Love33-I thought you weren't getting any more readings?
I already read with her but predictions didn't pan out yet so just curious to see if anyone had luck with her, why?
She gave me a prediction I think in June but I didn't ask specifically for it. It was something I wouldn't have known. She just saw it come in and it was sort of like an appendix to the reading. But the craziest thing.. She had no idea if it was metaphoric or actual or if it was happening currently or a prediction, but it happened about a month later to the T. It had to do with my POI being at a barbecue and holding a baby.. Kind of insignificant but she said she's seeing it like they were in a zoo of some sort so like, behind glass and then she saw me (not sure what she thinks I look like lol) being incredibly depressed about it and she said the feeling of it broke her heart. Her typed words even had sadness to them. I could tell she was genuinely feeling something horrible. She also described him as wearing a plaid shirt that didn't fit. And the whole time she was typing this, she was like, I have no idea if this is relevant at all but it's coming in so here you go! Lol. And I remember the thing that made this so important was she said she kept hearing "wrong baby" over and over. So I'm like, what the hell lol. He doesn't have any kids, does he snatch someone's kid or something? Lmao.
What ended up happening a month later was I saw a picture on Facebook (possibly why she saw him behind glass in a zoo) of him wearing a dressy plaid shirt and holding up a baby. The shirt looked like it was just bought from the store that day and like he was trying to look nice when it wasn't his style. I had found out a couple weeks before this that his ex had had a baby a few months ago and he had been sort of quiet toward me for the last few weeks or so. So I immediately thought I had it figured out. He was ghosting me because he had started seeing his ex again and my heart sunk. I went back on Keen and looked up the chat record because I was realizing at the same time that Kate had predicted this and I forgot most of it. So I went to see the transcript and I saw where she said "wrong baby" a lot and it caused me to go Facebook stalking. Turns out he didn't even know the baby or the baby's parents. They were friends of his brother's. He was joking and holding the baby up like Simba from The Lion King for the picture to be funny.
So here's what I take from that.. Kate doesn't really give predictions when I've asked. She does, but she always says they're not her strong point so she'll tell me what she sees. This particular thing came in on it's own and was the craziest thing. I didn't mention it earlier because I have a post on another thread that talks about how I don't ask for predictions lol. I meant I don't ask for predictions ANYMORE

. But she will say she only reads out a couple weeks. She says like, to the end of her cards or that it's the tail end of the reading or something like that and she's always known it to be a couple 2 or 3 weeks out. But since it seems she's really uncomfortable with giving predictions, I'm not going to ask. Or I would've but not hung onto it as gospel. I had forgotten about her weird zoo prediction and then it happened. And, oh my God, I'm honestly just now making the connection to The Lion King and a zoo LMAO!!! Anyway, yeah, her specialty is definitely being an empath and not a predictor of events. And I know it's hard to prove the accuracy of an empath but somehow she manages to say things a certain way that I find out later was true.
One more thing I noticed is that I wanted so bad for her to say it would work out with a guy that I read her words as sweeter than I think she intended at the time. It wasn't terrible news so I figured my dreams were coming true. But after reading her transcripts back and knowing what I know now, they read differently now. I read her tone differently and when she threw things in there like "I'm not seeing you two together romantically but I do see a reconciliation of sorts coming up if I dig for it. But there isn't a romantic feeling involved" I read it as she just wasn't feeling the romantic part of it and that was just the first step to our relationship coming back together and it would definitely have to get romantic later because he comes back, right? Well, that ended up being where he started talking to me again and our group of friends along with him and myself all went garage sale-ing on a Saturday but I had already moved on and he wasn't interested in me it seemed at this point either so yeah, it wasn't the beginning of our renewed relationship at all. It honestly was still really nice to get to hang out as friends without any feelings or drama so it was a good experience either way but I was getting all disappointed prior to that when I still had feelings because he just wasn't calling and it didn't look like he was coming back. I should've just read her words objectively (who can actually do that, though? Not me lol) and realized she says no romance.. There won't be romance.
Anyway, my bottom line about her is that she doesn't advertise that her predictions are 99% accurate or whatever crap those other advisors do.. In fact she says on her Keen page that she's not the one to go to for predictions if that's the only reason you're getting a chat from her. So I suggest that we believe her that she's not that great with predictions and appreciate that at least she's honest about it and willing to give up some business instead of giving someone false hope. I've been in a writing mood lately lol so sorry everyone that this is so long..