Author Topic: Clarissa Vs. Jozette  (Read 9257 times)


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Clarissa Vs. Jozette
« on: June 10, 2018, 08:45:08 PM »
Anyone read with BOTH? If so,which do you prefer? I've read with Jozette in the past and read with Clarissa in the recent past. Both predictions/readings were somewhat opposite. While Jozette was incorrect about a third-party, she nailed some of the present. Her prediction saw a positive ending for me and a new guy that I had started talking to a some time ago (should I choose to continue with him), but also saw a positive ending with POI should I choose that path (although it would be difficult path to get to that point and who's to say it would be bliss...her words).

Clarissa said new guy was NOT on my life path and that he wouldn't be around much longer, but saw POI as my life partner...not sure what to think, honestly. Obviously, going to just take it day by day...but curious as to thoughts.

FYI, POI = ex boyfriend. New guy is just that...a new guy I've been talking to/dating for a bit now.

Offline ahenry004

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Re: Clarissa Vs. Jozette
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2018, 03:52:05 PM »
Hello, I have read with both. i ve read with Clarissa and she knew everything about the past and present. her predictions, long term I knew were not true and turned out to be false. Ive read with Jozette and she was correct about a third-party for me even though i did not believe it. i notice that when I am in a really bad mood, Jozettes reading are off for me. For the most part shes been accurate, more accurate than Clarissa for me. I don't read with Clarissa anymore because i this shes good with the present, but not with the future.

Offline lstar

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Re: Clarissa Vs. Jozette
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2018, 04:08:32 PM »
Both of them gave me the same prediction which turned out to be right but Christina these days i find her to be very vague ive read with Christina many times and she’s never been wrong.
I decided to give Jozette a try recently and she gave many predictions which i thought was a lot of crap but she actually turned out to be right which was insane she saw things not working out with my new guy and saw someone that I’m close to having a serious health issue in the next 3-6 months which i thought was a strange and weird prediction because it was completely off topic but not even a month later my mom got diagnosed with a health condition, she made a lot of other predictions for me which turned out to be true as well
so depending if you want straight to the chase i would say Christina but if you want an in depth reading I would say jozette

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Re: Clarissa Vs. Jozette
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2019, 02:47:16 PM »
I have read with both Clarissa and Jozette. I've also read with several of the other readers on that network. I have to say that Clarissa and Jozette are the best that network has. Clarissa connected with me really well and her predictions have come to pass, much to my surprise. I found her to be accurate. Jozette does this interesting "remote viewing" thing where she can see what someone is doing right at the moment. It's kind of like psychic spying. I guess with that you can't ever be sure it it's accurate but it's fun to do. Jozette didn't really give me predictions as much as she did advice. I liked both readers, really.

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Re: Clarissa Vs. Jozette
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2019, 04:46:13 AM »
Anybody else read with them and predictions didn't come to pass? They were both very negative for me :(