Author Topic: My Update  (Read 6355 times)

Offline texmex

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My Update
« on: April 09, 2018, 04:52:02 PM »
Updating on predictions that have been made. Please chime in with your takes on the 3 questions I have posted below to provide feedback that I would greatly appreciate.

All of my readers that have called a reconnect have said there will be communication beginning in April and reconciliation by June/July.

Well, communication began in April just as called.  POI has reached out 3 times: happy work anniversary, here is something you might enjoy reading; say hello to son for me ; hope you have a happy Easter. 3 different messages. I have been cordial but have resisted using these occasions as opportunities to beg her back or even ask about the relationship. I made this mistake in a previous relationship.

I was advised that I would hear from POI last week on 6 April. Within an hour of waking up I got a text asking for a reconnect! One small problem - it came from her daughter, not from POI. Still it was pretty stunning. Daughter told me everything I had hoped to hear from POI. LOL! However, she is just a bit young to marry. LOL!  Daughter said she misses me, thinks about me, but wouldn't reach out because she thought I don't care any more. We texted from there and then daughter asked me if I would be interested in dinner and reestablishing the father-daughter relationship we had. For legal reasons I will proceed with caution, but I am delighted because I adore her. I am certain her mother either already knows or will know very soon from daughter what is happening here. I will check with mother if dinner gets scheduled. I don't think mother put her up to it.

My questions: 1. Do you feel this indicates I am moving towards re-connection with POI? 2. Or, do you feel the readers got it all wrong and have picked up the wrong person? 3. Were these meaningful contacts, or am I excited over nothing?

FYI -   Reconnect/ reconcile has been called by Sansanvi, Lady P, Kisha, Miss Ann, numerous on Bitwine and PO, Tarot by Penelope, Tara (CP), and my go to readers (2).

No's have come from JJT and Serenity Garden. However, SG flipped today and said there is a chance now. Derek Newman said I will get the chance but I  need to run - not walk - away from POI! lol! Mondez Durden has put a 45% chance on things working out with POI.

Just an update but I would appreciate input on my questions.

Offline Cranberry88

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Re: My Update
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2018, 05:18:27 PM »
I assume that these incidents will probably lead to reconnect/reconcile with POI indirectly.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: My Update
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2018, 05:22:37 PM »
I never would mistake contact predictions as working toward a total reconciliation.  I made that mistake in the past.  After several reconnections or contacts made by POI at the time, it still never amounted to anything.

But just wait and see how things go now, and take it from there.

Offline doubleoh8

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Re: My Update
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2018, 08:41:55 PM »
hi there,

I think from your post it's really hard (impossible) for anyone on here to give you a very solid impression of what's to come with you and your POI... we simply don't know enough about you, your POI, your history, etc. With that as a caveat, here is somewhat of an indirect response from me. I haven't exactly answered your specific questions, but instead suggested some things to consider.

Oh, and you should probably also know that I am an optimist:) In other words, I tend to lean toward the positive...

- consider that you know, better than anyone, whether or not it's a time to be hopeful. How did you leave things with your POI? What does your gut / intuition say about why she's now reaching out? As I said, I don't think I (or anyone on here) knows enough about your situation, and the psychics you call may get some things right... but they may also be basing even well-intentioned advice / predictions on what you want to hear or mixed energies. I personally think our own intuition is the most powerful in cases like this, so am just suggesting that you not disregard it.

- what is different now to the situation or dynamic that caused you and your POI to split? Has enough shifted? Have you / she grown to the point you can NOT repeat old patterns that didn't work? If yes, then I'd say reconciliation is more likely to be possible. It sounds like you already have a 'reconnection' in process, but a reconciliation is a different thing and if you want that to happen by June/July... maybe put a bit of thought into what positive steps (or beliefs, attitude, energy) would get you from the contact to a real reconciliation.

- I'm not going to touch your questions 1 or 2, but #3 I will give a qualified opinion of (i.e. qualified as per the above, in that really I don't enough to say anything terribly confident)... but, from a woman's POV, if I were your friend I'd say that the 3x reach outs in april from your POI directly are promising. I think to send you something to read, or wish you a happy work anniversary... those are thoughtful things I wouldn't do for just anyone.

Maybe she is just wanting your friendship... or maybe she's not sure yet. But I think 'cautiously optimistic' seems like an appropriate term here and what happens next depends on all kinds of free will and -- as sawthelight says -- remains to be seen. When this kind of thing happens for me, rather than get excited, I try to accept it for what it is, stay in the present and practice gratitude for this small gesture (rather than jumping ahead to where it's leading). I know -- that is totally contradictory to the whole calling psychics thing, but like many on here I am slowly learning that using psychic advice and insight to jump into the future is not the best way to go.

Best of luck with it to you, whatever happens!

