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Newbie - Please Advise!
I am new and came here after a breakup with ex-fiance. So far I have read with the following heavy hitters -
Lady P
Miss Ann
and a host of others that are highly rated on Psychic Source, CP, Keen, etc. So far all but one psychic have called a reconciliation between now and as late as June. Is it a good thing that they're picking up the POI in great detail? Is it good they're calling the same outcome? The one thing I trust is my gut and it just seems to know that it isn't over yet. I felt this way with my ex-wife and she indeed came back. This one feels the same. The psychic that said no reconciliation even said that if POI grows emotionally she will return; she just doubts she will.
BTW, I want to recommend Sarangelica on Purple Ocean. She is calling same outcome on ex-fiance and has already been correct on another prediction. She told me I would lose my job and it happened on 2/28/18. She went against what other psychics said and unfortunately for me was correct.
What say you folks?
Honestly, I would get off the psychic wheel and put in some time working on myself and meditating. Don't get all wrapped up in "predictions", playing the if one psychic says yes then ten psychics saying yes must mean it's really gonna happen for sure! game and spend all your time and money waiting on predictions instead of living. You don't need 10 clocks to tell you what time it is.
I love psychics. I call for guidance and advice. I also go for months, sometimes years without calling.
If you know in your gut that it isn't over, trust that. Wait a few months for things to unfold then call the psychic that resonated with you the most to see if they can update you on the situation.
I know that "it isn't over" gut feeling. I had someone leave me. I seriously knew he didn't mean it, as silly as that sounds. I was devastated. I truly loved him and I knew in my heart, without a doubt, that he would be back. It took him two years, but he showed up again, begging my forgiveness. I took him back and realized about six months later that I was so over his sorry ass it wasn't even funny. Thank God I hadn't spent those two years racking up debt asking "when is he coming back", lol.
We all have this time breakup and reconciliation time period lol. From my experience some of the luckiest moments of my life have been these very breakups. Good riddance of crappy BS; married idiots, LDR,stupid triangles etc, but I totally understand you.
I think Kisha is good. LP whatever she read never panned out for me. Initially Kisha s numbers never made sense to me but one by one they have indeed panned out. She’s been 55-65% accurate for me which is pretty good. Best of luck.
--- Quote from: njlady on March 19, 2018, 05:30:08 PM ---Honestly, I would get off the psychic wheel and put in some time working on myself and meditating. Don't get all wrapped up in "predictions", playing the if one psychic says yes then ten psychics saying yes must mean it's really gonna happen for sure! game and spend all your time and money waiting on predictions instead of living. You don't need 10 clocks to tell you what time it is.
I love psychics. I call for guidance and advice. I also go for months, sometimes years without calling.
If you know in your gut that it isn't over, trust that. Wait a few months for things to unfold then call the psychic that resonated with you the most to see if they can update you on the situation.
I know that "it isn't over" gut feeling. I had someone leave me. I seriously knew he didn't mean it, as silly as that sounds. I was devastated. I truly loved him and I knew in my heart, without a doubt, that he would be back. It took him two years, but he showed up again, begging my forgiveness. I took him back and realized about six months later that I was so over his sorry ass it wasn't even funny. Thank God I hadn't spent those two years racking up debt asking "when is he coming back", lol.
--- End quote ---
I 2nd this. Get off the carousel now before you can't, unless you WANT to spend thousands and be completely miserable. Trust those who have come before you.
Yeah I made the mistake twice of thinking that if dozens of psychics were all giving me the same outcome, that they all couldn't possibly be wrong, when in fact they all were. I did not take psychics who did not tell me what I wanted to hear seriously because they typically got all the past and present details wrong, so they were not fairy tale readers but were simply guessing instead, and trying to sound realistic.
The time frames they give you are basically all going to be the same, within a few months.
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