Author Topic: Outcomes?  (Read 9403 times)

Offline sawthelight

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« on: April 20, 2018, 03:58:02 PM »
I'm curious as to other's thoughts on this.  Do you prefer a reading give you a solid YES THIS WILL HAPPEN, or a more general possibility scenario.

I used to think the future was set in, after going through my whole ordeal with readings, I'm not sure. 

I really do believe in psychic ability, and I actually now kind of appreciate when a reader will say, it's a possibility, or likely, but not set in stone, because I don't truly think anything is set in stone.  Kind of accounts for the lack of the happily ever after outcomes that we see on here.  So few real big picture predictions coming to pass.

I think readings can be damaging that make us believe that it will happen, NO MATTER WHAT.  Before I really got into readings, I would just date and let things play out as they were meant to, or go with the flow more.  Once I started with the readings, I was so glued to the outcome that I lost sight of all the in between stuff.  Basically, I felt I stopped functioning the way I was meant to, or better put, in more of a healthy way.

Hope this makes sense, and of course, it's JMO... :D

Offline journalmuse

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Re: Outcomes?
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2018, 04:34:12 PM »
I'm curious as to other's thoughts on this.  Do you prefer a reading give you a solid YES THIS WILL HAPPEN, or a more general possibility scenario.

I understand where you're coming from, but personally, I call because I'm looking for certainty. Someone telling me that something is possible isn't helpful for me, because in life, virtually anything is possible at any moment.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Outcomes?
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2018, 04:40:17 PM »
I hear you...I was, as well.  I just don't think they can predict with certainty....unfortunately.


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Re: Outcomes?
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2018, 05:16:49 PM »
I'm curious as to other's thoughts on this.  Do you prefer a reading give you a solid YES THIS WILL HAPPEN, or a more general possibility scenario.

I understand where you're coming from, but personally, I call because I'm looking for certainty. Someone telling me that something is possible isn't helpful for me, because in life, virtually anything is possible at any moment.

Agreed. No point in calling psychics if they can't tell the future in my opinion. Anyone can tell me "you may do this", or "this may happen", hell, you can even tell me that I MAY win the lottery and you'd be right.

Some people call for "advice" but in my opinion you can get these advice for free on Youtube. What have they told you that you havent heard of before? Love yourself, take care of yourself, don't chase the guys, let him come to you, journal your feelings....*yawns*

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Outcomes?
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2018, 05:24:37 PM »
I think it makes the most sense to call for a general "feel" of a situation, but not to bank on outcomes so much.  At least, that is the route I'm taking.

Offline doubleoh8

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Re: Outcomes?
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2018, 04:58:50 AM »
@still tired these are all great points and I agree. I think we can really get confused if we rely too much on psychics for outcomes. It only leads to expectations and -- even IF the outcomes are likely -- we don't know all the nuances that are meant to get us there.

I had an interesting experience the other night. I went to see a fellow name Manuel Matas read from his book, which is called "the Borders of Normal". The author is a psychologist and he wrote the book in an attempt to demystify the paranormal (e.g. psychic experiences, near-death, apparitions, etc). Anyway, in the Q&A, a young man asked some questions about a woman who he had an on-off relationship with and about whom he'd been dreaming -- over and over. He wanted to know if the author thought the dreams were some kind of premonition or sign that they were meant to be together. He said a psychic had told him she was his twin flame.

Another man in the audience, who also identified himself as a psychic from a family of psychics, spoke up in response, basically saying that the future is NOT set in stone and free will is always involved. He said if any psychic told the young guy he was for sure going to be with the woman, that was misleading. He said that the dreams were showing the young man possible outcomes, and that at the time of dreaming those outcomes were likely... but that the future can shift and change, depending on what both parties choose or believe. I am paraphrasing, but that was the gist of it and it was interesting to hear it from someone who said he was a psychic himself.

Offline whit777

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Re: Outcomes?
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2018, 07:37:52 AM »
Something I heard from a reader about timing (or at least how she sees timing and predictions) is it's like predicting the weather. The closer in it is, the more easily you can make a sure prediction. If it's raining right now, you know in 5 minutes it will probably still be raining and you know for sure that the sun won't be out. A meteorologist could predict the rest of the week which is similar to a psychic's ability, and say these are the weather patterns moving in. But by the time they get to the 10 day forecast, it's more likely that the weather will be "similar" but not necessarily what was predicted. It can also be compared with things that are really far one way or the other. If it's 100 degrees today, the meteorologist knows it won't snow this month. Extremes are predicted more easily. Same with psychics (according to this analogy). If your POI was with you and you two broke up and now he's with someone else and they're getting married next month, it would be like snow in the late Spring for him to come back to you. It's maybe happened once before and it's "possible", but it's pretty easy to predict that it won't. So all these psychics predicting a POI coming back in this situation probably aren't actually seeing it happen. The benefit of the doubt might be that they misinterpreted something in the reading. But we believe it because we feel in our gut that we're meant to be together but think about how much the "weather" would have to turn in order for that to happen. There are too many things against someone in that situation and overcoming just one of them would be improbable.

There are other options for calling psychics besides advice and predictions, BTW. I mostly call now to find out what's going on right now and then I decide what to do. Using the weather analogy, that weather is accurate provided you stay in the same city it was predicted for. If you move 2000 miles away, you need a new weather report. Even in the same state, it'll be different. So when I've gotten predictions in the past, I hear them and I know without a doubt that I do something different or don't do something that was part of the plan. So I don't even want to hear the outcome. I'll still end up changing the flow of things because of whatever decisions I make based on what the psychic says is happening right now but at least I'm still playing my game of life. I think the biggest thing that I screw up is if I hear something will work out alright, I calm down and stop focusing on it when the reason for it being alright was the fact that I was in a frenzy about it and ended up sending a bold email or doing something based on the way I'm feeling. If I feel I need to pull an all nighter to finish a work project, hearing that they'll love my project will cause me to not pull that all nighter. But if I'm stressed about it, my fear will keep me awake lol. I'm just saying why I personally call psychics and that works out much better for me because then I can throw predictions out the window. Then I can call a good empath or something and not discount them because they're not good with predictions.

Offline maroonlight

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Re: Outcomes?
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2018, 10:45:06 AM »
If I'm paying a reader, then I want to know the outcome, or at least because life is not set in stone, the most LIKELY outcome. Anything is possible, I already know that, so I don't need to pay someone else to tell me the same thing. I do think it's a red flag when readers claim that they only answer specific questions and don't do general readings, or that they can only see 3 months out into the future. Anyone who was truly gifted would have the ability to see beyond that.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Outcomes?
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2018, 02:29:36 PM »
Great posts everyone...appreciate hearing different perspectives.

Offline Newlife

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Re: Outcomes?
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2018, 02:47:31 PM »
Completely agree with you!!! If you can see the "future" I mean the future, regardless of any choice I make, you should see it. For example, I had something to do that required an appointment and payment in advance , I had already booked and paid for that appointment  but I didn't like the person's attitude, it was show up or lose it kinda  of deal, a good reader should be able to tell me what action I will take, in the end after wavering for a while, I let the money go and went somewhere else. Seeing the future should mean end result not the in between decision .

I believe in free will...although I think most of the time it's not as "free" as we would like to believe it is, and I believe there are multiple possible outcomes and timelines depending on what we choose...but ultimately, there is only one course that our choices will actually take us down and will be manifested. A genuinely gifted psychic can see what course things will take and they can see what the outcome will be. I just don't believe many of them are really gifted that way and most of the time we are not meant to know anyway because it would affect our decisions.

From a certain perspective, all time is simultneous and it is all happening now. The universe has already recorded what we choose and it plays like a giant bluray disc. Free will is not so much what you think you want to do in the moment you make a decision, it is a deeper drive that builds on itself by the accumulation of experience. Outcomes do not totally change around just because a bit of time passes or we made a few decisions. What changes is the energy fields that convey information about our thoughts, feelings, and intentions. Psychics can read that energy and make predictions, and sometimes they may be right, or very close at least, but if they are basing it on changing energies it is not a reliable prediction. There is a higher layer of information that is unchanging and eternal.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Outcomes?
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2018, 04:46:18 PM »
Gotta be careful with the "general ones" too, unless they can tell you very specific things with no prompting. Some of them will give you bits of pieces and then fish for info. They can say "Are you calling about a relationship?", you'll say "yes", then they'll say "Why do I see two men around you?", and if you say "there is only one", then they'll say "okay well you have someone else coming in".
This isn't always true. I've had general readings where the reader was very specific. My question was along the lines of what is coming up in a number of months. It was a recorded reading. She sent back an MP3, so she couldn't ask any leading questions.

Why do clients answer the questions anyway? I've never understood this. I always say I don't know, what do you see. I'm not paying a reader to do their job for them. If they can't see any specifics and give general blah blah info, I know they are full of it. So many people talk about how complicated their relationships are so they have to give background information. Anytime they say this, I know their reading is going to be crap because they ultimately end up doing all the talking. Everyone's relationship is complicated, and to act like theirs is the only complicated one on the planet is just plan ridiculous.

Offline maroonlight

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Re: Outcomes?
« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2018, 09:09:04 PM »
If I'm paying a reader, then I want to know the outcome, or at least because life is not set in stone, the most LIKELY outcome. Anything is possible, I already know that, so I don't need to pay someone else to tell me the same thing. I do think it's a red flag when readers claim that they only answer specific questions and don't do general readings, or that they can only see 3 months out into the future. Anyone who was truly gifted would have the ability to see beyond that.

Gotta be careful with the "general ones" too, unless they can tell you very specific things with no prompting. Some of them will give you bits of pieces and then fish for info. They can say "Are you calling about a relationship?", you'll say "yes", then they'll say "Why do I see two men around you?", and if you say "there is only one", then they'll say "okay well you have someone else coming in".

I had someone on CP ask me if I was calling about a relationship, I said no I was calling about work, then she told me "well work is a relationship too because you have a relationship with your co-workers and boss" LOL!!!!

Ever notice how readers will ask prompting questions like "why am I seeing this?" "whats the significance of this?" or "I am seeing this, does it mean anything to you?" IF they are off, then they'll just say its going to make sense later or its going to happen later. I used to think that its because they can't always interpret what they see, but now I know its actually a cold-reading technique. Also, why would you be a professional reader charging people hundreds of dollars for a reading when you can't even interpret what you're seeing?

I've never asked for a general reading. I know people say that for whatever reason the readers are more accurate about love if you don't ask about love and ask for a general reading instead. To me that really just makes no sense at all. If they are truly psychic, they should be able to see regardless of how I word it.

That is hilarious that that reader actually said that to you. I'd said probably 95% of calls are relationship geared so I've also had some readers say to me "I see you have someone on your mind." And that is a great point you made - They ask prompting questions in a really tricky way, and if you say no to something, they find a way to "fit" the what you said no to in the reading in a different way. This is why so many readers seemingly nail past and present events but can't get one prediction correct. Great cold reading techniques.

Offline Newlife

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Re: Outcomes?
« Reply #12 on: April 21, 2018, 10:22:25 PM »
Reason why a general reading is better regardless of love or career or what not, is that when you ask a specific question, readers try to filter and get you answers; in doing so , some of the messages are mistranslated and also to avoid readers adding their opinion. I once asked a reader for a general reading and everything was going great until I asked specifically about my boyfriend, at the time we were seeing each other causally, unfortunately she thought someone new was coming in and described the same person as my now bf to me with specific details that won't apply to most, the new person she saw was the same guy I asked her about; I called her out on it .Her explanation was that sometimes they as readers unintentionally add their own opinions base on some of the past and it muddle up the reading. Since then I really stopped get specific questions.

If I'm paying a reader, then I want to know the outcome, or at least because life is not set in stone, the most LIKELY outcome. Anything is possible, I already know that, so I don't need to pay someone else to tell me the same thing. I do think it's a red flag when readers claim that they only answer specific questions and don't do general readings, or that they can only see 3 months out into the future. Anyone who was truly gifted would have the ability to see beyond that.

Gotta be careful with the "general ones" too, unless they can tell you very specific things with no prompting. Some of them will give you bits of pieces and then fish for info. They can say "Are you calling about a relationship?", you'll say "yes", then they'll say "Why do I see two men around you?", and if you say "there is only one", then they'll say "okay well you have someone else coming in".

I had someone on CP ask me if I was calling about a relationship, I said no I was calling about work, then she told me "well work is a relationship too because you have a relationship with your co-workers and boss" LOL!!!!

Ever notice how readers will ask prompting questions like "why am I seeing this?" "whats the significance of this?" or "I am seeing this, does it mean anything to you?" IF they are off, then they'll just say its going to make sense later or its going to happen later. I used to think that its because they can't always interpret what they see, but now I know its actually a cold-reading technique. Also, why would you be a professional reader charging people hundreds of dollars for a reading when you can't even interpret what you're seeing?

I've never asked for a general reading. I know people say that for whatever reason the readers are more accurate about love if you don't ask about love and ask for a general reading instead. To me that really just makes no sense at all. If they are truly psychic, they should be able to see regardless of how I word it.

That is hilarious that that reader actually said that to you. I'd said probably 95% of calls are relationship geared so I've also had some readers say to me "I see you have someone on your mind." And that is a great point you made - They ask prompting questions in a really tricky way, and if you say no to something, they find a way to "fit" the what you said no to in the reading in a different way. This is why so many readers seemingly nail past and present events but can't get one prediction correct. Great cold reading techniques.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Outcomes?
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2018, 01:59:12 AM »
I've never asked for a general reading. I know people say that for whatever reason the readers are more accurate about love if you don't ask about love and ask for a general reading instead. To me that really just makes no sense at all. If they are truly psychic, they should be able to see regardless of how I word it.

So we wish since we're paying them, but many readers take your question and feed you shit based on what you ask about. If they are any good, they would pick up any significant relationship in a general read, and once this is established, then ask questions. At that point, it wouldn't be based on what you asked, but what they already picked up on.

The energy readers use to do readings is kind of tricky. It's almost like they have to go to another part of their brain, or another space within the same space. It's very draining and tiring, as I've been told, so readers fill in stuff....lots of stuff and make shit up and add an opinion here or there, and just mess up the reading, although they may have originally picked up on some fairly good stuff in the beginning.

Offline Bostongirl

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Re: Outcomes?
« Reply #14 on: April 22, 2018, 02:11:36 AM »
Yep, probably true. That is why so many readings are wrong and nothing happens.