This is what happens to me and I feel terrible about it afterwards. I have a bad day, when I think about things and I want some clarity/guidance. I go online and talk to a psychic, someone I talked to before usually because I trust them. What they say to me is slightly confusing and doesn't fall in life with what they said in the past. So I get confused...I questions things and I need more clarity. So I talk to someone else. And that person doesn't help much either. The confusion gets bigger. I find another person. Maybe a new psychic someone I haven't talked to before. They either put me at ease or make me even more confused. Now I am in a web of thoughts: which psychic said the true things?
And then after contacting a few psychics I realize the money spent and my mind is not less confused than before, it's even worse and then I feel bad about myself. I feel lost and confused and I don't know where to turn because what I thought would help me (talking to a psychic) only brought more questions about the situation.
I become like a detective, I want clarity but I am looking for it in the wrong places because I can't verify what a psychic is telling me and if they tell me some information that I haven't heard before, then I have a new thought in my head now to think about...and it doesn't feel good. All the questions, all the thinking is bad.
So this is what happens to me when I go on a "binge". It doesn't make me feel better, it makes me feel worse. And I remember it afterwards but then when I have a weak moment I seem to be repeating this pattern which I need to get out of.