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Psychic Source's Little Sisiter


I hope this is OK with Admin,  if not you won't hurt my feelings for removing it.  I totally understand.
But as I told y'all, I have been reading your post/stories all week.  Someone mentioned that Hollywood Psychics is owned by the same company as Psychic Source.  So my friend Gracie and I have been comparing and I made "the call".  It's true!!  And some of the very same people work both lines. 
We have compiled a list of about 25 people that work both sites.  I am not going to share that list because I agree with Admin that this is how these people are earning a living.  But you can do your detective work.  :)
PS must not care because some of the psychics use the same name, same photo and work both sites at the exact same time!!
I will tell you this.  There is a PS psychic that several of you really like and she is on Hollywood.  Her Hollywood photo is her old PS photo (she looks the same) and her name begins with the same letter.  Hope I have helped.

Parker, i just realized that one time i called Winter from CP, she answered the phone with 'welcome to Hollywood Psychics, this is Winter......'

I don't think it's just PS and HP.......some CPs are on there too! O_O

Well, I wondered about others.!! I know there is one on Hollywood who also works for Paramount Solutions.  But you know what?  If I was going to sit by the phone and read for people I would be on as many places as possible. 


--- Quote from: cocoapple on July 08, 2011, 04:19:19 AM ---Parker, i just realized that one time i called Winter from CP, she answered the phone with 'welcome to Hollywood Psychics, this is Winter......'

I don't think it's just PS and HP.......some CPs are on there too! O_O

--- End quote ---
I realized this back in the beginning. I was so embarrassed because I was in the middle of my binging, dark place and I would call and call, too afraid to talk to the same person more than 1-2 times or they’d think I was weak or pity me. But then I recognized a voice and this person knew me, too and I was horrified. I thought it was shady. However I know who is who on both sites (I did detective work) and HP is less expensive so I’d use it for a better rate. Some of the psychics use the same pic on both. But overall I am not a fan of that and a lot of the high price PS people are not on there.
P.s. the chat window is identical on both sites too. That clues me in awhile back

i noticed only the low rated and non popular psychics are on both sites. The really good gifted ones are on PS only


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