Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Storefront Psychics & Online Services
Layla is independent. She has correctly predicted:
1-The exact month of my move in 2010.
2-3 different jobs in my field that I did get.
3- One they offered me but she said I wouldn't want it and I didn't
3-The guy in my life business going down hill (I didn't believe her for 9 months, then I saw it with my own eyes)
4-The guy in my life being slow as molassiss. Nearly everyone else had told me we'd be married by now. Good thing I didn't hold my breath!!
And she doesn't rip you off.
Some of you may like her some not.
Has anybody also read with this reader...Im a little skeptical because they dont have a site where I can purchase a reading, I have to give my cc info over the phone....Im thinking no,might be a scam. Does anybody have any experiences with this person?
Hi Livelovelaugh:
I read with Layla about a month ago. Since the reading is fairly recent I can't say whether or not her predictions are true or not, but she is a very positive and uplifting reader.
Im more concerned of being a victim of identity theft in as much as they don't have a website to purchase readings...I need to give my credit card info over the phone...just seems like a red flag to me.
Hey Parker Do you have another number for layla that is not toll free: it doesn't work from my area.
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