Relationship Psychology Discussions > Connect With Others
When predictions don't happen
Wishful Thinker:
Hello all. I felt the need to reply to this post. As a wife who’s been cheated on and been fed lies, I felt the need to share my story. The only thing you need to trust is your intuition.
I’m telling you from a wife’s perspective; he isn’t going to leave her and even if he does, he will treat you the same way he did his wife probably even worse. I am currently going through a divorce and my ex’s current mistress or fiancé posted pics of him and their status all over social media claiming their love for each other. She eventually took it down because I’m sure he told her to do so, but it was damaging and hard. My ex was feeding her bad stories about me while at the same time doing his best to get back with me. Sending messages, calling, saying he’s changed, etc. After years of abuse and torment, I finally got the courage to file and serve him. Even now with being served, he is still trying to get back with me. Ladies, please trust and believe, he’s never going to leave his wife nor stop loving her. He’ll feed you lies about her just to get your sympathy and make her look bad in your eyes. You are just filling up his time. And please trust and believe that there’s a couple of other women doing the same. I won’t say men like this can’t change; they’re just being given options to fulfill their needs. Peace.
And could you really trust the guy after knowing he was married when met. I mean, every time he ran late or didn’t answer a call you would be wondering.
yes there are a lot of such things but i know for a fact that his life is hell.
He is very secretive doesnt share details at all but i know for a fact from trusted resources that he would just pay off everything for his peace of mind.
Wishful Thinker:
@sawthelight Exactly! You don’t want to inherit her problem.
If he says that he can’t leave because of money or the children, he’s lying. Please trust and believe when a man is truly done with his wife, there will be no question in your head about whether or not he’s leaving. Men are quick and to the point; it’s us women that try to rationalize people’s actions and thoughts. A true and ethical psychic would tell you the truth and not lead you blindly. I really hate that most of these psychics weren’t truthful. I have a psychic mentor who told me that most will feed you lies or tell you what you want to hear to keep you coming back. I want to let you all know that there are ethical Psychics out there and most may not be featured in this forum. You are all beautiful and are deserving of being loved honestly and wholeheartedly. Karma is always at work and you don’t want to have that burden on your soul because the repercussions on you can reek havoc.
--- Quote from: Wishful Thinker on June 24, 2018, 07:37:54 PM ---@sawthelight Exactly! You don’t want to inherit her problem.
If he says that he can’t leave because of money or the children, he’s lying. Please trust and believe when a man is truly done with his wife, there will be no question in your head about whether or not he’s leaving. Men are quick and to the point; it’s us women that try to rationalize people’s actions and thoughts. A true and ethical psychic would tell you the truth and not lead you blindly. I really hate that most of these psychics weren’t truthful. I have a psychic mentor who told me that most will feed you lies or tell you what you want to hear to keep you coming back. I want to let you all know that there are ethical Psychics out there and most may not be featured in this forum. You are all beautiful and are deserving of being loved honestly and wholeheartedly. Karma is always at work and you don’t want to have that burden on your soul because the repercussions on you can reek havoc.
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I knew a girl who dated a married man for years. He told her he was leaving the wife for so long, and never did. She finally ended it but I think she was in that situation for almost five years.
However, I do think there are men who stay in miserable situations just to avoid getting slammed in alimony/ child support. Easier to just stay and cheat than leave. Cheaper to keep her as the expression goes.
I do know a guy who is recently divorced and he is going through absolute hell with his ex. He’s basically broke but he said he literally could not stay married to her any longer and left.
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