-smart phone, once you've seen what YOU CAN get, it's really hard to not ... want that.

So, it becomes like gambling. You get a reading, a good one, and the outcome is RIGHT! Maybe the date of contact is RIGHT! and omg, then you HAVE to read again the next time something is slower than you want, or isn't the exact way you think it should go, or your nervous about something - or - or - or - yep, sounds like - ANXIETY, right? And maybe next time it's wrong, or off. Or maybe it IS right. But imagine, all the variations in outcomes - but once you've seen it be right, or gotten tips from someone on who could possibly be a good fit for you because hey, they were a good reader for SOMEONE ELSE - and accurate FOR THEM - and on it goes.

Simply put. Psychic readings. Are maladaptive behavior patterns that largely treat ANXIETY. IF - it's being used in a way that is any way detrimental to you - your finances, your emotional life, and so on.

So. if you want the pattern to stop. Big if. Look at treating the ANXIETY. Sometimes, that involves better living through chemistry. Over and over we have someone post "all you poor people fussing about some guy who doesn't want you" - truth is, that was never the issue. The issue is, the ANXIETY behind that problem. If it wasn't X guy, it would be the guy after that - or the guy after that - or the job - or the family thing - or whatever other thing could come up that causes anxiety.

If you want to look at the anxiety patterns in your life - go look at your calling history.

Offline Illumin8

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Re: Psychic (Addiction) - Gambling - And The Anxiety Feedback Loop
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2018, 03:43:15 PM »
Great post. Thanks for raising....

The biggest problem anyone will face is that with any addiction is there is little success with going cold turkey and its obviously a process that one will need to commit to if they truly want to quit for good. I am not saying one cant give up overnight but if calling psychics reduces said anxiety temporarily in ones life then its a coping mechanism. You take that away and you will need to find another coping strategy pretty quickly.  Yes, looking at the  source of anxiety is one thing but having a toolkit / alternate coping strategy to reduce the symptoms of anxiety would be a better way of kicking the habit. And even then, there will be times of relapse.

The thing is most people who are psychic dependent are living highly functional lives, in that from an outsiders perspective it would be difficult to detect there was a dependency without full disclosure unlike alcohol or drug useage and there in lies a bigger problem.

But your're right ... it is like a gambling addiction and is very much a silent addiction. I posted awhile back some research into this very topic, and the issue is massive thanks to the advancements in technology and worldwide access. Some of the statistics blew my mind. Its also a multi billion dollar industry so the hotline type platforms will not want any type of reform at all,  just keep the status quo. And yes we have a personal responsibility to call/ not call & keep our own mental health in check but how long can this go on for without any government or beaurocratic intervention?

Offline sunshineluv7

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Re: Psychic (Addiction) - Gambling - And The Anxiety Feedback Loop
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2018, 01:54:01 AM »
Def agree with you. I am not sure on government intervention. I still say for myself that getting back on anti anxiety meds made a huge difference and not just in that area of my life, but also I do fit your profile of high functioning otherwise.

I know some people are very anti medication but if it makes you're life better it's kind of life being a diabetic and not taking insulin.

Fully agres quitting cold turkey simply does not work though!!

The sad thing is the shame factor in all of this likely keeps it entirely underground. With gambling, id bet enough people had to step forward before it was outlawed in various states etc.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2018, 01:55:52 AM by sunshineluv7 »

Offline Dreamer23

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Re: Psychic (Addiction) - Gambling - And The Anxiety Feedback Loop
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2018, 12:42:51 PM »
I have this obsession/addiction with psychics and I am high functioning. Only the people close to me know about it. I try to be open about it to the people that I trust and love, because sometimes talking about it openly makes it easier for me to detach from it. I don't believe in keeping things in.

It would be nice if it was somehow regulated, like you couldn't talk to a psychic more than once a month. To have like a membership program or something like that.

And I wish psychics would reinforce this also.

