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Russian Reader

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I’m sorry i cant provide a lot of info about this reader.. not because i dont want to share but because i do not know really and i’m still trying to figure out.  But a friend of mine told me that there is a Russian psychic that flies from Moscow to my City periodically (i think every 6 months?) and has been very accurate prediction wise to all her family and Russian friends.  Sadly the psychic only speaks Russian and she offered to translate the reading for me.  I probaby should have waited to have a reading with him in 3 months but i know a number of people in the forum who lives in my city or flies a lot for work in my city.  So as soon as i figured out how the scheduling happens or how much this will cost.. i will share the information. I read a lot of reviews about readers here and i dont feel anything exciting to read with them but this Russian psychic, when my friend told me about him, i was so excited and i cant wait to read with him.  He has gained a lot of following here that he can afford to fly periodically from Russia to US to read for a period of time. 

What's the name of this psychic? Is  it Sheps. I speak Russian.

If it's Alexander Sheps, than oh boy oh boy, out of at least 50 psychics I've spoken with in years, he is the ABSOLUTE BEST (I've mentioned it in another post), Tyler Henry,Theresa Caputo, John Edward are pity pity jokes compare to Sheps.  I didn't know he was seeing clients in the US (I had an appointment with him in Moscow). What city he will be flying to? Yes, please share info (I stopped getting readings for now, but I would see that guy again for sure)

Does he come to the NYC area?


--- Quote from: Angelina11 on February 25, 2018, 10:43:38 PM ---If it's Alexander Sheps, than oh boy oh boy, out of at least 50 psychics I've spoken with in years, he is the ABSOLUTE BEST (I've mentioned it in another post), Tyler Henry,Theresa Caputo, John Edward are pity pity jokes compare to Sheps.  I didn't know he was seeing clients in the US (I had an appointment with him in Moscow). What city he will be flying to? Yes, please share info (I stopped getting readings for now, but I would see that guy again for sure)

--- End quote ---

whats so good about him?


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