Author Topic: Best Psychic Directory  (Read 42910 times)

Offline maroonlight

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Re: Best Psychic Directory
« Reply #45 on: February 03, 2018, 11:27:01 AM »

PS: Michele also said in the beginning that if a psychic knows your past and present, they know your future as well. I obviously (and probably many of you) don't agree with this because so many psychics on this forum have been mindblowingly accurate about our present/past but nothing came true.

I don't think you are asking too much of psychics, no. I suppose if they are getting the information from spirit guides, they cannot control what they are being told, but rather how they interpret it. This is just an idea though. I'm not saying this to justify the reading.

And yes, I had a psychic once actually pinpoint the exact location of a birth mark that I have, as well as that I lived on the second floor of a building. (It was a phone reading with CP Walter) It was so accurate it was scary, but his predictions were 100% wrong for me on both people I asked about. So unfortunately no, just because they get the past and present right does not mean that predictions will pan out.

It sounds like she did say things that applied to you and was not completely off topic on the other hand. It may of just been the way she interpreted the information that was off. I personally also know that all human beings are flawed and no one is 100% accurate in anything that they do. At least she didn't completely change the reading. Everytime I've confronted a psychic about being wrong with something they are saying, they change what they are saying and usually also change the reading outcome.

So basically my opinion about this is neutral. The most important aspect of the reading is obviously whether the predictions happen or not, so I would just wait and see.

Offline journalmuse

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Re: Best Psychic Directory
« Reply #46 on: February 03, 2018, 02:23:50 PM »
I had a terrible reading with her, sad to say. She picked up in some minor things but got a few major major things wrong and when I told her that it was in direct opposition to my understanding of things she challenged me about why I think that. Like she didn’t believe me or something? She wasn’t rude about it but it was offputting. Then when I told her why I felt that way she agreed that my understanding of the situation did sound correct but sort of waved her hands like well I can be wrong sometimes but I’m just right here anyway I think. And then she came up with some justification for how both of our understandings could still be true, unfortunately this was also completely wrong.

I’m sorry to say it because she was quite nice personally but overall it was one of the most inaccurate readings I’ve ever had. Sometimes people just don’t connect though but yeah. Not for me.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Best Psychic Directory
« Reply #47 on: February 03, 2018, 03:21:48 PM »
This is why I would never jump on the new psychic of the week bandwagon.....just because it’s such a crapshoot and waste of money.

Offline journalmuse

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Re: Best Psychic Directory
« Reply #48 on: February 03, 2018, 03:24:30 PM »
This is why I would never jump on the new psychic of the week bandwagon.....just because it’s such a crapshoot and waste of money.

I can’t argue with that! But really anyone is a crapshoot until you try it. Anyway she may work for some folks. She was very nice at least.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Best Psychic Directory
« Reply #49 on: February 03, 2018, 05:18:27 PM »
This is why I would never jump on the new psychic of the week bandwagon.....just because it’s such a crapshoot and waste of money.

I can’t argue with that! But really anyone is a crapshoot until you try it. Anyway she may work for some folks. She was very nice at least.
I agree with both statements. She could possibly still work for some, but you'll have to try to see if she works for you. Her claiming she is right without a doubt and her guides are never wrong b.s. is very off putting. I wouldn't read with her based on her attitude about it. I read with a psychic once, (who has been my absolutely favorite in the world) and she gave me a reading, that was way off, general, and just plain wrong. I had read with her multiple times, so I never said anything to her about it and just thought she was having an off day. Well, later that day, I get a notification from PayPal that I got a refund and then an email from her telling me that her guides later told her she was wrong about the reading (so she offered a refund) and an apology. I was in awe about that entire situation, still not completely sure how readers work, but it gave me a better understanding of how it works though.

How is it your guides are never wrong, but can tell you when you're wrong, if your interpretation is off?
If you don't see when you are off, especially when the client tells you specifically you're wrong, then it's your ego interfering.

Offline hope4love

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Re: Best Psychic Directory
« Reply #50 on: February 03, 2018, 07:07:37 PM »
This is why I would never jump on the new psychic of the week bandwagon.....just because it’s such a crapshoot and waste of money.

I can’t argue with that! But really anyone is a crapshoot until you try it. Anyway she may work for some folks. She was very nice at least.
I agree with both statements. She could possibly still work for some, but you'll have to try to see if she works for you. Her claiming she is right without a doubt and her guides are never wrong b.s. is very off putting. I wouldn't read with her based on her attitude about it. I read with a psychic once, (who has been my absolutely favorite in the world) and she gave me a reading, that was way off, general, and just plain wrong. I had read with her multiple times, so I never said anything to her about it and just thought she was having an off day. Well, later that day, I get a notification from PayPal that I got a refund and then an email from her telling me that her guides later told her she was wrong about the reading (so she offered a refund) and an apology. I was in awe about that entire situation, still not completely sure how readers work, but it gave me a better understanding of how it works though.

How is it your guides are never wrong, but can tell you when you're wrong, if your interpretation is off?
If you don't see when you are off, especially when the client tells you specifically you're wrong, then it's your ego interfering.

I agree about not jumping on the 'psychic of the week' bandwagon because it is hit and miss and I'd be really annoyed about wasting my money on a reader that didn't connect with me.
This particular psychic who gave you a refund is very ethical and also the exception than the rule, in my experience.
I'm very impressed she was humble enough to admit that her guides were wrong and refund the money. 

All too often, readers think they're omnipotent because they have 'abilities' which tends to get the ego in the way. 
Ego = inaccuracy

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Best Psychic Directory
« Reply #51 on: February 03, 2018, 07:19:07 PM »
I agree about not jumping on the 'psychic of the week' bandwagon because it is hit and miss and I'd be really annoyed about wasting my money on a reader that didn't connect with me.
This particular psychic who gave you a refund is very ethical and also the exception than the rule, in my experience.
I'm very impressed she was humble enough to admit that her guides were wrong and refund the money. 

All too often, readers think they're omnipotent because they have 'abilities' which tends to get the ego in the way. 
Ego = inaccuracy

No, her guides were right....she was wrong in her interpretation of what the guides were telling her to tell me. Apparently guides don't speak in languages like we speak and the reader has to know what they are showing them to give back to us. That's where I think Michelle may be wrong (her interpretation). The guides are out in some realm we don't really have any experience of or in, so it all comes down to interpretation. Only the reader can be wrong, IMO

Offline hope4love

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Re: Best Psychic Directory
« Reply #52 on: February 03, 2018, 07:29:00 PM »
I agree about not jumping on the 'psychic of the week' bandwagon because it is hit and miss and I'd be really annoyed about wasting my money on a reader that didn't connect with me.
This particular psychic who gave you a refund is very ethical and also the exception than the rule, in my experience.
I'm very impressed she was humble enough to admit that her guides were wrong and refund the money. 

All too often, readers think they're omnipotent because they have 'abilities' which tends to get the ego in the way. 
Ego = inaccuracy

No, her guides were right....she was wrong in her interpretation of what the guides were telling her to tell me. Apparently guides don't speak in languages like we speak and the reader has to know what they are showing them to give back to us. That's where I think Michelle may be wrong (her interpretation). The guides are out in some realm we don't really have any experience of or in, so it all comes down to interpretation. Only the reader can be wrong, IMO

Ah, I misread your post.  Apologies.
Yes, readers can be very wrong with interpreting the messages they get.  In my personal experience, when my situation is close to something a reader has experienced or is experiencing, that can really screw up their interpretations. 
And yeah, the 'I'm right' attitude is a big turn off.

Offline njlady

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Re: Best Psychic Directory
« Reply #53 on: February 05, 2018, 08:07:55 PM »
I had a really good feeling about this woman so I booked an appointment.  My two cents:

Michele was fantastic.   She's not the kind of reader that a lot of people around here would be into; e.g. he will call you on Tuesday at 6:00 pm, I see a 2 and a 7, blah blah. She gives a lot of insight and probabilities, which I personally prefer over predictions.  Plus, she told me something that I personally felt coming already and the time frame she gave is during the time the other person involved will be in my area. 

She gave me non-guessable validations that were spot on and a couple that I couldn't recognize but I'm betting it's something I don't know about or don't realize yet because the things she told me were specific and not guessable.  I'm in a convoluted situation and she went right down that rabbit hole.  Her energy is really great .  She gave me a lot of clarity and was definitely worth the money.


Offline psychicgirl87

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Re: Best Psychic Directory
« Reply #54 on: March 06, 2018, 08:39:48 PM »
So I wrote a review originally and then deleted it immediately becuae I wanted the reading to sink in.

It’s been a few weeks and went back and listened to my reading. I will spare you guys the details (if you want to know PM me). Here is a high level breakdown:

-over all she is gifted but I wasn’t blown away.
-spent to much time repeating same things or talking about things I didn’t care to look into. When I tried to express that she shut me down and said you need to stop interjecting. She also gave a really long introduction on how she does readings. I don’t need my minutes waisted on that.
-kind of aggressive
-didn’t give me any real predictions actually didn’t give me any predictions at all.
-didn’t answer my questions
-gave me guidance on something and when I tried to ask about it why I should do that she shut me down again and said I have to do exactly that.

Over all it was scattered and confusing. Tried to follow up with her via email and even paid the additional 25 but she isn’t very nice/friendly. She kind of just expects you to get it and doesn’t like it if you ask questions.

Offline journalmuse

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Re: Best Psychic Directory
« Reply #55 on: March 06, 2018, 09:04:33 PM »

She also gave a really long introduction on how she does readings. I don’t need my minutes waisted on that.

She sort of did this to me too, like with most I started off the call saying who I was and why I was calling and I started to go into the question I had but she cut me off and said she liked to "get to know me" first and suggested my energy was "intense" and that I should calm down (I was calm, but a time-limited reading, I don't want to waste time with chit chat). Then she said that she wouldn't count it against minutes, so I just said OK. It was an odd way to start, especially because she started off asking how I had heard of her, how many readings I'd had, how was my day, etc. It didn't end up mattering because her reading was so terrible that I ended it early, but still. It was a very offputting way to start off.

Offline psychicgirl87

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Re: Best Psychic Directory
« Reply #56 on: March 06, 2018, 09:10:07 PM »
ughh she did same to me but ended the call at the one hour mark. She asked me the same "how many readings have you had". So odd I called her because her reviews stated she has a very clear channel. Was not very clear to me.

I even followed her "guidance" and the outcome was not as promised.

Offline njlady

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Re: Best Psychic Directory
« Reply #57 on: March 14, 2018, 03:02:28 AM »
I still enjoyed my reading but I am annoyed right now.  I had paid in advance and on the day of my reading Michele said she had no record of my payment so I paid again on the day of my reading.  I sent her copies and e-mailed back and forth a few times and a month ago she said she would "have an answer for me" that day.  I don't know what there was to answer, I gave her copies of both payments but whatever.  I figured she would take care of it.   Then today another statement came out and there was still no credit.  Now I have to deal with all that paperwork.  When I need to refund someone it takes me literally two minutes to do it from my merchant account or PayPal.  I'm also annoyed because I had been seriously considering taking her training course this summer if I didn't keep getting hammered by unexpected expenses. 

Offline bstalling

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Re: Best Psychic Directory
« Reply #58 on: March 14, 2018, 03:44:59 AM »
Sounds like for a few of you, she knew she was getting traffic from this board.

Offline journalmuse

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Re: Best Psychic Directory
« Reply #59 on: March 14, 2018, 02:43:18 PM »
Sounds like for a few of you, she knew she was getting traffic from this board.
She asked me how I found her, but I didn't say here. I was pretty vague because I didn't think it was her business. So she would not have found out about any forum from me, at least.

