Author Topic: My experience with online Psychics  (Read 2682 times)

Offline Seeker23

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My experience with online Psychics
« on: July 17, 2018, 07:59:22 AM »
I sought out Psychics after my boyfriend, that profess to be in love with me and crazy about me, went to date an ex wife from 20 years ago, that divorce him and has been married and divorced twice after that, who is now getting another divorce from the father of her children.

My heart was in disrepair, my focus was not there with the news. I felt immense hurt, anger, frustration, betrayal, and felt like I was being played and how mean of him to do this to me.

Through my emotional struggle. I sought out peace of mind, knowledge, comfort, and wanted to know who, what caused this and which side is to be held accountable.

This all lead me to go to bitwine. I search through trying to read reviews and to find the best. I stumble upon one that charged $89.00 with unbelievable reviews, that I was skeptical of.

Her reading I, feel might of just been cold reading as I gave her one piece of information I shouldn't of and she seemed to "play" on that statements. When I said he went to this ex, after telling me he is crazy about me. She/he made statement, " I see dear, he is really in love with you and there is long term future for both of you, that is why I see there is love energy for both of you, that's why I see there strong connection between both of you." "You are the one for him in this whole world, you can trust him, I see he has very deep feelings for you and he has trust intentions to live with you."  And proceeded to go one this way until it changed to this, "Dear, I see she also losing interest in him as he started to give distance and he will soon tell her that he loves you, so he will be staying away, too.

She gave me a "predictions" that in two months he would contact and respond. 

Of course, my statement is something she probably read away with. She did hit one thing that was true, "he has true intentions to live with me". He was telling people in six months he was moving in with me and started planning our future together, he told people he really wanted things to work out. But then, according to one psychic, his ex going through a divorce made a call to him. Next a bomb was dropped on me.

The other four psychics I received readings from told me consistently, that is ex was manipulating him, using him as a rebound/ back up. Of course that can be easily assumed and read because she is an ex of his going through something else.

The majority gave me a timeline of 2-3 months consistent with the others. With one starting 4-5 months this ex of his will go permantely away. They repeatedly said their relationship is short term and not long term. He will he reaching out to me. I was told to wait and that the relationship has great potential. He will come hack changes. I heard everything from that we will marry from the first.

He is hurting without me, he misses, he still cares, etc. He is not intentionally ignoring me. I doubt that.

After he started to see her all communication was cut off.

I tried to do things to maintain my focus, positivity and on my job. Because of everything that happen, hurt, pain, a man that did not seem to care that he was being a jerk, lost of an uncle I encountered difficulty doing my job. The embarrassment of what happen had an affect, too.

I ended up losing that job, but it was not my fault it turned out.  More stress came.

I never confronted him, I just distanced myself. I struggled sometimes when reality kicked in that he was with her. I would come home crying, contacting a friend and telling them I am hurting so badly now. I would come home from work have two glasses of wine, sent an angry text to him, "I wish you and the ex nothing good." And then just fall a sleep. I wish he could of felt my pain and what this was doing to me.

It has now been 3 months since my first Psychic reading. Nothing happen as predicted. In fact, I was told by one that knew him and I mutually about a month ago, that is his "fully with her". Took a week off of work to be with her. They went on 2-3 dates to being "fully" together.

After hearing this, I contacted the one psychic and confronted. I ended up calling them a fraud.

I kept on hearing from all, "it is not going to last." But for some reason it gets more and more serious with her.

Finally, after silence l, for months at 5 am in the morning while sitting in my living room alone thinking. All of a sudden I felt it was time to "confront". So, I sent a text and saw it was blocked. You can tell if you get "status 6685" when you check status.

So, I decided to go to facebook. I got an error message. Then my messages were blocked and never read. He did not blocked me from seeing his profile, etc. Just from sending messages.

I wrote out my confrontation and taped it to his door for all to see and without embarrassment. No envelope. It is not known if he just ripped it down and threw it out since he is ignoring me because of her and her requests.

In my confrontation. I asked him why the difference in treatment, he never did anything with me and to do something was like pulling teeth or he would embarrass me purposely when out. He was mean towards me, but people said treating her better. It did not seem fair.

I recieved a very short reading telling me, he will not be coming back, this woman is promising him the world, he does not have any heart for me anymore..

I did not give that psychic any of my information to even given a reading.

But it could be true. After all, he could be looking at the money and assets that will he divided up in her divorce and figure he will have access to all that and stay for the money.

It has been such a challenging time.

I do have my own intuition telling me something now.

« Last Edit: July 17, 2018, 08:05:59 AM by Seeker23 »

Offline Natashanyc

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Re: My experience with online Psychics
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2018, 08:47:22 AM »
Sorry if going thru a trouble time right now ..take it day by day and dont waste money on these frauds. Pray for strength and a new begining

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Re: My experience with online Psychics
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2018, 10:43:50 AM »
There are no such thing as psychic these people just prayed on the weak.

Offline Seeker23

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Re: My experience with online Psychics
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2018, 10:57:05 AM »
I am starting to feel that way. I, guess, the only positive is, it gave me some sense of peace to think maybe things will be better with him.

I was struggling with feelings. I found out I had more feelings when I distanced myself and felt my heart break even more.  I cry every now and then.  When you feel some sort of love, it pains you when the person is officially gone from your life.

My heart broke more and more. I felt a piece of my puzzle was stolen from me.

Offline Natashanyc

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Re: My experience with online Psychics
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2018, 12:04:18 PM »
I am starting to feel that way. I, guess, the only positive is, it gave me some sense of peace to think maybe things will be better with him.

I was struggling with feelings. I found out I had more feelings when I distanced myself and felt my heart break even more.  I cry every now and then.  When you feel some sort of love, it pains you when the person is officially gone from your life.

My heart broke more and more. I felt a piece of my puzzle was stolen from me.

Trust me im going thru this now after i walked away from my relationship after bad news and its still very recent and i still feel broken like a rug was pulled from under me but i know that  i cant continue to be lied to by these psychics even tho my heart wants closure. Im human and im takin my own advice at this time as well when i tell u that u will get passed this. Feel free to pm me anytime u think u are overwhelmed. Lately i have been taken time to keep busy and out the house where i over think the most. My friends have been supportive and i still catch myself slippping to be depressed but i wont let this overcome me. I have to keep going and mend my self back to normal. I hope u can too

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Re: My experience with online Psychics
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2018, 12:14:02 PM »
Thank you for sharing this story, while not exactly the same there are elements that I can relate too.
It may not seem like it but each day week month will get better and better. Forgive, keep busy, channel your energy into good things. It’s easier said than done but it can be done. I’m finding it a huge challenge and I still call psychics weekly so it’s a work in progress. Just know that you are not alone in this. Sending love and light to you.

Offline Seeker23

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Re: My experience with online Psychics
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2018, 05:02:15 AM »
Thank you for the responses!

Hard to deal with what these psychics tell you and then to deal with what is happening around you and the obvious that the person does not care about you anymore.

I do not know what they have to achieve by lying to a person. I am more inclined to stay away from and think they are a fraud when what they purport does not happen or is seen.

Offline Seeker23

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Re: My experience with online Psychics
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2018, 05:30:59 AM »
Each day has not been to kind to me.  I keep on wanting to hear that phone call or knock at the door and an apology that two psychic told me he would do. When people look at me they describe me as looking sad and preoccupied. (My thought have been of him and the way he had made me feel.)

A lady asked me today if I was ok. Because it looked like I was crying. Again, I wish he could walk a day in my shoes and feel what I feel. But never will happen.

I try to knock myself out of being depressed.

The weirdest thing I am going to share and there are many conclusions that I can come to, as to why it happen, but it never happen with anyone else I was with.

When the two of us got involved and reached that point where I stayed by him.

I would come home, sleep in my own bed alone, but would wake up feeling out of place. I woke up once thinking I was at his place, then another half a sleep wondering where he was. I woke up a third time feeling I should be with him, in his place and needed him and felt out of place.

I literally never had that happen before with anyone. Nor that feeling. It was the strangest thing, but subsided.

He often spoke of dreams he had when we talked. I do not put much weight on it, because the dreams were in relation to what we talked about. Like one he had where he said, "I dreamt we were living in a condo together with three Weiner dogs."

Just things that was discussed came up in his dreams. I am sure that had drifted off to the one he is with now.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2018, 05:49:23 AM by Seeker23 »

Offline Seeker23

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Re: My experience with online Psychics
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2018, 05:41:41 AM »
As I stated above, my intuition the last couple of weeks had been alerting me of something. My senses just seem to point to him "being gone." A psychic long ago told me not to feel that way.

I no longer have any control of the matter. I went for a ride one night and just had this calmness come over me and then a moment just sitting at a stop light I just muttered he is gone.Meaning,  I am not a thought in his mind anymore. Not a care and he lost in whatever with the woman he is with now until that doesn't work.