Author Topic: Psychic Source review Continued  (Read 31069 times)


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Psychic Source review Continued
« on: July 07, 2011, 09:48:57 PM »
I was going to reply in the initial post but it told me to start a new post.  So here goes!  I have kept notes for years, like many of you so my opinion of who is "good" is based on what they could tell me about the person or situation and how many predictions came true.

Not so Hot:
Aina Jean
Cher (and I agree with whomever said she is RUDE!)
Denise (told me horrible stuff and thankfully the exact opposite happened)
LoreLei Jo
Penelope (sweat, expensive, predictions WAY off)
Vickie ( from 2007-2009 she was awesome!!!  Then she got on a vitamin selling kick)

This next list is people who have had some predictions accurate, but take a lot of time to talk too or their timing is years off:
Beau (50-50 on predictions, treats you like a sister)
Narnia (CAN get into someone's head if that's all you want ( predictions off)
*Ricky (predictions good, but talked about too much other stuff for the price)  If you call him be ready to keep him focused!

Deidre Woods
*Ricky (I'll put him here as well, just be ready to keep him from pulling out the calender and wandering!!)

That's all I got.  I've never spoken to all of them and there are so many new people on there. they can't all be "psychic"!!
Good luck to everyone!


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Re: Psychic Source review Continued
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2011, 11:24:05 PM »
WOW Parker - Great info - Thanks!!

I liked Amy too.

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Re: Psychic Source review Continued
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2011, 01:10:31 AM »
Im back! what have I missed...anyone had ANYTHING happen? or is everyone still testing psychics :/

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Re: Psychic Source review Continued
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2011, 01:27:07 AM »
Cj, it's been so quiet that you can almost hear the wind blow across the field......swooooooosh~~~~~

Just to stay on topic in this thread, I've read with Lily and Stella back in late April before SM and i broke up and when he got an interview that's about 45mins from where we lived.  I asked about communication etc. and here goes:

Lily: said i would get the internship (there wasn't any....Prof. lied to us :(......) and that there will be communication even when he moves away and see us moving in together very soon.  She also see a ring this a promise ring.

Stella: Also yes to the internship, see a trip near the waters.  There's opportunities in the relationship and change is coming but everything will be ok. 

Needless to say, NOTHING has happened since my graduation on the 13th. and i have heard nothing from him.

That's all folks!


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Re: Psychic Source review Continued
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2011, 01:49:47 AM »
Hello! I have also been a PS customer for over 15 years.  I agree that Amy, Therese and Ricky are great!!! There are some other ones that are also very good....Susannah, Mandy, Janax and Melea are a few. Any one else??

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Re: Psychic Source review Continued
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2011, 03:15:21 AM »
Hi Kelly and welcome to the board!   I agree, I really like Melea and Amy.    I've never been able to get through to Therese so I stopped even trying to call her.   I really gets frustrating!   

Two more readers I really like are Abbie and Moira.   They have both been able to tell me some amazing thing that have actually happened!

There used to be a lady named Andrea whom was my favorite, but she's now gone and I haven't been able to find her.


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Re: Psychic Source review Continued
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2011, 01:31:20 PM »
Yes- how could I forget Moira!! She's fantastic!

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Re: Psychic Source review Continued
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2011, 12:21:22 AM »
Hi everyone! I've been reading your stories for the last couple weeks so I decided to join this site. Well, I tend to like PS better than CP mainly because the reviews seem more genuine on PS. Anyways, here's a list of the ones I've read with(it's a long one) and my take on them: ***Warning, this is a long post, sorry***

*Joseph- read with him a couple of times(but he didn't remember me the 2nd time) and both times he was positive but vague. And both times he told me to just let things flow naturally. So that was that.
*Lilly, Maxine, Patsy, Mary Rose, Magic Tami, Cass, Penelope, Pixie, April, Juliana, Caitlin, Betty, Liz, Jenna- I read with all of them about a year ago once  with each and they all gave me positive readings but didn't say anything to validate their predictions. Nothing really happened of course.
*Kumari, Joann, Dharma, Rex, Arthur, Laurel- these psychics all gave me a negative outcome to my situation but again never said anything to validate their predictions. Then a couple of them said I would meet some else to make me forget about the guy that's currently driving me crazy. I also read with them about a year ago only once. Of course, nothing happened either.
*Jill-(no longer on PS) read with her sometime around Jan and she said so many things that rang true to my situation. Gave me a positive reading but did warn me it was gonna take this entire year for my situation to turn around so I guess so far she hasn't been wrong. We'll see.
*Andrea- (no longer on PS)- at the time I kinda started to get a small crush on another guy(which faded out pretty quickly) so I asked about both guys and she went on and on about past lives and that in my past life I was with the guy I had the crush on so that meant we were meant to be together. This was something about the 1800's. But then I read ALL of her reviews and found out she said something about the same time period to some one else. So I stopped believing her predictions.
*Esther, Violette, Stella, Luna, Olivia- all gave me positive reading but got a lot details about the present wrong. Needless to say, I never called them again.
*Deidre Woods- positive reading, got a few things right, but then she said something about meeting a Michael and me being a Venus or something like that, so I went on youtube where there's a video of her doing a reading and she said the same exact thing to the other person, down to the name Michael. I'm still thinking of calling her again, because she was right on a couple small predictions but I'm still questioning the fact that she told another costumer the same things she told me.
*Bre, Jasmine, Sharon, Randa, Tina, Ariel, Kya, Madeline, Grace- all said about a possibility of a good outcome but it would be a very long wait, a year at least. Some of them questioned  if it was worth all the wait for a guy. Well, I'm still waiting. I guess.
*Celeste- read with her twice. First time(about a year ago) she said to wait it out, that there was a great possibility of a good outcome. Second time(in May) she said I had no time, that I needed to speak to my guy in question within the next 6 weeks or I would lose the chance of a positive outcome. Then she said something about doing a spell for me to help me out. Needless to say, that was the last time I ever spoke to her.
*Ricky- spoke to him twice, 1st time last Aug. he said things would change for the positive by Oct. and he mentioned how he had been on "a roll" with timelines lately(at the time). Nothing happened but I called again in May. He said to give him a deadline to change our situation and if he didn't meet the deadline then to move on. Ricky went on and on about how my guy in question is in a place where work is more important and he has other issues to deal with and that's why he puts me in second place to that. It was a very similar reading to the one someone else on this site got.
*Narnia- it was all through chat. Spoke to her on 3 different occasions in a year's span. All 3 were positive readings, but the first 2 she said to just wait it out and my guy in question would make changes for the better but she never gave me timelines. Then in June I decided to have an honest conversation with the guy about our situation, but before I did it I spoke to her and she said that was actually the best thing to do. She did warn me the conversation was not gonna go the way I wanted. That it was gonna very negative, but that he would come back around within 8 days. Well, she was right on the conversation being negative, but wrong about him coming back within those 8 days. To this day, I'm still waiting.
*Paige, Susannah, Ernest- spoke to them a few times from the beg of the year 'till about April. All said to just wait this thing out and the guy would come forward and we would be closer. Um, about that...
*Amy, Melea, Abbie, Janax-  I spoke to all of them first about a year ago. They basically just said to wait it out but it would be a positive outcome. Then around May I spoke to them again and they said I would have some decisions to make. They saw me having a conversation with him because I would get fed up. Didn't believe it at the time but then came June and convo happened. Spoke to Amy and Melea again in July and they  both saw him coming back around and that he'll slowly turn our situation around for the better. I wanna speak to Abbie again because she's so fast and straightforward. I'm still debating to call Janax just because she's so much drier than the other 3 ladies.
*Kristine, Dawn, Caterina, Cynthia, Karenna, Melody, Kimberly, Chris, Joy- all from about March through May. Mostly positive and not many details. Kristine's and Chris's timelines are not till the holidays, so they're not wrong yet. Dawn, Caterina, Cynthia, Melody and Kimberly are around Summer and summer's not over so we'll see. Karenna and Joy were positive but said the guy's just not worth it so it's better for me to try and move on. Idk what to think honestly.
*Shawnne- sometime last Aug. said I needed to have an honest convo with the guy. She saw a positive outcome if I talked to him. At the time I was sure I wasn't strong enough to have the convo but almost a year later(June) I ended up having it. I'm still waiting on the ultimately positive outcome I guess.
*Sadie- sometime at the end of last year. Gave me more advice than prediction. Described him very well. Said things would be very very slow moving. But the outcome is looking very positive. I wanna read with her again for an update.
*Therese- read with her about 4 times. She's ridiculously hard to reach. First  2 times last year(Feb, and Aug. and she remembered me the 2nd time) she said that in order to change my situation around with the guy in question I had to have an honest convo with him or else things would stay the same for years to come. She said that there was a great possibility of him running away after the convo but ultimately he would come back around. Like I said, at the time I was sure I wasn't ready for that convo, but then June came along. I guess those predictions happened to come true. Third time I read with her was April. She didn't remember me by then but this time she said by the end of summer I would be in a better situation with the guy. Never mentioned anything about having a conversation with him. Then the last time I spoke to her was the day I had the convo with the guy. Hours after. She said to give him a week to come back around. Almost 2 months later and I'm still waiting for him to come back around. All 4 times she described our situation very well. I honestly don't think she was wrong this time around, but I think timelines might be off.
*Agnes- sometime in July. Very positive. Very high energy. Waiting on predictions since she got a lot of details right.
*Elijah- spoke to him twice. First time in June days before having the convo with the guy. Gave me a positive reading but said things would move very slowly. That I would be in a better place by Nov. Then I just spoke to him again on Tues. He didn't remember me and gave me almost the same reading as the one in June. Even after I had told him about the convo. He's kinda chatty and gives lots of descriptions, but overall great. I guess I'll know by the end of the year on his predictions.
*Ray, Trinity, and Bella Sky- the readings were so vague! They said to talk to him again and see what goes. I was left confused. And then Bella Sky went on and on about making changes for myself. She was sweet but for the price it was too much advice.
*Gabe- sometime in May. Basically gave a positive outcome but dear lord! Just like Bella Sky, he wouldn't let me ask any questions because he kept on talking on and on. Something about love, and how we need to nurture it. I just HAD to cut him off.
*Mandy- over chat on July 22nd. She described the situation extremely well in the sense of how there was no communication with the guy, and some of his ongoing personal problems(which I know for a fact are true). On a short term prediction she said "he would contact me very soon, over text" and said, he's not one to call but texts a lot(validation). Well, on the 30th, he texted me. Nothing big of course, but he did text. She gave me an ultimately positive outcome by Nov but things until then would move very very slowly. I guess I'll wait.
*Moira-(last one, I promise). I've spoken to her about 5 times. First 2 were sometime last year and I think Feb of this year. On those 2 occasions her predictions were actually negative with the guy in question. She said at the time he wasn't ready for anything and to try and move on. Then June came, a few days before I had the convo with the guy, and she didn't remember me at all but this time the reading went a completely different way. She described things as if she had been there herself, his personality and things from his past that I knew were true. Then said I needed to have an honest convo with him, and even then I was sure I could never do such a thing. Next thing I know, a week later I suddenly got the courage. About a month later, he and I had a very short "half ass" drunk convo where he said some things he felt about himself that Moira had told me in that third reading. Fourth time I called was right after that drunken night and she basically reassured me this wasn't the last I would see of him. To have patience. Last time I called was Sunday because I was starting to feel anxious again. She said to hold on, that throughout Aug I will have a chance to have another conversation with him where things will be cleared up. What I like about Moira is that she doesn't tell me fairy tales. She tells me what she sees only, so if in the first 2 readings she didn't see what I had hoped for, I believe that for that time being she was right. But things and people do change, and maybe on the 3rd reading she caught on that change. What she says seems very possible, and some of the things she has said have come to pass in one way or another.

----Alright then, like I said, it would be a long post, but I hope it helps some of you decide on who to call if you decide to use PS.


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Re: Psychic Source review Continued
« Reply #8 on: August 05, 2011, 01:37:13 AM »
Thank you for your very informative post!! Moira and Therese have been the most accurate for me this past 6 months or so. Mandy is also very good. Moira and Therese tell you teh truth, not fairy tales. They are amazing. I love them both!!

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Re: Psychic Source review Continued
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2011, 02:12:27 PM »
Hi Konekonova:  I just wanted to add that Ricky told me the same thing when I spoke with him the last time, which I think was the beginning of May.  He said that I should set a timeline in my head, if my SM does not meet it, then I should move on.  Maybe once my SM sees that I have moved on, that will make him want to come back to me. This was also the day that Ricky said he was confusing me with someone else who had my same first name.  I have not called him back since, $7 a minute is too much to pay for him to be giving me someone else’s reading.

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Re: Psychic Source review Continued
« Reply #10 on: August 05, 2011, 03:51:55 PM »
Hi all, any trick in gett ing the psychic like Moira on PS? do you just hold onto the phone and keep trying her extension? do you ever see her available on the computer? that means is like i need to keep dialing her extension for half an hour to get a chance to get thru, right? thanks!

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Re: Psychic Source review Continued
« Reply #11 on: August 05, 2011, 04:04:23 PM »
Yeah that's pretty much what you have to do, keep calling.  I was able to get through to the most popular ones by continuing to dial their extension, even if it says they are unavailble, don't hang up just keep putting in their extension.  When you fianlly get through, the system will ask you if you are sure this is who you want to speak with her, don't even wait for the question, as soon as the computer system asks you "you have selected" press 1 right away because you are not the only one trying to get through and if you wait to long to confirm, somone else will beat you to it.

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Re: Psychic Source review Continued
« Reply #12 on: August 05, 2011, 04:15:22 PM »
hi vanyct, thanks for your help and tip! i bought the $30 first timer offer. would like to try a couple of them. i think i am going for reading on the current situation. 

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Re: Psychic Source review Continued
« Reply #13 on: August 05, 2011, 04:53:21 PM »
I hope the information was helpful.  Let me know how it goes and what you think of them.

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Re: Psychic Source review Continued
« Reply #14 on: August 05, 2011, 05:33:27 PM »
i know this is the only way to get the popular psychic, but the action makes me feel i am acting desperate. lol ... i wish they have the call back system. usually how long do you need to keep dialing before you get lucky? is half an hour usually enough? thanks really alot for your help.