Author Topic: My Experience Psychic Source  (Read 13386 times)

Offline vanyct

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My Experience Psychic Source
« on: August 04, 2011, 02:37:14 PM »
Hi everyone:  I am so happy to have come across this forum, it helps to know that I am not alone, I feel that people look at me like I have two heads if I bring up the fact that I go to a psychic for advice.  I’ll share my last experience with one of the psychics which really left me thinking about the accuracy of what he was saying.   I started going to Ricky at PS, he has to be one of the highest rated psychics on their site.  The first time I read with him I was blown away with his reading, he was able to give me details that no one could of know, he knew about a recent move, work related issues and how many children my SM had, but best of all he told me that the communication between us would start to improve within a certain time frame, my is SM is a good person and to give him time, we are meant to be together. He was right, the communication improved but then things went back to how they were before.  I called Ricky again a few times and he was always good but I didn’t feel our connection was as strong as it had been the first time. His predictions were almost identical to the one from his first reading and he was again able to give me some more correct information and said to give my SM time, things would start improve and I would have the type of relationship I wanted with him in June. 
Every time I call he asks for my date of birth and my name, which I have no problem giving him, I figured he needs that information to establish some type of connection with me.  In May I called Ricky again because I felt that I needed more advice.  When I finally got through (because it is very difficult to get through to him) he asked me just for my name and said oh yeah I’ve read for you before, I said yes.  He starts telling me about a situation that did not apply to me in any way, and when I corrected him he apologized and said he was looking at notes he had from another person with my same name.  After that, the reading was very general, he was giving me general advice than could apply to anyone in any situation.   He is not cheap, 10 minutes is almost $70, so I called customer service and complained.  They refunded my money for that call, but that did not make me feel any better.  I really started questioning everything he and other psychics had told me, needless to say that June has come and gone and things are not any better between me and my SM, we barely speak anymore  :'(
I’m curious to get everyone’s thoughts on this.  I really want to believe that all the psychics are correct and we will be together but that last experience really left me thinking about how true their readings are.  Are they really psychics, who can pick up on specific details and they use those specifics to get us to believe them, but in all actuality they are only telling us what we want to  hear so we will keep calling them?  I’m so confused, I haven’t called any psychic since this happened :-\.  What do you all think?

Offline lightme

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Re: My Experience Psychic Source
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2011, 05:01:37 PM »
hello Vanyct,

from your post it seems that you only had called one pscyhic. one is not enough.

i had called maybe about 12 different pscychics. about 6 of them i can tell they are fake. they said general things, asked a lot of fishing questions, and didn't once pick up on any thing specific.

i didn't really believe in psychics until i spoke to the four who picked up on very specific details without me saying one thing. each of them pick on on different specific details adn so specific that my jaw dropped. how could they be fake? even if they are not 100% correct they indeed possess a special gift.

i also called a very expensive one on keen, she gave me three dates of contact. the first one i believe i screw it up myself. the two other times came true. but i don't know she is real or by luck, because she didn't pick up specific details like the others. 

the timeline predictions from the other four psychics have not passed yet, so i cannot comment. but they did pick up specific private details. even if what they predict didn't come to pass, i would still say they are gifted to a large extend.

i understand that CP only post positive reviews and hide the negative ones. but those positive reviews were written by real people like you and me. so i think they do reflect the truth to a good extend. i also conclude that for real psychics, picking up details is not difficult, the more challenging part is giving timeline. maybe we should focus on the big picture they tell us, not so much the short timelines. i know how hard this is, i am struggling too. but i don't think they are all fake, from experience. 

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Re: My Experience Psychic Source
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2011, 05:21:38 PM »
oh, i didn't call pschic source, only CP.

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Re: My Experience Psychic Source
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2011, 05:48:36 PM »
Oh no I've called many many psychics, and that's probably my frustration, that after speaking with so many I thought I found a real one because he picked up on things that I never mentioned to him or any other psychic.  I don't doubt their psychic ability, that's the only way they could of picked up on those details, what I'm questioning is if I'm being told the truth or are they only telling me what I want to hear so I will keep calling back.

I've never tried CP, when I was looking for online psychics, they seem to have a lot of negative reviews, where PS did not, I only found a few negative things about them on sites like Ripoff Report.  PS does post negative comments, I've seen them on the reviews.

After my last experience, I started thinking more about the situation. Looking at the specific feedback left for the psychics on PS I started to question what they are telling their callers.  Most of the callers are like us and want to know what is going on with their SM, why he or she isn't calling, or is he/she going to come back. I'm not focused so much on the timeline but even if I focus on the big pucture, it seems like everyone else is getting the same big picture.  If you read the feedback most of the five stars are from callers who are so happy that they were told the situation is going to work out, he is going to come back.   How can all of these guys who for some reason or another left, be coming back and live happily ever after with them?

I don't know maybe I'm just being synical because of my last bad experience but I'm starting to really question what I've been told :(

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Re: My Experience Psychic Source
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2011, 06:04:03 PM »
hi vanyct , i know what you mean and you have a point. i fear that too.

i called Leo from CP, he is the only one who said we are not going to be together. guess what? i don't beleive him, lol . he didn't pick up our strong love, come on, our love is so strong he must be kidding he couldn't pick it up. he read my situation like we are just dating casually and he lost interest. 

each of us has a reason for breaking up. many times it is only through a separation that we found out how much we love each other. so it is not illogical that people break up and come back together. it is this life lesson we learn through the break up. this is the best scenario, of course, but this is what i am going through now. if our guy truely loves us, he will go through the same thing. if he doesn't, then he doesn't love us. actually it is so simple.

i cannot tell you to believe in their predictions. even if they come true for me i still can't say that for you.

yesterday i wasted $40 bucks on one. i asked her a test question at the end of the call and she failed miserable. but she is very compassionate and nice during the call i don't want to mentioni names. however, that is for my paying $40 bucks for a sweet voice talking to me for 10 mins. and then finding out it is not real. i feel stupid, but i take full responsibility.

i now hang onto those who picked up on real facts.

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Re: My Experience Psychic Source
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2011, 09:52:49 PM »
Oh no I've called many many psychics, and that's probably my frustration, that after speaking with so many I thought I found a real one because he picked up on things that I never mentioned to him or any other psychic.  I don't doubt their psychic ability, that's the only way they could of picked up on those details, what I'm questioning is if I'm being told the truth or are they only telling me what I want to hear so I will keep calling back.

Hi Vanyct, you said you had called many , care to share with us more? you only talk about ricky.

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Re: My Experience Psychic Source
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2011, 01:47:15 PM »
Let me see if I can remember all of them besides Ricky I also read with:
Penelope- she told me that I would meet a tall man who worked in finance or investment.  That was not what I wanted to hear, I wanted to her to tell me that things were going to be fine with my SM.  Maybe she picked up on that and then the reading turned to the situation with my SM and if I wanted was to be with him.  I answered yes and I'm not sure how it happened but the reading ended with if that's who I wanted to be with then that's what would happen. She was right, a few weeks afterwards I met a man who works in an investment firm (IT part), we talked, texted and went out a few times but nothing more ever came of it. Maybe I sabotaged the relationship because I'm fixated on this other person.
Caitlin- Had a very unique style of reading.  What amazed me about her is that she used the exact words/phrase to describe my SM that he had used to describe himself at one point.  She gave me a time line, which I cannot remember off the top of my head (I have all my notes at home) but it was something like communication would improve in 7 days and things would be better in two weeks and everything would work itself out by September. When the timeline did not start to come together like she said it would, I started looking at her reviews and she seems to give everyone the same timeline.  There were countless references to people commenting on how she said also told them things would happen to them on Tuesdays, and 7 days and in September. I try to hold off in leaving reviews for the readers, but after I saw that I did leave negative feedback for her.
Jenna-Was the first one I read with, she provided me a free email reading which I still have a copy of.  She also got a few things right about his personality and the current situation but her timeline was incorrect.
Janax- Is a highly rated psychic on their site.  She was a nice lady but the reading was very general, there was nothing in there that was really helpful to me.
Joseph: Read with him twice.  Very nice man who told me that if what I wanted was to be with this man, I would make it happen.  He saw things coming together for us the beginning of the summer. Needless to say that has not happened.
Lilly:  Also highly rated, also very nice.  Told me the same thing as everyone else.  Give him time; he care about you sees us together in the future.  If she did give me a time frame I either can’t remember what it was.  Back at that time I was not keeping notes.
Abby:  Same as Lilly, very nice but I can’t remember specifics.  All I do remember her saying is that this man really cares for me and she thought this one was the one for me.
** At the time I read with Abby and Lilly I found out my SM had a “friend” he was spending a lot of time with.  Both of them and every other psychic I have read with since then (Caitlin, Ricky, Joseph, Janx) have all told me that this is no one he cares about in a romantic way, they are only friends.  I have not been able to verify this one way or another, but they are still spending a lot of time together.  I guess when I find out the truth about this “friendship” is when I will find out how many of them are actually correct.
There are more but these are the “highly rated” ones who are supposed to be the best on their site.  I also tried Keen, but I’ll list those separately because I think I’ve rambled on enough for now.