Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Storefront Psychics & Online Services

BITWINE Lolita - Archangel Raphael

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--- Quote from: journalmuse on April 27, 2018, 04:43:48 PM ---
I did and found her reading quite confusing. It went something like this:

Will X happen?
"I don't see it happening that way. Maybe it's too early to tell, I don't see it happening right now."

??? what does that even mean. I'm asking about the future, not right now. You don't see it in the future right now but maybe it's too early to tell? I mean does that mean she doesn't see that far out? It was just very confusing.

--- End quote ---

I'd take that as a soft no.

Sure. But I’m not there for a soft anything. Be definitive or go do something else for money.


--- Quote from: journalmuse on April 28, 2018, 12:36:29 AM ---Sure. But I’m not there for a soft anything. Be definitive or go do something else for money.

--- End quote ---


Called exact date for new job. Relationship stuff pending.

Extremely turned off by her statement that her readings are "more than 99% accurate".

Texmex - could it be a lucky guess with the job?


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