Author Topic: FIVERR PSYCHICS?  (Read 44092 times)

Offline LivingInYellow

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« Reply #30 on: April 23, 2019, 03:21:50 PM »
Horary astrology is accurate, but like all other divination tools, it should only be used by people who know what they are doing. It's easy to see a chart and think all sorts if you're not familiar with it. I would only use it for questions that are pressing in a given moment, need an immediate answer and have gained momentum. I consider them to be short term readings, as with anything, things can change depending on your actions. Horary charts tend to be valid for 3-6 months, after this time you're welcome to ask the same question again. For example, some people use it to ask 'will I ever get married?' ... If you're not engaged, in a relationship or even dating, that's a pointless question to ask and the chart will mostly likely show that. Alternatively, if you ask about whether you will get a job and you haven't even applied for it, the chart is likely to show you that in a number of ways.

I've successfully used it for 'will me and X get into a relationship?' and 'will I get this job?' (After an interview) and it's been successful.
I sometimes do my own charts, but I'm not anywhere near as good as Genuine Guidance (I don't know her personally!)


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« Reply #31 on: April 24, 2019, 02:21:02 PM »
Thanks Yellow! Would you say she is 90% accurate with these types of "pressing" questions? I am very intrigued and have heard something similar (something in I-Ching, can't remember the name) where they look at a chart based on the time someone asks a question...and successful in helping people find missing objects and answer short term questions etc.

Offline LivingInYellow

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« Reply #32 on: April 24, 2019, 06:10:16 PM »
Hey Candied!

Yes - I would say she is accurate with Horary too. She told me that a POI would want to come close to me, but that his involvement with other women would prohibit that. That was true. She could tell all of that from the horary chart. Definitely insightful!

Offline staircasewondering

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« Reply #33 on: May 20, 2020, 03:20:52 AM »
anybody tried her (genuine guidance) natal chart and 7th house analysis? I think this is very accurate, i havent order from her but i tried to generate this through online computer generated, its already very accurate.

I got a tarot reading from her and she picked up on the present situation accurately. Her astrological interpretation was accurate but nothing came out of the reading.

I do think her 7th House analysis is overpriced and think it’s a bit misleading because it’s not a reflection of when someone will get married. The 7th House may be indicator of marriage because the 7th House is the house of contractual partnership which can mean marriage, business partnerships and open enemies. Unless you get an arranged marriage, the 7th House is only one piece of the puzzle. The 7th House is the descendent and area of yourself that you’ve disowned or hidden. The sign on the cusp will show the type of people you’re attracted to. You also need to date so the 5th House is actually an important factor as well and you also have certain astrological aspects in your natal chart.

To me, if you want to know if you’ll get married (and have children) you actually need a full natal chart analysis and how likely it will happen. The reality is not everyone will have long term contractual partnership like marriage or will be shown in the natal chart.

Offline baobei

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« Reply #34 on: May 26, 2020, 08:55:46 AM »
Has anyone tried mystic_zoe? I did a search here and it seems that only this member Jukokai or something recommended her. I'm starting to wonder if she's her friend or its herself that wrote about her spells and readings cos it seems like no one else did

Offline texmex

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« Reply #35 on: May 27, 2020, 05:46:41 PM »
Just read with Genuine guidance. Did horary and tarot and it was crazy spot in for me and POI. Caught emotions behind actions (feelings) , obstacles, and hopefully outcome. She nailed the story leading up to this. She nailed the feelings, too. I gave her no information other than I wanted to read on poi. I did say she was ex-fiancé. That’s it. Pricey but I think worth it.

She predicts reconnect and possible marriage but says it will be a long haul task by all means. This is dead on based on facts of situation. Also, I was mainly concerned that I was just living in my own fight club - making up the connection-  but her reading confirmed I am not. There is a connection and mutual feelings but blockages are big.

Offline texmex

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« Reply #36 on: May 28, 2020, 10:42:05 PM »
Folks -

POI reaches out day after reading with genuine guidance. Gonna chalk it up to coincidence but maybe not?! I’ve read w others who have been saying she is moving closer and predicted contact. Genuine guidance is one of the ones calling contact and positive outcome. Big prediction is six months out. We shall see.

Offline marciamia

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« Reply #37 on: May 28, 2020, 11:07:44 PM »
Folks -

POI reaches out day after reading with genuine guidance. Gonna chalk it up to coincidence but maybe not?! I’ve read w others who have been saying she is moving closer and predicted contact. Genuine guidance is one of the ones calling contact and positive outcome. Big prediction is six months out. We shall see.

Have you two been in regular or a somewhat normal form of contact?

Offline texmex

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« Reply #38 on: May 29, 2020, 04:21:19 AM »
No, on regular contact. Broke off engagement 3 years ago. She pops out of the woodwork randomly - every 6-8 months or so. I’m very connected to her kids. They see me as a father figure and that relationship has never stopped.

I’m impressed with the accuracy and detail from the astrological reading. She pinpointed the feelings at the time, the behavior, and the reasons for the behavior and it all resonated. We shall see what happens.

Offline Freefinally

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« Reply #39 on: May 30, 2020, 08:55:10 PM »
I read with genuine guidance and she got the current situation correct but didn’t really tell me anything about how things will play out. And she didn’t pick up on the reason our situation is the way it is. Psychic diva nailed it. Fastmagick gave me a timeline that lines up with others. Carolyn Flynn gave me a reading I had to read multiple times to actually understand what she was saying but then gave me the same time frame as fastmagick and psychic diva.

Offline Anon

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« Reply #40 on: September 09, 2020, 05:59:09 PM »
Tried a few, much like Etsy, which isn't much....

Offline maggie214

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« Reply #41 on: September 11, 2020, 08:38:59 PM »
I did a reading with Genuine Guidance re: a fall out with a friend.  Man, it was not what I wanted to hear, but seemed to be right on the money given who I am dealing with.  This woman is a bully and the way she described her was pretty spot on and was very detailed in terms of motives and reasons for her pulling away.  That was not a fun reading to review, but unfortunately (for now) seemed to be accurate - she predicted no reconciliation.  Not sure if she means ever, but at least for now.  I mean she did not say one positive thing.  Never had that happen before - kind of depressing!

Offline sugarsky

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« Reply #42 on: September 11, 2020, 11:58:17 PM »
I did a reading with Genuine Guidance re: a fall out with a friend.  Man, it was not what I wanted to hear, but seemed to be right on the money given who I am dealing with.  This woman is a bully and the way she described her was pretty spot on and was very detailed in terms of motives and reasons for her pulling away.  That was not a fun reading to review, but unfortunately (for now) seemed to be accurate - she predicted no reconciliation.  Not sure if she means ever, but at least for now.  I mean she did not say one positive thing.  Never had that happen before - kind of depressing!

Which reading did you do with her?

I also received one back today (typical relationship question) and she hit some specifics for me as far as what sort of problems I had with my ex. Thought it was pretty good :)

Offline maggie214

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« Reply #43 on: September 12, 2020, 01:49:35 AM »
I just did the one question relationship one (even though it’s not romantic).  This person is generally awful, immature and bully-ish in the way she has behaved, so not really sad the friendship is over (likely for the best) but the situation is doing collateral damage to my child and her friendships and has affected my social life with my other friends (we all socialized in a group for several years).  That is all I care about - I just want peace.  The way she described this woman and her thoughts were what my gut was telling me and  her reading was VERY different from the 2 others I have gotten in the last 9 months since this happened.  I think she is right.

Offline bonba

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« Reply #44 on: September 12, 2020, 03:44:59 PM »
I jad one with intuitivebro1. it was awful . very generic . I have not see any reader that is truely reading the future on fiverr . they guess and give you general card readings . thats all I got