Bumping this up because even though I really feel done with readings (I think I hope!!) - I lost my wallet today and was beside myself spending hours looking for it. I knew it was in the house because I hadn’t left since I used it. But of course I would lose it on the day I decided to do mass clothing overhaul and sorting and organizing. So finally, desperate, I decided to give Gail a call.
She first told me she was seeing a green cloth and like a green bag. She described the color to me and I told her I had a green pea coat that color that was in a closet. Then she said okay, was the bag in the same place as the coat? Yes. Okay ... I’m seeing like a navy blue or dark blue dress - like formal wear?? I said yep, the coat wasn’t in a coat closet it was in my bedroom closet with my dresses. Then I told her I had moved the coat because I put it in a bag to be donated. She told me first to look through the bag carefully. Then she said, but I’m seeing something that almost looks wicker. Or ... it’s light colored and some kind of wicker or something. I can’t tell what I’m seeing.
So then I pretty much had to end the call.
Turned out the wallet was behind my light colored cat tree - which has parts on it I could easily see someone confusing as like- wicker - you know all the scratchy post frayed stuff that is on cat trees? There’s a lot of that on it. And the wallet was in a space behind it. And the green pea coat was in a bag that was next to the cat tree.
So even though her description didn’t help me go right to the item exactly - what she saw definitely made sense to me as to where it was abd I did find it! I also said the St Anthony prayer several times so that might have helped too