Author Topic: Okay, Let's figure this out once and for all:- Which One?  (Read 40324 times)

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Okay, Let's figure this out once and for all:- Which One?
« Reply #15 on: June 26, 2018, 04:31:11 PM »
Enjoy this thread actually. It's interesting to see how in the layout who works well with whom.

I'm not on CP and will probably never be on there, so none on CP for me.

1. Queen of Cups18 - Quick call..general
2. Lady Persephone - Rambled too much about her own crap. I called her about a legal issue and she preceded to tell me about (her) previous legal issues. What?
3. Spiritualist Reader (Cookie) - Hype city and I've read with her twice.

1. Rachel Marie - heard about her ages ago although her reviews have still never drawn me in.
2. Miss Ann - More advice-ish than psychic
3. Rune Mistress - Same thing as #1. Her reviews have been hit/miss.

1. Yona Farrell - Will never read with her again. Read with her twice and she clearly did not work for me.
2. Emma Jane - Too many red flags out the box for me.
3. Kelly Callaghan - Probably won't read with her.
4. TarotByPenelope (etsy) - Her business practices are not great, so I'm afraid of having to fight to get my reading.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Okay, Let's figure this out once and for all:- Which One?
« Reply #16 on: June 26, 2018, 04:35:58 PM »
4. TarotByPenelope (etsy) - Wrong on predictions and a nasty bitch
Your description of her had me laughing out loud. She has been known to put up a fight when she is called out on her issues and joining forums to act as a client.
Her bad reputation gets her just as many callers as the good one will.

Offline Apalm831

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Re: Okay, Let's figure this out once and for all:- Which One?
« Reply #17 on: June 26, 2018, 07:16:12 PM »
1. Queen of Cups18--Has gotten some things right for me.. I'd only read with her if I wanna know what's gonna happen in the IMMEDIATE future. Has flip flopped alot for me too.
2. Lady Persephone--Never gotten one thing right. Read with her 3 times, never again.
3. Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)--Usually right for me. Gotta let her just go and do her thing. She is amazing when she's on. She has off days but Cookie is really incredible.
4. Judis Inner Light--I can't believe people still call her. She's a hack. She's really done a good job at making people think she's chanelling their POI's emotions. I let two other members of the board listen to her reading and they both laughed out loud. Honestly, this lady is a crock.

1. Tara--Predictions never happened. Nope.
2. Venus--Predictions never happened. Nope.
3. Indio--Same. Not good.
4. Blessid--Dunno who this is

1. Rachel Marie--Who?
2. Miss Ann--Who?
3. Rune Mistress--What?
4. Rekha--....huh?

STORE-FRONT/PERSONAL SITES (may also have a page on one of the others, but operate moreso on their own)
1. Yona Farrell--Read with her on a specific person, none of her predictions panned out. But I was told you have to get JUST  a general with her and it's usually good. I tried again and she refunded me saying she couldn't connect.
2. Emma Jane--Time frames came and went. I think she or someone she knows planted her name on this board so that she would get more clients. Pass.
3. Kelly Callaghan--All predictions 100% wrong. Would never talk to her again.
4. TarotByPenelope (etsy)--All predictions wrong. Also very unprofessional.

Bonus? Kisha, obviously. Kisha has been mostly right for me over the last year and a half with one MAJOR miss which was the first guy I ever called about. I never saw him again. I think he has a serious GF now. But aside from that, I trust her and Cookie more than anyone else.

Offline Newlife

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Re: Okay, Let's figure this out once and for all:- Which One?
« Reply #18 on: June 27, 2018, 03:38:49 PM »
Tried all of them, hit or miss.

Tara was horrible

For me cookie was great. Better than Aries Intu. Cookie's better when you say nothing and keep shtumn. Cp: Eamon and indio were good for me and direct. Saw good insight into my situation with me not giving them any information. Tara I agree with people she was meh. I hope people on here have found at least one person who works for them and have luck with. Good luck everybody.

Offline wishes215

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Re: Okay, Let's figure this out once and for all:- Which One?
« Reply #19 on: June 30, 2018, 04:18:55 AM »

1. Queen of Cups18 - Contact prediction panned out, correct about POI and saw one other thing that no one did.

CALIFORNIA PSYCHICS - dont call CP psychics

BITWINE - Rune Mistress - have read with her a few times and she has been right about reading the POI and contact prediction timing was accurate.

2. Rachel Marie - right about the situation and contact happened as predicted, timeline was off by maybe a week.
3. Miss Ann - its still unfolding
4. Rekha - contact prediction was right once and now waiting on another.

STORE-FRONT/PERSONAL SITES  Haven't read with any

Purple Ocean. - Psychic Jewel - picked up something about POI that no one did, I mean no one. She doesn't give timelines and predictions are long term.

Offline Itsmylife

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Re: Okay, Let's figure this out once and for all:- Which One?
« Reply #20 on: July 03, 2018, 02:14:42 AM »
To be very frank none of the listed ones ever were useful or accurate enough to mention here as per my experience. I think Kisha is good but for me only her random numbers have worked not the other description most part. But her numbers have been spot on but the reason I called her or have been calling it’s pred are still PENDING.

Worst: Cookie, steered me wrong pretty well. She made me frurstrated said I won’t get pregnant on my own and not that year..... I will have to go to doctor to get some meds and then I will get pregnant Wrong.... I got pregnant 3 months later on my own....
joe predictions wrong too

Offline Lady_C

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Re: Okay, Let's figure this out once and for all:- Which One?
« Reply #21 on: August 07, 2018, 09:11:53 AM »
The ones I have highlighted in bold are who I've had experience with.

1. Queen of Cups18
2. Lady Persephone
3. Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
4. Judis Inner Light

1. Tara
2. Venus
3. Indio
4. Blessid

1. Rachel Marie
2. Miss Ann - Picked on issues my ex is having, his personality, waiting for prediction to unfold
3. Rune Mistress
4. Rekha - picked up the same as miss ann, outcome unclear though

STORE-FRONT/PERSONAL SITES (may also have a page on one of the others, but operate moreso on their own)
1. Yona Farrell
2. Emma Jane
3. Kelly Callaghan
4. TarotByPenelope (etsy) - on point with Rekha and Miss Ann with ex and his issue, said we will reconcile but don't know the time frame

BONUS: Insert your own psychic (ONE ONLY) and list scale of 1-10 (1 being the worst, 10 being the best) how ACCURATE they have been as far as present and future.
 - Oracle Indigo from Etsy - Nailed so many problems I faced with my ex and why were aren't on speaking terms. She has predicted that things aren't over, reconciliation can happen (no timeframe) but she doesn't see a long lasting future based on my ex current thought process - could change though - i would give her 8/10 

« Last Edit: August 07, 2018, 09:14:46 AM by Lady_C »

Offline bee.23

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Re: Okay, Let's figure this out once and for all:- Which One?
« Reply #22 on: February 29, 2020, 04:48:38 AM »
To be very frank none of the listed ones ever were useful or accurate enough to mention here as per my experience. I think Kisha is good but for me only her random numbers have worked not the other description most part. But her numbers have been spot on but the reason I called her or have been calling it’s pred are still PENDING.

Worst: Cookie, steered me wrong pretty well. She made me frurstrated said I won’t get pregnant on my own and not that year..... I will have to go to doctor to get some meds and then I will get pregnant Wrong.... I got pregnant 3 months later on my own....
joe predictions wrong too

Did you speak to anyone who was accurate on pregnancy predictions for you during this time?

Offline QueensLadyinNYC

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Re: Okay, Let's figure this out once and for all:- Which One?
« Reply #23 on: August 17, 2020, 03:38:45 PM »
I read with:

- QoCs18
- MissAnn
- TarotByPenelope

About the same issues, they all picked up the same details for past & present, they also have similar predictions for future though no real time frames provided.

- Rekha --- Didn't work for me, she asked too many questions & her reading just echoed what I said so I ended the chat.

- Spiritualist Reader (Cookie) --- I'm still in her waitinglist (#29).

Offline maggie214

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Re: Okay, Let's figure this out once and for all:- Which One?
« Reply #24 on: August 26, 2020, 03:18:44 AM »
Maybe it’s me, but several of these have been wrong for me many times - Queen of Cups, Lady P, Cookie, Rachel Marie was so wrong I confirmed a few hours later.  All my issues are career related so easy to confirm.

I have 2 kids - youngest is 8 and there was a psychic named Aurora who accurately predicted the month for each I got preggo.  First one took 6-7 months of trying and second i had a chemical pregnancy and then got pregnant with my son very next month.  We read so much and became friends that she kind of lost her ability to read me.  But she nailed that issue for sure.

Offline CancerBumble

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Re: Okay, Let's figure this out once and for all:- Which One?
« Reply #25 on: August 26, 2020, 03:00:43 PM »
Maybe it’s me, but several of these have been wrong for me many times - Queen of Cups, Lady P, Cookie, Rachel Marie was so wrong I confirmed a few hours later.  All my issues are career related so easy to confirm.

I have 2 kids - youngest is 8 and there was a psychic named Aurora who accurately predicted the month for each I got preggo.  First one took 6-7 months of trying and second i had a chemical pregnancy and then got pregnant with my son very next month.  We read so much and became friends that she kind of lost her ability to read me.  But she nailed that issue for sure.

Does she have a website?

Offline maggie214

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Re: Okay, Let's figure this out once and for all:- Which One?
« Reply #26 on: September 12, 2020, 05:06:36 AM »
Sorry, I am rarely on here.  I can ask her if she has a site.  She was on Keen but I just have done phone readings with her (I have personal contact info).  I hope she works for someone else now - it was weird how accuracy got worse as we got to know one another more.

Offline britbrat

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Re: Okay, Let's figure this out once and for all:- Which One?
« Reply #27 on: September 12, 2020, 05:14:19 AM »
Aurora doesn’t have her own site anymore. She did for awhile. There is an old thread here on her. If I can recall the name she went by I will search for it.

Offline maggie214

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Re: Okay, Let's figure this out once and for all:- Which One?
« Reply #28 on: September 14, 2020, 07:52:20 PM »
Her name the word light in it.  She was good for me for a while, but lost the ability to read for me.  I think a lot had that issue.  I would not call her again.  She did predict both pregnancies for me and was right randomly though.  I read with her maybe a year ago while I was waiting on some career news and confirmed she was wrong hours later, so that sucked.

Offline court1130

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Re: Okay, Let's figure this out once and for all:- Which One?
« Reply #29 on: October 11, 2020, 03:02:14 AM »
Sorry, I am rarely on here.  I can ask her if she has a site.  She was on Keen but I just have done phone readings with her (I have personal contact info).  I hope she works for someone else now - it was weird how accuracy got worse as we got to know one another more.

I've actually seen several people say similar things after reading with someone for an extended period of time. Not sure why, but the more you read with someone, the less accurate they become. Seems to be pretty common and a large reason for why I don't read with people more than once or twice lol.

