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how much did you spend on online psychic up to today date????

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Kimichong:,me too.....

I've spent probably around 3k in the past year and a half, and I'm no longer reading as I've caught on after being burned twice that calling is just useless. No one has nailed anything for me. Sure, small things have happened and they've been correct about past and present details, but those things can still apply to a lot of people who are calling. I don't have an urge to desire to call at this point because I know the drill now. I still believe that there are spiritually gifted people in the world, but they're not the ones who are charging $6, $7, $8, $20 per minute on the toll free hotline. Anyone can get that job if they wanted to.


--- Quote from: maroonlight on April 12, 2018, 03:19:28 AM ---I've spent probably around 3k in the past year and a half, and I'm no longer reading as I've caught on after being burned twice that calling is just useless. No one has nailed anything for me. Sure, small things have happened and they've been correct about past and present details, but those things can still apply to a lot of people who are calling. I don't have an urge to desire to call at this point because I know the drill now. I still believe that there are spiritually gifted people in the world, but they're not the ones who are charging $6, $7, $8, $20 per minute on the toll free hotline. Anyone can get that job if they wanted to.

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well say maroon.......luckily i cut down now and i feel i wont take any reading anymore.....but i'm glad i stumble into this forum.


--- Quote from: Kimichong on April 12, 2018, 04:06:24 AM ---
--- Quote from: maroonlight on April 12, 2018, 03:19:28 AM ---I've spent probably around 3k in the past year and a half, and I'm no longer reading as I've caught on after being burned twice that calling is just useless. No one has nailed anything for me. Sure, small things have happened and they've been correct about past and present details, but those things can still apply to a lot of people who are calling. I don't have an urge to desire to call at this point because I know the drill now. I still believe that there are spiritually gifted people in the world, but they're not the ones who are charging $6, $7, $8, $20 per minute on the toll free hotline. Anyone can get that job if they wanted to.

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well say maroon.......luckily i cut down now and i feel i wont take any reading anymore.....but i'm glad i stumble into this forum.

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I'm glad to hear that. Part of my thing is probably that I've probably had the least success of anyone with psychics. I've read so many posts listing readers whose predictions have come true, and I tried them and they were all wrong for me, which is probably not a bad thing because if they had been right then it would definitely be harder to stop calling.

No offense to anyone on this website, but I know that there's no way in hell I could ever spend 50k on these readers. I know it's over a period of several years, but that can't possibly become me.


--- Quote from: Still tired on April 12, 2018, 03:18:32 PM ---It is a total waste of money...I've had very few predictions come true and the ones that did, didn't amount to anything. I have never added up how much I spent, over 11 years I know it has been several thousand. I don't really want to know how much. Even if I just try to estimate it makes me sick. I figure I could have bought a car with what I have spent. The worst of my spending happened in 2013 when I was probably spending a few hundred each month. There were other times when I was careful and didn't spend much at all, but it was still a waste of money. I am in poor health now so it is not like I can just go out and take a second job to recover my losses. My advice to everyone is to save your money, you never know what will happen and none of these readers know either. Focus on taking care of yourself and providing for your future financially. Money that is saved or invested wisely will do more for your future than predictions ever will.

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Yeah,I’ve been spending on myself pay for a 1.5k facial treatment and at least I see my face glowing sparkling (outcome satisfied) even at my current age....i feel I’m 20’s again!!!LOL!!!


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