Author Topic: Best Psychic Directory  (Read 41833 times)

Offline marciamia

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Re: Best Psychic Directory
« Reply #30 on: January 31, 2018, 09:32:28 PM »
thanks marcia, keep us posted if you read with her

I have been reading with her since 2011


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Re: Best Psychic Directory
« Reply #31 on: January 31, 2018, 11:54:28 PM »
thanks marcia. would you say shes the most accurate one?

Offline marciamia

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Re: Best Psychic Directory
« Reply #32 on: February 01, 2018, 12:39:06 AM »
thanks marcia. would you say shes the most accurate one?

She’s the only one I’ve ever tried from this site, but she’s pretty phenomenal. I would suggest the phone reading as opposed to the email reading because she can word things somewhat confusing (she’s highly intelligent so the way she explains things might not make sense until it’s broken down into layman’s terms so having her on the phone and being like “hey I’m not sure what that means” or “I don’t understand what you mean” is sooo much easier than doing it through email because in email she might come back with something else you probably won’t understand either lol). Plus she’s super generous with her time on the phone and extremely ethical. I’ve never had a bad/incorrect read with her.

Offline psychicgirl87

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Re: Best Psychic Directory
« Reply #33 on: February 01, 2018, 03:40:48 AM »
I have call scheduled with her :) Im so excited!

Offline marciamia

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Re: Best Psychic Directory
« Reply #34 on: February 01, 2018, 03:46:33 AM »
I have call scheduled with her :) Im so excited!
Nice! When are you scheduled for? And don’t forget if you’re confused, have her stop and dumb it down for you lol


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Re: Best Psychic Directory
« Reply #35 on: February 01, 2018, 04:48:24 PM »
I want to try her but do you think shes good at predictions because she has very few testimonials saying her predictions came true...they are mostly spot on with present details/mediumship testimonials

Offline marciamia

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Re: Best Psychic Directory
« Reply #36 on: February 01, 2018, 05:23:55 PM »
I want to try her but do you think shes good at predictions because she has very few testimonials saying her predictions came true...they are mostly spot on with present details/mediumship testimonials

She’s predicted a lot of things for me that have happened, but that job one is the one that sticks out the most because it was coming up in every reading for 3 years lol

Offline marciamia

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Re: Best Psychic Directory
« Reply #37 on: February 01, 2018, 07:05:26 PM »
She is EST

Offline hope4love

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Re: Best Psychic Directory
« Reply #38 on: February 02, 2018, 12:39:31 AM »
She reads this forum (or so it looks like) based on a FB post she put up today. 
I guess it's natural for readers to be curious about client feedback but we've seen episodes of this sort of thing going sideways.

Offline marciamia

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Re: Best Psychic Directory
« Reply #39 on: February 02, 2018, 01:52:15 AM »
She reads this forum (or so it looks like) based on a FB post she put up today. 
I guess it's natural for readers to be curious about client feedback but we've seen episodes of this sort of thing going sideways.

I’m just going to throw it out there and say that someone mentioned the forum to her about how they found out about her; otherwise, I don’t think she’d even think to do a search because she knows her gift is for real and she’s got a lot of other stuff going on. I just read what she posted and it’s pretty legitimate if you ask me though.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Best Psychic Directory
« Reply #40 on: February 02, 2018, 06:25:26 AM »
Well, of course you'd say that since you're a fan (absolutely nothing wrong with that) and she is the only one you've read with from that site... no bias right? We won't argue but I'm not sure why what she posted was legitimate. Any post she made would have been legitimate right, since it's her perspective and opinion.  I wonder what Michelle Bigness would have said if the reviews about her were negative, because she was apparently very concerned about that...I could almost hear her go whew!

This is her post in its entirety:

Snooping Psy Chat Boards - Evaluating Assumptions
After reading posts in a chat room that reviews psychics, I was relieved the feedback about me was positive... others mentioned ...let's just say, tough room from members sharing their experiences. I thought it would be helpful to share some insight how to determine "who is a legitimate psychic" after reading some very insightful comments...this also helped me gain valuable insight.

1. How often you contact a psychic. Some psychics think it is responsible to wait a year... not true. How often depends on each person, what is going on in their life and what is being asked. Needing guidance for another topic is ok. Asking the same question 2 weeks later, you get the idea.
2. Negative/Positive Readings - as a psychic, romance questions are at the top of the list...usually, do you see someone coming back/contacting and when. When asked and heartache is involved...even desperate to know the truth, if the answer is "no" is perceived as negative. Why.. because the intense connection (soul mate) can't make sense they can be with anyone else. Typically, in these scenarios, they will keep calling other psychics until they get the answer they want. The real definition of a negative reading is when an unethical or inexperienced advisor uses words like "cursed or dark forces" creating the problem.
3. Determining who is a legitimate psychic. I've had readings where the energy stream flowed easily, specific and detailed information given without effort. On the flip side, some clients are like drilling through cement...skepticism, "if they say this, they are real", controlling the reading, etc... limits or blocks access...think of it as your energy saying, you are not allowed to read me... Although we listen to our guides, our guides listen to your guides, who won't go against your free will. This is why skeptics, will always be... Psychics have many fans and just as many critics, typically not aware of how it works. Legitimate psychics will be able to read you in person, skype or phone, near or far, past, present, future, able to give specifics, won't ask leading questions, doesn't create reliance with wording that you have to listen to them or else, will not interpret messages and usually has a lot of reviews over the years.

Offline maroonlight

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Re: Best Psychic Directory
« Reply #41 on: February 02, 2018, 11:49:39 PM »
Well, of course you'd say that since you're a fan (absolutely nothing wrong with that) and she is the only one you've read with from that site... no bias right? We won't argue but I'm not sure why what she posted was legitimate. Any post she made would have been legitimate right, since it's her perspective and opinion.  I wonder what Michelle Bigness would have said if the reviews about her were negative, because she was apparently very concerned about that...I could almost hear her go whew!

This is her post in its entirety:

Snooping Psy Chat Boards - Evaluating Assumptions
After reading posts in a chat room that reviews psychics, I was relieved the feedback about me was positive... others mentioned ...let's just say, tough room from members sharing their experiences. I thought it would be helpful to share some insight how to determine "who is a legitimate psychic" after reading some very insightful comments...this also helped me gain valuable insight.

1. How often you contact a psychic. Some psychics think it is responsible to wait a year... not true. How often depends on each person, what is going on in their life and what is being asked. Needing guidance for another topic is ok. Asking the same question 2 weeks later, you get the idea.
2. Negative/Positive Readings - as a psychic, romance questions are at the top of the list...usually, do you see someone coming back/contacting and when. When asked and heartache is involved...even desperate to know the truth, if the answer is "no" is perceived as negative. Why.. because the intense connection (soul mate) can't make sense they can be with anyone else. Typically, in these scenarios, they will keep calling other psychics until they get the answer they want. The real definition of a negative reading is when an unethical or inexperienced advisor uses words like "cursed or dark forces" creating the problem.
3. Determining who is a legitimate psychic. I've had readings where the energy stream flowed easily, specific and detailed information given without effort. On the flip side, some clients are like drilling through cement...skepticism, "if they say this, they are real", controlling the reading, etc... limits or blocks access...think of it as your energy saying, you are not allowed to read me... Although we listen to our guides, our guides listen to your guides, who won't go against your free will. This is why skeptics, will always be... Psychics have many fans and just as many critics, typically not aware of how it works. Legitimate psychics will be able to read you in person, skype or phone, near or far, past, present, future, able to give specifics, won't ask leading questions, doesn't create reliance with wording that you have to listen to them or else, will not interpret messages and usually has a lot of reviews over the years.

To be fair, a lot of people WILL get mad and give bad reviews if they are not told what they want to hear.

Offline maroonlight

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Re: Best Psychic Directory
« Reply #42 on: February 02, 2018, 11:56:07 PM »
Also I did try her and she was very correct with specific present details. I don't know if she is accurate with predictions or not yet, but almost all of the best psychic directory readers I have used have been completely wrong with past and present details.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Best Psychic Directory
« Reply #43 on: February 03, 2018, 01:09:30 AM »
Also I did try her and she was very correct with specific present details. I don't know if she is accurate with predictions or not yet, but almost all of the best psychic directory readers I have used have been completely wrong with past and present details.
Yeah, and it's because of this I can't go around willy nilly and try every psychic due to the prices these readers may have. It's akin to throwing money out the window, quite literally.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Best Psychic Directory
« Reply #44 on: February 03, 2018, 04:24:00 AM »
I'm going to go out on a limb and say no she wasn't specific and give you some specificity to my situation.
I went to a Numerologist once and he gives out five minute samples for free, so you can decide for yourself if you want a full blown reading. Based on my name and the numbers attached to it, he told me in the first five mins, I was in the military. I've been reading with psychics for millions of decades it seems and never has anyone ever picked up on that. Ever.
I had a reader to tell me once that she could see me doing something very specific in the industry I am pursuing and she saw what I was doing, specific to this industry, the background stuff it takes to keep going. I never tell readers about this, but if they see it then I tell them it's a huge hit, because I have an average job and even they don't know what I truly want to pursue as a career. It floored me the number of specifics she threw out during the reading. It was a recording and she even named the state I live in.

Well, the first reader, the numbers guy I mentioned, was a big fail. All the stuff he said that resonated, did, but nothing manifested from his reading. It was an hour long, recording and I actually sat down and transcribed the entire thing, just to have it to go back to and to highlight really good important stuff. It felt like it took forever, but nothing came from the highs of his reading..Nothing.

And the second reader I mentioned, she was so right on the sample she gave, I booked a longer read, then another, then two more after that and everything became laughable after the first one. Not only was she no longer accurate, everything was one big bag of negativity and general as hell. Nothing manifested from the first wonderful reading, nor the three sucky ones after that. Nothing.

I honestly don't know what to tell you because readers are so inconsistent, just more off than on, or the client has to weed through the stuff they want to accept and throw out the crap that doesn't belong anywhere.

And readers who act like they know you more than you know yourself?? Hmmm.

