These fortune tellers are so hit and more miss. I get sucked in with them telling me good things and then when it’s time for prediction to come true and it doesnt it’s because my energy was bad kr because the other person was going though a bad patch or Mercury retrograde etc etc. I have been cutting down on readers lately after spending crazy money getting updates and reassurance especially when I get a reading that is not what I want to hear.
Anyway enough is enough!
So here it’s is -
Keen psychics-
Advisor Sissie - predictions changed from feb- March-April -May and so on and she told no definitely not to be told yes that would happen in the space of a week. Nice lady but no predictions came through for me.
Psychic Malkahsee- full of hope and encouragement and i loved it but again nothing and dates kept changing.
Gabriel the Angel - not one thing he said over months came to fruition!
Prophet rose - dates and time frames have changed 3x now!
Bishop7- nothing came good and he kept saying give it another week give it time etc.
There are a couple on keen that I’m still in touch with - Jennifer Moran, Angelbaby, Pomba and love readings by Jasmine.
Seriously though everyone I’m in touch with is on their last chances with me. My hopes have been shattered time and time again with false prophecies.
Twin feathers in Australia - says one thing one reading and then another thing in a different reading. Only one prediction came true out of many.
Then of course why does on psychic say - yes you will marry and the next says oh no you won’t even date I don’t get why there is so much difference in reading depending on reader.
This is my vent and please stop believing everything you hear coz my meticulous records show very hits 10-20% and 80% inaccuracy.
The only reason I’m still talking with a few is because some predictions are still to come so I thought the benefit of the doubt is fair just in case one of them is actually correct.
Strangely all the psychics I’ve listed get great feedback on keen and their websites. Either people are reveiwing excitedly like I did when I heard good news or I’m just unlucky and these guys are all having their predictions come good. All comments welcome.