FWIW - she lives in Mexico, she sometimes comes back to texas to work, and was back for a few months when she was back online and working. When you cross country lines, your phone numbers/networks change. When you do that, your 2FA devices all fail for authentication, so she lost access to everything. EVERYTHING. Facebook, email,e tc. So you wait for the passcodes they send you by snail mail, etc.
She's finally set up in a place back in Mexico with two different ISPs, as Mexico is known for very bad storms. Now, remember when texas got hit with snow and it was all over the news? Mexico was also hit, the part she's in. So of course she was SOL connectivity-wise again.
She's a good person. She will refund you if you reach out/remind her. I def understand your frustration, though! I would be frustrated too. I've been reading with her for. YEARS, so that's how I end up finding out this stuff.