Author Topic: psychics I read with on CP  (Read 6939 times)

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psychics I read with on CP
« on: July 04, 2011, 09:10:24 PM »

I'm new. I read with CPs for a while. Let me start with those that have impressed me, to whatever degree (not in order):

1. Tisha: she was really the first psychic I felt connected with me. She's a great empath, I think. I called about a relationship, after a break up of course  :(. She told me it is definitely not over and that in about a week or so, I will hear from him. She said it will be a general phone call, not about reconciliation, but that by Fall we'll get back together. She nailed it. I got the call a week later and we got back together by Fall. I still call her from time to time about the same relationship and she has been consistently right about it. When I called her about another issue I was having, education related, she was wrong. The prediction didn't work out but she sensed the general state of affairs. So I think she's good for relationships, at least for me.

2. Leah: She was impressively accurate. She told me what field I'm working in, describing the nature of my work without me mentioning it. She told me things about my family, describing characters and their ideas and she was spot on. I was really impressed. She made 2 small predictions that came true, she said I'll be speaking to a woman who is sort of masculine and doesn't show emotions, I knew immediately who she meant and yes, in fact, the woman contacted me and we met. She also said I'll find a job through someone I already know, it will be a temporary gig. I was offered a job soon after to do some researching for a professor I know. So that was cool. I'm waiting to see if other things she predicted come true.  I would keep Leah on my list of top CPs.

3. Vhee: Okay, wow, she really IS straightforward. Some people probably won't even handle it. She sounds like a very, very confident business woman. She's a life coach too, I think, so I guess she has the right personality. Very quick, no BS, won't waste your money. She has guides telling her things so she just reports what she hears. She picked up on my situation very well, with details. Some things she said were off, but she told me "this is what the guides say, is this true?" so I could say yay or nay.But 90 percent of it was spot on. I really liked her, if you want someone to confidently and quickly tell you what they know, use Vhee's contact. Made predictions that I hope come true.

4. Dawn: I thought she was a good tarot card reader that tried to be as efficient with the cards as it is possible. I read tarot--as a novice--so I know that form of divination has its limitations. But I found her to be very good for that purpose. Made a weird prediction based on the cards...didn't happen yet but I haven't been doing what I need to do to make it happen, so she wasn't "wrong." Otherwise, she confirmed things I know--but I didn't tell her I know them--with the cards. If you like tarot, this could be a good one for you.

5. Morgana: Made a wrong prediction--darn-- but her sense of what was going on in the present was really good. I was really impressed with what she knew in terms of the "now." I wouldn't count on her again on the future though...

6. Charlotte. She's straightforward and I like that. I'm waiting on the predictions but things she said about the present were accurate. I had a good sense from her...wouldn't put her on top of my list because I don't know what will happen yet, but I enjoyed my reading with her twice. She told me the person I'm inquiring about is a woman--so she got that right, although it's really a 50/50 shot, and that this woman will point me in the right direction in terms of who I need to speak to next. She described two men, their hair, and yes indeed I know who she's talking about exactly. She also told me I already know who it is. So I believe her.

7. Kelli...okay...I liked a person, I think. I was calling about school and as soon as she answered, she asked me: are you going back to school? So I was like wow. I told her what state I'm in and she mentioned seeing me next to a body of water (she named it)....but since I already told her---if I remember correctly--what state it is, it's not that hard to figure out which ocean or lake or whatever that's nearby me. I liked talking to her and she would drop some details that would make me feel like I need to keep listening, but she talks so darn much. I don't feel like she does it on purpose, she sounds like an extremely nice person...but she talks about her own life and gives examples while discussing your issues. I prefer a more straightforward psychic. But either way, I was impressed with her because she knew the subject of my phone call before I said anything except my name.