I stumbled across this video this morning and actually thought some of the messages helped.. hope it might help someone else to..
I skipped the first bit of the vid... and went straight to the seminar...
I've found a few of Hussey's vids useful at times when I've particularly needed to hear the message.....
Great video Kate....you know it really strikes right at the heart where I seem to be struggling ( and why I've resorted to coming to psychics since my track record with men seems so dismal in the last 15 years).
The video talks about the crucial need for women to have, and live, their personal value through "standards". And filter the men they bring into their lives according to those standards.
In other words, the way many women USED to do (instead of the endless compromising of our standards--to get and keep a man, and ultimately we end up on the losing side).
Let's face it, we either telegraph our value through our actions, our words and our expectations that we VALUE ourselves as worthy unique humans-- or we give ourselves away like some discounted bargain merchandise. Its not hard to see where that usually leads.
I know I DO have standards...and I try hard to communicate and maintain them...but nowadays, men can behave any way they want to--they are not held accountable--frankly, women really trashed our advantage when the culture encouraged us to start 'acting like men" and thinking it was *modern*, hip and open minded to become intimate physically before we are truly intimate emotionally/spiritually (translated that as 'bonded") with a man.
Uh no.
All that has done is thrown open the door to the UNCONDITIONAL candystore for MEN--and too often the candy is free, no strings attached!
Bottom line: Men and women are fundamentally not wired the same way!
We are a complementary system, not a mirror-identical system. Those differences are what has powered our species survival for millions of years.
All this fashionable gender blending as if the sexes aren't that different is BALONEY and has really screwed things up.
Instead of flattening out the differences, we need to be in awe of them as precious halves of a miraculously designed system. What needs to occur is a valuing of those differences . Different but EQUALLY valuable. It starts with each of us. We women have been our own worse enemies.
Women need to insist their God-given preciousness is revered and respected...stop drinking the very self-damaging pop culture kool-aid that you should give yourself away so easily--outside your personal standards (you know you're not listening to those standards truthfully when your 'gut' keeps sending you that little uneasiness--it's fighting what that super cute (horny) dude is telling you, maybe even nagging to drop those standards, because he **LOVES** you).
Or maybe Mr Wonderful will disappear if you don't put out by date 1, 2 or 3.
Umm, newsflash, that's plain shitty and a form of emotional blackmail, way too common today.
Unfortunately it has been adopted by too many women, when in truth if we would not accept such 'disposable commodity' treatment and DO IT IN LEAGUE, men would begin to value us, as something precious they have to EARN.
Apologies for the lecture ladies...sometimes I just get going...lol.