I read with her recently too and I liked it very much as well. Only problem is, that this raises red flags for me, if EVERYONE is enjoying their reading. Let me just list a few things she said to see if anyone else got the same.
~cares very deeply but struggles to make things happen
~what's most important to him is not what he's spending his time on
~he follows the beat of his own drum
~She was shown a different direction for me and interjected some financial good news
~we are going to cuddle soon
~he's like a cat doing his own thing
~he sees you as the person he draws strength from
~The two of you have had this "date" with each other for a long time
~he thinks we should have been together a long time ago
There's lots more but I'm just going to throw those out there to see if it's information specific to me or if it's just her schtick.