Author Topic: Vhee  (Read 11345 times)

Offline illumine

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« on: July 11, 2011, 01:24:58 AM »
Who else here read with Vhee? I read with her last month and she was very quick, straightforward and her accuracy on some things were creepy. I told her my situation and she told me that I am in this predicament because I did it for the wrong reasons and she told me what they was crazy how true it was. I like her for how quick she is, no BS. And it seems like she doesn't even care that much for predictions as much as what you can do in the present moment to change the situation. I like that...of course predictions are good, if they come to pass anyway.

Any experiences with her?

Offline optx88

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Re: Vhee
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2011, 05:35:16 PM »
I just read with her yesterday.  I thought for some reason there were good things written about her on here...but I must have been thinking of someone else.

I did not like my reading with her.  I should have read with William.

She was a little too aggressive for my liking and her information was wrong.

I told her that I met up with my ex for dinner 2 weeks ago and was wondering what his thoughts were and where she saw this going...and she told me that he was undecided whether he wanted to give it another go with me and that is why he wanted to meet for dinner (i was the one that asked him) and he is still undecided.

I asked what is he "undecided" about...being in a relationship or being in a relationship with me? and she said me

I asked her "what is it about me that leaves him undecided?" and she said that he keeps thinking about all the drama that I brought to the relationship and breakup and the fact that I thought he was a failure and he is afraid that I will still look at him as a failure and always think of him as a failure.  She said that he keeps thinking that I will constantly bring up the past and all that happened and he doesn't want to deal with it.

She yelled at me when I disagreeed with her and told her that information wasn't correct at all.

I just spoke to him 2 weeks ago...and he made it perfectly clear it wasn't about me and that it was all about him...the breakup and even now.

There was not drama in our relationship and not even in the breakup.  It is not my personality to continuously bring up the past when I want to move forward...and I never saw him as a failure and nor do I see him as a failure now.  I always adored him and saw him as a motivator and he inspired me to do better and be better and he was very much aware of that.

I informed her of this and she yelled at me and said that I would hear from him within 4 to 8 days but that we will not be together and that everytime I think he is going to try I am going to be wrong because he will never go through with it.

I just feel that she was just really off with her information and again, way too aggressive.

Offline cocoapple

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Re: Vhee
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2011, 05:47:58 PM »
I'm sorry you had a bad experience there Greengrlx.  I never read with Vhee but i experienced the same type of 'treatment' from Venus when i heard so many good things about her on here.  Same thing happened to me, Venus was rude.  At first she was nice, told me he's coming around in a couple months but the most important thing is for me to focus on myself.  Then she mentioned he's talking to this woman, and older woman about me.  So i ask her who this person was, was is his mom just so i can validate her information.   But then she went off on me and said 'there will always be other women around but that's not the important thing here.  You need to work on yourself and you are wasting what god has given to you etc.' and i just sat there and listen and interrupted her saying 'i'm don't care about the woman, i just want to know if it's his mother ( i knew the answer already) and then she got impatient and let out a huge sigh and said i wasn't listening.  I had to hang up on her because she was so rude.  Maybe it's because the call wasn't control by her??  I don't know..but i definitely know how you feel. 

Offline optx88

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Re: Vhee
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2011, 06:05:36 PM »
Ugh...that sucks Coco.

I know that we call to hear the truth...but I think there are times when things need to be filtered.

Saying that he is talking to a girl is so random and they don't have enough information to women...when you say that to triggers the "over analyzer...omg! a girl? wtf?...crazy girl" part in our brain and we focus on that and it drives us nuts they should know better.

I have had some say that...and then later saying a sister or friend or mother...etc...well...why bring that up at all?  how is that relivant?

When I call Winter I get upset...she mentions a girl...then she tells me its nothing etc...why mention it?

When I had dinner with my ex 2 weeks ago...I found out that he hasn't dated in over a year.  October will be 2 years that we broke up...but I also found out that he hasn't been into it since we broke there was never anything serious or anything worth mentioning.

When I read with Seha and Nina and I had asked them...they told me exactly what my ex told me and they both basically said "he is a guy...he is not a saint...but there is nothing that was serious or that would pose a threat to the outcome so why talk about it ?"  I think its little things like this that makes a great reader.  Being mean and rude is more about the reader than the caller and that is just poor business manners.

I'm glad you hung up on her :D

Offline bluesgirl23

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Re: Vhee
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2011, 06:07:33 AM »
I find Vhee to be very harsh. But, I think she actually gets irritated that people are calling CP. She actually told me one time. "You need to calm down & stop calling crazy psychic black women." Really? Maybe she is trying to tell us something like we are wasting our money when it comes to most of them. I don't know. Just a thought.


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Honest Reviews
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2011, 06:36:39 AM »
Hi I am back.I just want to tell you all that I really enjoy this site and all the honest reviews by all the members.I deleted my account here because one of the readers who is also lot of your favorite here refuse to read for me after she read my reviews about her on this site.Somehow she figured out that it was me because the readers I mention here I also told her about them.However according to her someone on this site forwarded her all my posts and my info.Does that make any sense to you all? I never though of being stalked at least by a Anyways I wont mention her name because I still like her but very very disappointed in her behavior.So keep writhing how you feel because it's non of their dam business.
I was very saddened by her behavior.I hope she opens her heart as much as she claims that she is an empath.she obviously did not act like one in my matter.You all have to know one thing that most of these are only in this field to make$$$.To them it's just a business.By the way if her prediction unfold like she stated I will let you all know.Again I am not doubting her gift .I wish her all the best in her Psychic Business.!

Offline illumine

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Re: Vhee
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2011, 07:43:31 AM »
I find Vhee to be very harsh. But, I think she actually gets irritated that people are calling CP. She actually told me one time. "You need to calm down & stop calling crazy psychic black women." Really? Maybe she is trying to tell us something like we are wasting our money when it comes to most of them. I don't know. Just a thought.

--I think she strongly believes in taking control of your life---she's a life coach, too, right? Maybe by calling psychics she feels we are addicted to wanting to know XYZ instead of focusing on things in front of us that we can do to help achieve our desired outcome or another outcome. I agree she's very blunt. I'm afraid to call her again haha.

Offline illumine

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Re: Vhee
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2011, 08:27:24 AM »
However according to her someone on this site forwarded her all my posts and my info.Does that make any sense to you all?

Wow. that's crazy. did you call CP? This is a wake up call about all the personal details we may innocuously post here.


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Re: Vhee
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2011, 08:08:22 PM »
No dear..I can assure you  that it was no one from CP and even it was we have every right to speak our's our $$$ that puts meal on their tables so we have every right to voice our opinions.

Offline illumine

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Re: Vhee
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2011, 08:47:49 PM »
we definitely do have that right. i can never totally trust those testimonials anyway---especially on CP where you only get positive ones.

Offline bluesgirl23

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Re: Vhee
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2011, 12:24:35 AM »
I actually like Vhee. Just thought she was a bit harsh. But, maybe that is what I needed to hear.

Offline littlepinkcat

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Re: Vhee
« Reply #11 on: August 12, 2011, 04:32:56 AM »
Vhee's no longer with the service and she is one I wanted to read with!

