are you kidding me? Not that I can't afford this rates but if what she says is not 100%, forget it, she charges more than what Bill gate will make an hour , some of these readers have the nerves
A one on one session with Esme in person in her comfortable downtown Nashville office.
55 minutes @ $1800.00
An in-office session for partners.
55 minutes @ $3200.00
A one hour private telephone consult with Esme.
55 minutes @ $800.00
Well, she's based herself in Nashville and from the verbiage on her site, it seems she's feeding on the music industry for customers. Who else in Nashville that kind of money and security personnel
? She obviously doesn't want to cater to regular folk. Also, the 55 minute hour thing is reminiscent of the 50 minute hour that psychologists use, where they use the last ten minutes to document the session. Guess she only needs 5 since she says she doesn't keep notes on your reading. I dunno. I'm kind of put off by her taking herself a little too seriously.