Author Topic: New bashers list out there....  (Read 14910 times)

Offline HornetKick

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Re: New bashers list out there....
« Reply #15 on: March 29, 2018, 04:55:13 AM »
I don't think I follow. Who else would start a list if not a reader?

IKR? Those were my thoughts as well.

Offline skyline

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Re: New bashers list out there....
« Reply #16 on: March 29, 2018, 09:43:00 PM »
Some of the people listed aren't very good "bashers".

I called some of the readers diane plus paws raved about and they were mediocre.

Offline speaktruth

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Re: New bashers list out there....
« Reply #17 on: March 29, 2018, 10:10:06 PM »
Lol my username is there and im an honest reviewer..i dont rave for no reason about a reader..sinilarly if a reader is wrong i just block them and if they are really a rip off i leave a negative feedback to prevent others from falling for them..whoevers done this list needs to do their research better..

Offline journalmuse

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Re: New bashers list out there....
« Reply #18 on: March 29, 2018, 10:34:39 PM »
Kinda off topic but “basher” is such an old lady term. I can imagine all the “psychic grandmas” sitting around using it.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: New bashers list out there....
« Reply #19 on: March 29, 2018, 10:40:54 PM »
Kinda off topic but “basher” is such an old lady term. I can imagine all the “psychic grandmas” sitting around using it.


Offline njlady

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Re: New bashers list out there....
« Reply #20 on: April 01, 2018, 05:28:03 PM »
I don't think I follow. Who else would start a list if not a reader?

It could be anyone; someone who wants attention, someone who has a lot of free time on their hands, etc.

I think it is an addicted caller who is upset that some of their favorites weren't all 5 starred and doesn't like that one or more of their readers were what they viewed as trash talked, either here or elsewhere.

I work with clients all day long and many have the group think approach that this writer took.  It's very common of clients of any profession to slap a label on a profession.  They are all in it for the money, can't trust a ___, etc.  This person did it in reverse.   People in a profession slap different labels on their clients.  It usually has to do with being on time, keeping appointments, being truthful, paperwork organization, paying their bill and not on the thought process as a whole of everyone we see.  I don't know what everyone I see is thinking.  That's insane.
Everyone is an individual, not cattle.  They have feelings. Some are deeply troubled or mentally ill.  Some will never be happy even though the best that could possibly be done was what was done for them.  You do the best anyone could have, or even would have, and you get a shitty Yelp review.  Basically, so what. Move on.  Who gives a shit about 5 stars.  If 1,000 people loved you, will a few 1 stars matter?  No.  When they come back to you again, and they almost always do, you decline to assist them again.  Most people are too busy making money to spend all kinds of time making up stupid lists, running deep Google searches and making blog posts with nonsensical ratings of clients.

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Re: New bashers list out there....
« Reply #21 on: April 01, 2018, 05:31:42 PM »


The link below doesn't appear to be started by a reader, but there are some specific Keen basher lists that readers do maintain.

I gave that list to a friend of mine when, after years of urging by me, she finally became a reader.

Offline bstalling

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Re: New bashers list out there....
« Reply #22 on: April 01, 2018, 08:41:40 PM »
Did anyone notice "Realist411" who is noted as being "mentally unstable" was on that list?

I know she posts here and that she's been calling Keen for years. Many of you seem to hold her in high esteem.

Judging from her posts on here, I think her appearance on that list is justified.

By the tone of your posts, you are probably the owner of the bashing blog.

Offline Sooshi

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Re: New bashers list out there....
« Reply #23 on: April 02, 2018, 07:13:34 PM »
By the tone of your posts, you are probably the owner of the bashing blog.

LOL! Still bitter, still alone, and still reveling in stirring up shit with total strangers online.

I'm pretty certain bstalling has discussed her being married here numerous times.  ::)  Not all of us calling for readings are lovelorn.

Offline bstalling

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Re: New bashers list out there....
« Reply #24 on: April 02, 2018, 09:59:44 PM »
By the tone of your posts, you are probably the owner of the bashing blog.

LOL! Still bitter, still alone, and still reveling in stirring up shit with total strangers online.

Confirmed. LOL a hit dog hollering. You must be the owner of the Keen bashers list, I can tell just by the way you type.

Carry on

Offline bstalling

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Re: New bashers list out there....
« Reply #25 on: April 03, 2018, 06:13:38 PM »
Did anyone notice "Realist411" who is noted as being "mentally unstable" was on that list?

I know she posts here and that she's been calling Keen for years. Many of you seem to hold her in high esteem.

Judging from her posts on here, I think her appearance on that list is justified.

Realist was banned here (unless she is still posting under another name like she said she would do, lol)...not sure if anyone held her in high esteem either but I bet that her complaints about Keen readers are about as justified as the complaints they have about her. It goes both ways.

Somehow it would not surprise me though if she made a bashers list and put herself on it.

I was wondering what happened to realist411?

It doesn’t surprise me if she got banned...
And yet it also does... because does that mean there is someone on here moderating? She did pick on touchy subjects and fights... I was curious on her insights and if I could save money from talking to someone she thought wasn’t good I wanted to know why.

Who does the monitoring anyways? I’m sure there are fees that go on to keep this site running. Remember that one-three days where this site was down.

I’m also surprised I’m not officially on the list. Then again if it’s a really bad reading I’ll request a refund thru satisfaction guarantee get blocked by the advisor there (even though Keen says the advisor doesn’t know- it feels like they do!) or email the advisor first that we didn’t connect. Anything than leave less than 3 star or even 1. I finally gave up on another go-to reader and gave them a 4 star review (it took everything in my will power to not leave less than that) they even gave me free minutes but I requested a refund and I blocked them and just to check a few weeks later they did block me... yet my free minutes are still there? Ugh! Whatever. We mutually blocked each other, least to say... And this is for fear on being on this list!!!!

Some of her posts were reported when she started supposedly posting personal information from readings and accusing certain posters of being certain clients. When you are banned, the mods remove you and your posts.

She probably had insightful information about certain readers, but then why not call them out? I still found most of her Keen reviews accurate about certain readers and how they can be, but she likes stiring up trouble as well.

Offline Natashanyc

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Re: New bashers list out there....
« Reply #26 on: April 08, 2018, 01:55:09 PM »
The comments under this list are PURE COMEDY 😂 fakes defending fakes

Offline whit777

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Re: New bashers list out there....
« Reply #27 on: April 09, 2018, 12:09:48 AM »

I was wondering what happened to realist411?

It doesn’t surprise me if she got banned...
And yet it also does... because does that mean there is someone on here moderating? She did pick on touchy subjects and fights... I was curious on her insights and if I could save money from talking to someone she thought wasn’t good I wanted to know why.

Who does the monitoring anyways? I’m sure there are fees that go on to keep this site running. Remember that one-three days where this site was down.

I’m also surprised I’m not officially on the list. Then again if it’s a really bad reading I’ll request a refund thru satisfaction guarantee get blocked by the advisor there (even though Keen says the advisor doesn’t know- it feels like they do!) or email the advisor first that we didn’t connect. Anything than leave less than 3 star or even 1. I finally gave up on another go-to reader and gave them a 4 star review (it took everything in my will power to not leave less than that) they even gave me free minutes but I requested a refund and I blocked them and just to check a few weeks later they did block me... yet my free minutes are still there? Ugh! Whatever. We mutually blocked each other, least to say... And this is for fear on being on this list!!!!

There are moderators here. It's the people or person who created the forum. Every forum's creator is a moderator, technically. And there aren't any fees per se.. Just time spent. This is all in the threads that are about forum policy and such.. It's also in the terms and conditions we all agreed to in order to post here. But since they don't make any money (other than from ads), they don't have the time to monitor everything and it might take them a bit to ban someone who's been reported. Which I would imagine happened to the screen name Realist411. I call her the screen name because it's way too easy to just make another profile here. The moderators *could* disallow the IP address and then she would have to use a different device but I would also imagine that she had and still has multiple profiles that were already created and have been making posts all along as well. So they're not going to easily be able to find which profiles have the same IP address. But I would imagine if their inbox was flooded with reports (like what probably happened on that one thread where it went too far) that they would take action more quickly. But again, this is all information (and some extrapolation on my part) that's on the main page. There are potential fines involved and such, which I'm sure they wouldn't have the time to pursue but it's worth checking out nonetheless :)