I'm curious as to other's thoughts on this. Do you prefer a reading give you a solid YES THIS WILL HAPPEN, or a more general possibility scenario.
I used to think the future was set in stone...now, after going through my whole ordeal with readings, I'm not sure.
I really do believe in psychic ability, and I actually now kind of appreciate when a reader will say, it's a possibility, or likely, but not set in stone, because I don't truly think anything is set in stone. Kind of accounts for the lack of the happily ever after outcomes that we see on here. So few real big picture predictions coming to pass.
I think readings can be damaging that make us believe that it will happen, NO MATTER WHAT. Before I really got into readings, I would just date and let things play out as they were meant to, or go with the flow more. Once I started with the readings, I was so glued to the outcome that I lost sight of all the in between stuff. Basically, I felt I stopped functioning the way I was meant to, or better put, in more of a healthy way.
Hope this makes sense, and of course, it's JMO...