I am sure that most of us on here
will know that the fakes on Keen are plentiful and will usually stay away from profiles that appear suspicious. If there is something I hate in this world, it's SHADY people, scammers, fakes, thieves... you name it. I am sure we have all noticed suspicious photos on some of the advisors' pages that don't appear genuine. I have managed to go through quite a lot of profiles. Surprisingly, a lot of the profiles I checked appear genuine, HOWEVER there are LOTS that are NOT and I want everyone to be able to see this before spending $$$ on those fakes, especially those who are new to readings and will most likely be after the 'recommended' and 'highest rated' advisors.
I don't think that purchasing photos online and using them as profile pics on advisors' profiles goes necessarily against Keen's policy (will see if I can look into this), but they are essentially impersonating the people in the photos, pretending to be someone they are not and the callers believe that they are speaking to the individual who is in the photo, which bugs me a lot.
I will also see what can be done about this - if anything. Surely, Keen are aware of the fakes, but they are bringing in some serious money so why would Keen bother removing these 'advisors' from their website?
Anyhow, without further venting, please check some of the shady creatures' profiles AND the websites the photos have been stolen (or purchased, who knows) from here and feel free to share your thoughts. I am only sharing a few today as it is quite time consuming and I have a few more things to do, but happy to continue if anyone would like me to share more of what I'be found?
1. Number one goes to the biggest scammer on Keen: Ron Knows What He is Thinking .... or should I say Brad Knows What He Is Thinking? Or perhaps he prefers to be called Eye of Mark or Clairvoyant Nicky Power? I suspect that these four are ONE PERSON (there are likely to be more profiles managed by this individual). Not only are the names suspicious, but when this dude went to steal other people's photos, he didn't even bother going on multiple websites and stole 'Brad's' and 'Mark's' pictures from the same website. Check this out:
Eye of Mark's [/u]photo:‘MARK’ is also BOOK NUMBER 3 HERE: Keen profile: Knows What He Is Thinking: - I noticed that stealing photos of hair models is a common thing among these fakes
Keen profile: Nicky Power can be found here: 
He is also
BOOK 4 (Eye of Mark is BOOK 3!): profile: Knows What He is Thinking I bet that this is some ugly dude hiding behind his shiny monitor which he purchased thanks to scamming innocent people. The muscles are NOT his and the bicep can be found here: profile:
Alessia NightingaleName seems like fake (a lot of readers use fake names for various reasons but this person is using a fake name AND a fake photo, no thank you?).
The photos can actually be purchased here: - ashamed blonde woman wearing a pink dress lol - sure
Profile on Keen:
Christina Blu Oh wow, a photo from an AGEING CREAM AD. How creative.

- also, seems to only have a CHAT option - suspicious much?
Cam be seen on the packaging of this cream: profile: