The only reader who has been right for me on outcomes as well as predicting this new POI is Glenn Klausner, but his cheapest reading is 30 minutes for $225, so obviously not someone I would call often.
holy macaroni he is expensive. what was he right on?
Are you waiting on other predictions from him? Or everything else manifested?
Got the negative outcome about my first POI correct and predicted my current POI, a Capricorn they I would meet in October of 2017.
Well I asked him about my current POI and the outcome he gave me was open ended and unclear. He said there was potential for reconciliation, but only if he got over his issues. (The reason he stopped seeing me was not because he did not like me, but because he is dealing with so much stress in many other areas of his life right now and felt he should take a break from dating altogether)
But yeah, Glenn said that in some readings he sees couples as being completely done and over with for certain, but my reading was not that negative. Not sure if I will call and ask for an update at some point.