Author Topic: Okay, Let's figure this out once and for all:- Which One?  (Read 39504 times)


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Okay, Let's figure this out once and for all:- Which One?
« on: June 23, 2018, 03:01:46 PM »
More-so a poll. I'll list four psychics from each of the main platforms (Keen, CP, Bitwine, and Storefront (some of which may have pages on the former sites)). Do not add any other psychics in the comments that aren't listed, just indicate which ones have been most accurate for you, if applicable (meaning, pick ONE from each group...again, if applicable). I figured, best to try to get to the bottom of this instead of perusing each and every thread on here:

1. Queen of Cups18
2. Lady Persephone
3. Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
4. Judis Inner Light


1. Tara
2. Venus
3. Indio
4. Blessid

1. Rachel Marie
2. Miss Ann
3. Rune Mistress
4. Rekha

STORE-FRONT/PERSONAL SITES (may also have a page on one of the others, but operate moreso on their own)
1. Yona Farrell
2. Emma Jane
3. Kelly Callaghan
4. TarotByPenelope (etsy)

BONUS: Insert your own psychic (ONE ONLY) and list scale of 1-10 (1 being the worst, 10 being the best) how ACCURATE they have been as far as present and future.

It gets a little overwhelming perusing all of the threads. Definitely kills time at work when I'm bored though, but good lord lol. You can simply list the numbers, if you'd like, but let's try to stay on topic. I read some many threads that are listed for ONE reader, yet the comments get so off-topic by listing other readers or arguing, that I can't follow along anymore :)
« Last Edit: June 23, 2018, 03:15:58 PM by Tthompsj »

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Okay, Let's figure this out once and for all:- Which One?
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2018, 03:06:03 PM »
Rekha gave me two opposite readings on the same guy. Lol

Offline Sag78

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Re: Okay, Let's figure this out once and for all:- Which One?
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2018, 03:38:31 PM »
1.Queen of Cups 18. I can't make my mind on her. She picks up present very well, seems ok on small predictions. But can't see a bigger picture. I am stressed and very time after talking to her lol
2.Lay Persephone ( she seemed to pick up present but I can't confirm many things, predictions still pending)
3. Cookie "sees" amazing stuff. Some  predictions happened, some not. But i want a big picture and she struggles with that. She can't see an outcome for me yet
4.Judis Inner Light. I can't validate if she is right or not. For me is waste of money

California psychics:
1. Tara pushes timelines further and further. Not sure about her, and can't validate if what she is seeing is right
2.Venus. She pushes her timelines every time I talk to her. She was dead wrong on some stuff I can validate
3.Indio. According to her I should be back in a committed relationship with my ex last year. Wrong
4.Blessid . Recieved two opposit readings from her. I don't trust her.

1.Rachel Marie. She told me in December2017 that my ex will be back in January 3018 . Nope. Wrong
2. Miss Ann. She didn't give me timeline. So I don't know if she is right or wrong. Predictions pending
3.Rune Mistress. She saw me and ex back together by May. Wrong
4.Rekha . Didn't read with him

Store-front psychics:
1.Yona Farrel. Currently my number 1!! . At the moment everything's goes exact way she told me. Don't know about further predictions. There are big ones on the way. I will update
2.Emma Jane. Contact prediction didn't happens . Other predictions are pending
3. Kelly Callaghan. She is gifted, but not accurate what she sees. Too expensive for that.
4. TarotbyPenelope. Read with her few times last year. Not sure about her as she sees me and ex together, but didn't give me timeline

I like Aries. She is great picking up present stuff. She is for me 50/50 at the moment .

It will be interesting to see who was right at the end of my journey!

Offline Sag78

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Re: Okay, Let's figure this out once and for all:- Which One?
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2018, 03:59:57 PM »
Oh, sorry, Tthompsj!! You asked to pick up ONE from each group . I did read properly  :o

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Okay, Let's figure this out once and for all:- Which One?
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2018, 04:15:41 PM »
I like this! Here we go...


3. Spiritualist Reader (Cookie) -
Just started using her in January of this year and have called her a total of 3 times (April and May). I didnt like her style of reading at first, but when I noticed things started to come true I was just surprised! She said in my first reading "A married man, or a man connected to a woman is showing up - and you are wanting more and he wants you". I was like I hope I dont want a married man!! And here I am, my new POI "D" had a situation where he was living with the mother of his child - who he happen to have a wedding ceremony with but never signed the certificate....needless to say that situation is over and she has moved out and gone...

CALIFORNIA PSYCHICS Sorry I had to choose
2. Venus -
This lady right here...has been pretty awesome. Ive read with her about maybe 5 different POIs. She has been like 75% right for me. Including my current POI - specifically about how things go. I realize though that she did better connecting with certain guys than others (others she got wrong). But she would describe the situation perfectly and thoughts and feelings - she is not a BIG prediction reader to me though.
3. Indio -
Oh boy! I've read with her for 2 years about a couple of POIs. She has been 75-80% Correct for me as well about specific outcomes of a situation, thoughts and feelings (where I confirmed that the guy would actually say word for word what she said after the reading). I don't pay attention too much to the new guys she says that are coming in because it always sounds generic though. One recent Big prediction was that she said my current POI "D" would get away from his ex/child's mother and that she would leave him - and she DID! (Tajah and Yona also got this right- all 3 could tell the relationship was on thin ice). This was huge because I thought it would either never happen or she would be there for years before she left- she left within 2 months of the readings. Indio was right about another POI I dated earlier this year (as you can see I try to date more than one guy to keep it moving) - and she specifically said she got the 3 of swords and he would hurt my heart - HE DID. He said some effed disrespectful things to me randomly out of the blue one day out of his insecurities and I had to cut him off in April.

BITWINE - Havent used

STORE-FRONT/PERSONAL SITES (may also have a page on one of the others, but operate moreso on their own)
1. Yona Farrell -
Hands Down - Number 1 READER! I've had 25 predictions from her from the last 2 years (a total of 7 calls - where 2 were non readings (where she felt she didn't connect - but stuff still came true) and 3 were MAJOR predictive readings). Things she said literally happened - I would give her about 90-95%. It is wonderful if you can connect with her. I can understand that she may not work for some as I have listened to some my friends readings - and she has been terrible for them, likewise when they hear mine - their jaw drops. If you are looking for predictions that will come true - she is it (if you have a good connection).

BONUS: I'm surprised Aries Intuition isn't on this list! (She's talked about alot as well). She has been like 40/60 for me (where 40 is the percent correct). I find that her email general readings are pretty on point. I dont trust her outcomes though.  I would give her a 5 out of 10.

Offline Natashanyc

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Re: Okay, Let's figure this out once and for all:- Which One?
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2018, 05:12:26 PM »
Rekha gave me two opposite readings on the same guy. Lol

She did the same to me and she tried to change it when i told her how she gave opposite readings lol

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Okay, Let's figure this out once and for all:- Which One?
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2018, 05:28:38 PM »
Love your list and responses!
As for Aries Intuition, it was between her and JIL under my Keen options. I opted for JIL since her thread seems to be most active these days. I figured a lot of folks would list Aries as their bonus and if so, that just gives her more credibility (which is a good thing).

Makes sense!  ;D

Offline Wildheart81

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Re: Okay, Let's figure this out once and for all:- Which One?
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2018, 08:29:27 PM »
Some of these readers are expensive on Keen and so I haven't tried them. I would but I get worried it will be a bad reading and I will have wasted a lot of money on one person.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Okay, Let's figure this out once and for all:- Which One?
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2018, 10:57:32 PM »
Some of these readers are expensive on Keen and so I haven't tried them. I would but I get worried it will be a bad reading and I will have wasted a lot of money on one person.
Totally how I feel about many of them.
That is why I'm always so hesitant about taking the plunge.

Offline scarlora

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Re: Okay, Let's figure this out once and for all:- Which One?
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2018, 11:27:09 PM »
I feel like I can't really rank any of them properly because none of their predictions have happened for me.  Honestly I haven't really been given many specific predictions- just outcome predictions. 
Keen- Cookie & Lady P were great on present. Cookie didn't give me much in terms of predictions but I am 7th in her queue again.   Judi- IDK can't validate.  QoC doesn't seem to read far out and doesn't really tell you much, but I like her.   

CP- I read with Tara and Blessid.  Tara asked too many questions, made me feel like she was guessing.  Blessid was also great on present. 

Bitwine- Miss Ann flipped predictions on me.  Her general year read was different from a specific question read.  Rune Mistress has prediction pending.  Haven't read with others.

Store front-  Yona's predictions for me that happened were things that would have happened anyway in time.  More specific predictions and outcome have not happened.  Kelly Callaghan and Penelope seemed accurate on past and present, but outcome hasn't happened. 

Offline calibabe

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Re: Okay, Let's figure this out once and for all:- Which One?
« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2018, 01:26:56 AM »
Queen of cups for sure on Keen.  Shes talented and has been correct for me numerous times.

Miss Ann and Rune Mistress have been correct for me although both do not give timing.

Rekha is very confusing for me.  I feel like I am prying for information. 

Offline njlady

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Re: Okay, Let's figure this out once and for all:- Which One?
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2018, 01:38:24 PM »
1. Queen of Cups18 - One reading last year - a little terse, which doesn't bother me, but good.
2. Lady Persephone - One reading - loved her.  Trust her.  Things are still playing out.  It's been about 7 months.
3. Spiritualist Reader (Cookie) - A few readings - love her and things are playing out.  Things have happened. She and Lady P said some of the same things.  Haven't spoken to her since November because of the line.
4. Judis Inner Light - Read with her every couple of months - love love love her, and have had exact things said to me. Trust her. 

1. Tara - One call maybe a year ago, picked up on some things but would not let go of a meaningless point.  Would not call again, ever.
2. Venus - Never spoke with her.
3. Indio - Two calls over a year ago.  Loved the first call, the second call was a complete flip. Turns out much of what the second call was about referred to POI's business partner, not POI.  I now believe the first call was her picking up on my situation and coating it with bullshit. Would never call again.
4. Blessid - Never spoke with her.

1. Rachel Marie - Never spoke with her.
2. Miss Ann - Never spoke with her.
3. Rune Mistress - Never spoke with her.
4. Rekha - Never spoke with him.

STORE-FRONT/PERSONAL SITES (may also have a page on one of the others, but operate moreso on their own)
1. Yona Farrell - Never spoke with her.
2. Emma Jane - Never spoke with her.
3. Kelly Callaghan - Never spoke with her.
4. TarotByPenelope (etsy) - One call over a year ago. She was 100% wrong and wouldn't listen to the possibility that she was headed down the wrong road.  Treated me like the stupidest bitch on the planet. Mixed me up with another situation POI was involved in that had absolutely nothing to do with me.  The only time in my life I thought I was going to be physically ill after speaking to someone "spiritual". 

BONUS: Insert your own psychic - Rika from CP.  If she connects with you, go with it.  I trust her and call her every couple of months.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Okay, Let's figure this out once and for all:- Which One?
« Reply #12 on: June 26, 2018, 01:44:35 PM »
Just putting in who I have used..

1. Queen of Cups18 - Great at present situation, predictions are iffy and she tends to lean negative towards those.  But good at present.
2. Lady Persephone - Same as QOC, except she gave me a positive prediction that never played out, at least yet...a
3. Spiritualist Reader (Cookie) - Convoluted, don't get the hype tbh.

1. Rachel Marie - Fairy tale.
2. Miss Ann - ok at seeing little things, not big picture and tends to mix up energies and flip predictions.  Inconsistent.
3. Rune Mistress - like her, she get some stuff on point.  waiting on outcome.
4. Rekha - awful..two opposite predictions on same guy and was within a few weeks time with nothing changing as far as my actions....

Kelly Callahan-is she on keen?  if so, I tried her once when I had my keen acct still open and didn't see much of anything come to pass. 


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Re: Okay, Let's figure this out once and for all:- Which One?
« Reply #13 on: June 26, 2018, 02:33:02 PM »
1. Queen of Cups18 - Tried calling her once 2 years ago and she blocked me.
2. Lady Persephone - Didn't read with.
3. Spiritualist Reader (Cookie) - Very vague, don't get the hype...and changes her tune after I gave more info. At first she said she sensed a "separation" and asked if I had recently broken up with anyone ( I haven't, and am not in a relationship), then midway into the reading she said the separation is for my family because of all the career changes happening and "I feel sad that I have to be separated from them" - I'm already living alone and am not close with them anyway.
4. Judis Inner Light - Terrible...just terrible. Assumes everyone I ask about is of a "romantic nature".

1. Tara - One of the best for me so far! Timelines can be off, and can be judgey and sometimes will assume things based on what you tell her. Don't give her too much info and just let her talk. Very sensitive about certain issues and will give you unsolicited annoying advice. But prediction wise has been one of the best for me.
2. Venus - Very wrong on everything
3. Indio - Very wrong on everything and tells everyone the same line "he will call you on a weekend in the middle of the night"
4. Blessid - Wrong on a career prediction but right on the timeline which could be a fluke...seems that she gave everyone "June" as significant

1. Rachel Marie - about 25%-30% right, not worth it in my opinion
2. Miss Ann - Right on small things, wrong on outcome with a POI (read him and another girl as if its him and me)
3. Rune Mistress - Didn't read
4. Rekha - DIdn't read

STORE-FRONT/PERSONAL SITES (may also have a page on one of the others, but operate moreso on their own)
1. Yona Farrell - Very impressive so far, predictions have happened but most predictions/big ones are pending
2. Emma Jane - Didn't read
3. Kelly Callaghan - VERY VERY VERY WRONG. But picks up on interesting details like hair colour, etc.
4. TarotByPenelope (etsy) - Wrong on predictions and a nasty bitch

« Last Edit: June 26, 2018, 02:35:24 PM by candiednut »


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Re: Okay, Let's figure this out once and for all:- Which One?
« Reply #14 on: June 26, 2018, 03:09:08 PM »
1. Queen of Cups18 - Never read
2. Lady Persephone - Ok on the present. Predictions didn't happen.
3. Spiritualist Reader (Cookie) - Never read
4. Judis Inner Light - Love her!

1. Tara - Never read
2. Venus - Never read
3. Indio - Never read
4. Blessid - Never read

1. Rachel Marie - 80% accurate. Love her.
2. Miss Ann - Never read
3. Rune Mistress - Never read
4. Rekha - Never read

STORE-FRONT/PERSONAL SITES (may also have a page on one of the others, but operate moreso on their own)
1. Yona Farrell - Never read
2. Emma Jane - Never read
3. Kelly Callaghan - Never read
4. TarotByPenelope (etsy) - Never read

