Author Topic: Outcomes?  (Read 9402 times)

Offline bstalling

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Re: Outcomes?
« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2018, 03:16:35 AM »
The primary problem is unskilled readers, IMO. There are just too many of them. I've had predictions happen, and yes even for things I could "free will away".

I think most things in life are certain, but readers just don't always know or see it. They guess, or see a small part of the big picture, or mis-translate, see years down ahead, or lie. And even the semi-skilled ones are not at all consistent. No wonder the accuracy rate of most readers on here suck.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Outcomes?
« Reply #16 on: April 22, 2018, 06:19:18 PM »
The energy readers use to do readings is kind of tricky. It's almost like they have to go to another part of their brain, or another space within the same space. It's very draining and tiring, as I've been told, so readers fill in stuff....lots of stuff and make shit up and add an opinion here or there, and just mess up the reading, although they may have originally picked up on some fairly good stuff in the beginning.

Part of it is just how the human mind works, when there is missing or hazy information, the mind wants to fill that in as soon as possible and it will tend to jump to the most likely assumption. I think most of the time, they are not doing it on purpose, but they just haven't trained themselves to remain open.

For me it is not draining at all to receive psychic information, but it is draining to try to articulate it. It's like it comes from a different place than the verbal part of the brain, something that is pre-verbal or sub-verbal, more sounds and images or just a knowing. When I try to translate it into words, I have to tap back into the verbal part of my brain and that is where the problems start. It's like the verbal part has my personal worldview and belief systems attached and it is very difficult to articulate the information without filtering it through those beliefs.

I feel like that is why psychics so often start putting in their own opinion or personal philosophy. The language we use is constructed around personal beliefs and it is kind of difficult to speak without using that as a structure. I believe deep trance channelers may be the only ones who can get around this consistently.

As much as I complain I understand how difficult it can be to do what they do. What I dislike is that they so often promise more than they can deliver, don't evaluate their own talents honestly and charge too much for what they deliver.

Excellent post tired

Offline bstalling

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Re: Outcomes?
« Reply #17 on: April 22, 2018, 10:31:13 PM »
The energy readers use to do readings is kind of tricky. It's almost like they have to go to another part of their brain, or another space within the same space. It's very draining and tiring, as I've been told, so readers fill in stuff....lots of stuff and make shit up and add an opinion here or there, and just mess up the reading, although they may have originally picked up on some fairly good stuff in the beginning.

Part of it is just how the human mind works, when there is missing or hazy information, the mind wants to fill that in as soon as possible and it will tend to jump to the most likely assumption. I think most of the time, they are not doing it on purpose, but they just haven't trained themselves to remain open.

For me it is not draining at all to receive psychic information, but it is draining to try to articulate it. It's like it comes from a different place than the verbal part of the brain, something that is pre-verbal or sub-verbal, more sounds and images or just a knowing. When I try to translate it into words, I have to tap back into the verbal part of my brain and that is where the problems start. It's like the verbal part has my personal worldview and belief systems attached and it is very difficult to articulate the information without filtering it through those beliefs.

I feel like that is why psychics so often start putting in their own opinion or personal philosophy. The language we use is constructed around personal beliefs and it is kind of difficult to speak without using that as a structure. I believe deep trance channelers may be the only ones who can get around this consistently.

As much as I complain I understand how difficult it can be to do what they do. What I dislike is that they so often promise more than they can deliver, don't evaluate their own talents honestly and charge too much for what they deliver.

Definitely agree with this. Its the thing so frustrating about them. I think the majority of complaints wouldnt exists if they were just more upfront about the value that they ultimately provide..and stop charging so much for it. And you are right, a lot of them don't honestly evaluate what their abilities explains why they get so defensive when we call them out about being wrong or unethical in some way.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Outcomes?
« Reply #18 on: April 23, 2018, 03:09:43 AM »
Definitely agree with this. Its the thing so frustrating about them. I think the majority of complaints wouldnt exists if they were just more upfront about the value that they ultimately provide..and stop charging so much for it. And you are right, a lot of them don't honestly evaluate what their abilities explains why they get so defensive when we call them out about being wrong or unethical in some way.

It explains why they started in on that bs about clients calling so much it muddles the predictions, free will, or the client's energy is blocking being receptive, or whatever else clinches they have been known to spout. They not only never train to be better at what they do (not all but most of the ones I've read with), they don't take criticism well at all. Why is it that I have to pay the same amount for their spot on reads as well as their off days? Are Refunds so far out of the question because it shows some admittance that they are wrong? They are in their brain - they are the first ones there. How is it they don't know when they are lying or filling in crap and yes, some are on purpose. The explanations sound sane, but doesn't explain (the how, the why) when they sure as hell know when they are filling in with their own crap. I mean come on...

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Outcomes?
« Reply #19 on: April 23, 2018, 01:13:01 PM »
The primary problem is unskilled readers, IMO. There are just too many of them. I've had predictions happen, and yes even for things I could "free will away".

I think most things in life are certain, but readers just don't always know or see it. They guess, or see a small part of the big picture, or mis-translate, see years down ahead, or lie. And even the semi-skilled ones are not at all consistent. No wonder the accuracy rate of most readers on here suck.

I so agree with this.  Unskilled readers who tend to just make stuff up, put their own opinions in, and overcharge to boot.  I always admired the ones who just say they are not connecting etc.

the true "outcome readers", well accurate ones, are probably like ten on this whole planet LOL.

That's why I say, it's just a waste of money most of the time (readings) because the majority of us are calling for outcomes and to find out what will happen in the future, huge things, not just oh will he call me in "2" days etc.  And they hardly ever get the big outcomes right.