Author Topic: Stop getting readings and get your life back!  (Read 25312 times)

Offline Baypark1

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Stop getting readings and get your life back!
« on: January 26, 2018, 06:47:19 PM »
A year and a half ago, I found this forum when I was obsessing about a guy.  This was the 3rd guy over a 6 year period I had called about.  The first guy, I had called about 7 psychics that were independent and all were right, he did come back after 9 months but he ended up being a sociopath and ruined me emotionally, spiritually and financially.  After 3 years, I'm still hurting financially. I often think, had I not called psychics would I have moved on and ended up maybe meeting someone else? If I had, I would have never put myself with that man and ended up the way I did.

The 2nd guy I talked to for 2 weeks and he vanished.  I was extremely damaged at the time and held on to this guy for whatever reason.  Every reader was wrong, he never came back and I called for 6 months.

This 3rd guy. Again, still damaged emotionally, I got hung up on him big time.  I called psychics for a year and a half!!!!  I have no idea how much money I spent and never want to know.  99% of the readers said he had deep feelings for me, he wasn't ready for a commitment, which is why he was with someone else for 10 months, he cared deeply for me, blah blah blah.  He has yet, to this day, come back. He is no longer with the woman he was with for 10 months but he still hangs out with her a lot.  I see him occasionally, and there is NOTHING coming from him as far as any kind of interest towards me.  99% of the psychics were wrong. Some got a few minor details right, which kept me hanging on. Some got a few events correct, which kept me hanging on.  Calling readers KEPT ME HANGING ON . 

I occasionally still come on this forum, I guess out of curiosity.  I've called a few readers in the last 4 months to see about any future men coming in and a few have said someone amazing is coming in January. Um, probably not at this point since we have 5 days left of the month. I don't even know why I called in the first place!   When I come on here and read the posts, I literally get sick to my stomach.  It pains me to see everyone pining over their POI, calling readers, getting excited when they get a minor thing right, believing them when they say he/she's coming back.  If you read threads from the beginning of this forum, you will see that maybe 1% of the people here have gotten back with their ex and the psychics were right. 

When I first came on here, someone posted this thread.,1829.0.html   I read it and many others, thinking wow, that's a lot of money to spend. That won't happen to me.  I'm different. My situation is different. MY POI really cares for me. We had a deep connection.  You know, all that bullshit we tell ourselves because of all the readers validating what we feel and want.   I dismissed every single thread where people pleaded for us to stop calling and move on with our lives.  I ignored every single one of them.  I kept seeing all of the posts where readers were getting things right for people and I just knew they must be right for me!!!  Some readers were completely lying and so wrong. Some were legitimate and did get quite a few events right. Some got contact right. But in the end, their predictions were wrong. Every single one of them.  It was only when I finally started to truly realize and believe that this guy wasn't coming back, that the readers would say he's not coming back.  It's almost like they read how you are feeling and what you are wanting and their predictions are based on that, NOT the POI's feelings. 

 I will say, i probably spent at least $10000 from August 2016 to October 2017 and most likely more. One month I spent $4000 alone!!!!  I probably spent another $5000 on the first guy after he left me in 8 months and then $2000 on the 2nd guy.  PLEASE READ THAT AGAIN!!!  Look how much money I spent! I probably actually spent a lot more that what I think I did overall. But I will never add it up. I just can't do it.  Aside from the money, I spent hours and hours thinking about these men, focusing on them and putting all of my energy into THEM.  I have been single for 3 years and most of that time was spent pining and obsessing over a damn man!!!!  I have wasted 3 years of my life and tens of thousands of dollars over a MAN!!!  I'm finally now, getting my life back and learning to be alone and comfortable with myself.  I'm not spring chicken either!!  I'm 53 years old.  I don't have a lot of options out there and I wonder who I passed up because of these men I was pining over.  Men that clearly did not want me. 

I won't tell you who was right about minor things and I won't tell you who was wrong.  I won't feed your desire/addiction to call and your obsession over the POI. I will tell you I have called at least 100 psychics over the last 5 years.  I would read posts similar to mine and then ask questions about the readers they mentioned and then call them thinking I would be different.  Guess what?  I wasn't different.  I'm in the same place they were in.  I don't know the percentage of the people on here that got their POI back or major predictions were correct, but I'm going to say its probably not more than 1%.  In the year and half of calling on this 3rd guy and being on this forum pretty constantly, I know ONE person that got his POI back.  ONE.  Most people have been devastated by different outcomes, like the POI has been married, got married, has been seeing someone else etc while the psychics have been telling them their POI loves them and is coming back. 

If you are meant to be with your POI, you will be with him. No amount of calling psychics is going to make it happen any faster or at all.  All it will do is drain your bank account, your energy, your hope, your joy and prevent you from living your life and becoming strong and heal.    When you're in the depths of despair and hurting like hell because all you want is to be back with your POI, it sucks.  Plain and simple.  It hurts like hell and it sucks. But I will tell you  that calling readers is only going to prolong that hurt and pain.  Instead of you being in it for one month, you'll be in it for 6 months, a year or more until you stop calling and start healing.

I'm one of so many that have posted a thread like this, pleading for people to stop calling psychics.  Even if it's for a job or money, no one has ever been right for me in that area as well.  If you don't believe in God, find another higher power to go to instead of trusting psychics and making them your God.  Go to a support group to talk to others if you have to.  Stop wasting your money, your time and energy on these damn readings!!!  Go back through this forum and look at all the people who are no longer here or have had readers string them along and predictions not  happen.  There's a forum for "predictions come true".  How many stories are on there?  How many stories are there where predictions have come true versus stories where they haven't.  You are NOT different than any of them.  If you are, then it will happen regardless if you call.  STOP CALLING PLEASE!!!! Psychic readings suck you dry, emotionally, spiritually and financially.  Please don't ignore this like I did.  I'm not saying this because I'm bitter or angry my predictions didn't come true.  I'm telling you this because I was addicted to psychic readings and obsessed with something I didn't have and wanted.  I am not going to bash readers (although some deserve it) because I feel some do have a gift but most of them do not get a bigger outcome right. Just small things like you'll see your POI at an event.  Big freaking deal!!!  That just kept me calling for 3 more months.  Most of the people that were here when I found this forum are no longer here and it's not because they got their POI's back.  There's a whole new bunch of hurting people now that have gotten on the psychic carousel.  Please get off now!

Do something good for YOU today. Take your life back, save your money, go get a message and put your money left over into a savings and take a trip.  I predict you will be very happy if you do that and I'm not even psychic 

« Last Edit: January 26, 2018, 06:49:14 PM by Baypark1 »

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Stop getting readings and get your life back!
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2018, 06:57:12 PM »
I agree Baypark, and you are 100% right. But I have to ask:  since the psychics were SO wrong about that first guy who devastated you, what made you trust in readings after that?  Was it just the old familiar well maybe I haven't found one that works for me thing?

I've only ever called about one guy (I mean seriously called and if I added it up, I would probably jump off a building) and after that, I just started questioning the whole prediction thing in general, and I certainly felt nothing like I did in the beginning about the readings.  I think back and I truly believed all they told me and thought it would happen!  And the real mindF*** part was he did keep coming back, even told me he cared and all that stuff but kept pulling the same hot and cold crap that made me call in the first place.  I think I would have moved on a lot faster if he just stopped calling and expressing interest. 
« Last Edit: January 26, 2018, 07:01:20 PM by sawthelight »


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Re: Stop getting readings and get your life back!
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2018, 06:58:36 PM »
Thank you so much for this...AMEN!!!! I agree with every single thing you said.

PS: Anyone remember the ex-member ats1rk that got banned? The one that apparently had predictions happen left and right and thinks anyone with a keen account is psychic, and the reason we didn't have prediction happen is because we have bad energy? Well the other day I was curious and searched her name on Keen (she has the same username and posts feedbacks frequently)...all her feedbacks were GONE, she deleted her account. I wonder it because she got back with her POI and no longer needed readings? (I doubt it because she said she loves getting readings for fun even if she had predictions happen she still gets readings bc she asks about other things and she just enjoys readings) Or is it because her major prediction never happened, had a wake up call and fed up with it all?

Offline Caroline

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Re: Stop getting readings and get your life back!
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2018, 06:59:03 PM »
Thank you you’re awesome for sharing this
Hugs and more hugs to you

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Stop getting readings and get your life back!
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2018, 07:04:07 PM »
Thank you so much for this...AMEN!!!! I agree with every single thing you said.

PS: Anyone remember the ex-member ats1rk that got banned? The one that apparently had predictions happen left and right and thinks anyone with a keen account is psychic, and the reason we didn't have prediction happen is because we have bad energy? Well the other day I was curious and searched her name on Keen (she has the same username and posts feedbacks frequently)...all her feedbacks were GONE, she deleted her account. I wonder it because she got back with her POI and no longer needed readings? (I doubt it because she said she loves getting readings for fun even if she had predictions happen she still gets readings bc she asks about other things and she just enjoys readings) Or is it because her major prediction never happened, had a wake up call and fed up with it all?

My guess is this! I do remember reading that woman's posts and whewwwwww!  she was one angry woman! 

hmmm I just searched her and found this under Joanna's Gift:

I call JG when ppl are confusing me and I need clear answers and also what’s to come/will it change. Today I called her to see what my ex is doing with me and she always remains consistent there, and also about two other guys I met in the meantime. She nailed exactly the two different guys and how they have been behaving, and gave me the brutal truth about what’s to come. After I hang up I always feel very clear about what happened and what will happen. Her numbers are always phenomenal, and as a tip I have noticed that they are very often the month or the date, not the amount of weeks or months.. though occasionally they have been that too. Hope this helps someone! Thanksagain JG, talksoon!


I noticed the more I got readings, the more I felt like one of those lonely old ladies that calls shopping channels or those psychic hotlines back in the 80s...I felt pathetic.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2018, 07:06:39 PM by sawthelight »


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Re: Stop getting readings and get your life back!
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2018, 07:06:50 PM »
Thank you so much for this...AMEN!!!! I agree with every single thing you said.

PS: Anyone remember the ex-member ats1rk that got banned? The one that apparently had predictions happen left and right and thinks anyone with a keen account is psychic, and the reason we didn't have prediction happen is because we have bad energy? Well the other day I was curious and searched her name on Keen (she has the same username and posts feedbacks frequently)...all her feedbacks were GONE, she deleted her account. I wonder it because she got back with her POI and no longer needed readings? (I doubt it because she said she loves getting readings for fun even if she had predictions happen she still gets readings bc she asks about other things and she just enjoys readings) Or is it because her major prediction never happened, had a wake up call and fed up with it all?

My guess is this! I do remember reading that woman's posts and whewwwwww!  she was one angry woman! 

hmmm I just searched her and found this under Joanna's Gift:

I call JG when ppl are confusing me and I need clear answers and also what’s to come/will it change. Today I called her to see what my ex is doing with me and she always remains consistent there, and also about two other guys I met in the meantime. She nailed exactly the two different guys and how they have been behaving, and gave me the brutal truth about what’s to come. After I hang up I always feel very clear about what happened and what will happen. Her numbers are always phenomenal, and as a tip I have noticed that they are very often the month or the date, not the amount of weeks or months.. though occasionally they have been that too. Hope this helps someone! Thanksagain JG, talksoon!

Thats so weird! When I search "ats1rk keen" I get nothing...

Offline Baypark1

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Re: Stop getting readings and get your life back!
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2018, 07:08:21 PM »
Thank you so much for this...AMEN!!!! I agree with every single thing you said.

PS: Anyone remember the ex-member ats1rk that got banned? The one that apparently had predictions happen left and right and thinks anyone with a keen account is psychic, and the reason we didn't have prediction happen is because we have bad energy? Well the other day I was curious and searched her name on Keen (she has the same username and posts feedbacks frequently)...all her feedbacks were GONE, she deleted her account. I wonder it because she got back with her POI and no longer needed readings? (I doubt it because she said she loves getting readings for fun even if she had predictions happen she still gets readings bc she asks about other things and she just enjoys readings) Or is it because her major prediction never happened, had a wake up call and fed up with it all?

Or possibly because she was so horrible Keen removed her :) lol   That is interesting though!

I was talking to a forum member for a few months over the summer.  She was adamant this one reader was correct and put every ounce of faith in her. She asked about a job and actually scheduled her life around what the reader told her.  She was going to move to another country because of what this reader told her!  The reader was wrong and she found out before she moved her life, but she was very close to doing it.  That is scary!

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Stop getting readings and get your life back!
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2018, 07:09:37 PM »
Thank you so much for this...AMEN!!!! I agree with every single thing you said.

PS: Anyone remember the ex-member ats1rk that got banned? The one that apparently had predictions happen left and right and thinks anyone with a keen account is psychic, and the reason we didn't have prediction happen is because we have bad energy? Well the other day I was curious and searched her name on Keen (she has the same username and posts feedbacks frequently)...all her feedbacks were GONE, she deleted her account. I wonder it because she got back with her POI and no longer needed readings? (I doubt it because she said she loves getting readings for fun even if she had predictions happen she still gets readings bc she asks about other things and she just enjoys readings) Or is it because her major prediction never happened, had a wake up call and fed up with it all?

Or possibly because she was so horrible Keen removed her :) lol   That is interesting though!

I was talking to a forum member for a few months over the summer.  She was adamant this one reader was correct and put every ounce of faith in her. She asked about a job and actually scheduled her life around what the reader told her.  She was going to move to another country because of what this reader told her!  The reader was wrong and she found out before she moved her life, but she was very close to doing it.  That is scary!

OMG!  that's awful!

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Stop getting readings and get your life back!
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2018, 07:10:39 PM »
Thank you so much for this...AMEN!!!! I agree with every single thing you said.

PS: Anyone remember the ex-member ats1rk that got banned? The one that apparently had predictions happen left and right and thinks anyone with a keen account is psychic, and the reason we didn't have prediction happen is because we have bad energy? Well the other day I was curious and searched her name on Keen (she has the same username and posts feedbacks frequently)...all her feedbacks were GONE, she deleted her account. I wonder it because she got back with her POI and no longer needed readings? (I doubt it because she said she loves getting readings for fun even if she had predictions happen she still gets readings bc she asks about other things and she just enjoys readings) Or is it because her major prediction never happened, had a wake up call and fed up with it all?

My guess is this! I do remember reading that woman's posts and whewwwwww!  she was one angry woman! 

hmmm I just searched her and found this under Joanna's Gift:

I call JG when ppl are confusing me and I need clear answers and also what’s to come/will it change. Today I called her to see what my ex is doing with me and she always remains consistent there, and also about two other guys I met in the meantime. She nailed exactly the two different guys and how they have been behaving, and gave me the brutal truth about what’s to come. After I hang up I always feel very clear about what happened and what will happen. Her numbers are always phenomenal, and as a tip I have noticed that they are very often the month or the date, not the amount of weeks or months.. though occasionally they have been that too. Hope this helps someone! Thanksagain JG, talksoon!

Thats so weird! When I search "ats1rk keen" I get nothing...

I searched in google.  I no longer have a Keen account but that came up in google.....

Either way, it appears she's not back with the POI she was calling about. 

Offline bstalling

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Re: Stop getting readings and get your life back!
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2018, 07:10:59 PM »
Thank you so much for this...AMEN!!!! I agree with every single thing you said.

PS: Anyone remember the ex-member ats1rk that got banned? The one that apparently had predictions happen left and right and thinks anyone with a keen account is psychic, and the reason we didn't have prediction happen is because we have bad energy? Well the other day I was curious and searched her name on Keen (she has the same username and posts feedbacks frequently)...all her feedbacks were GONE, she deleted her account. I wonder it because she got back with her POI and no longer needed readings? (I doubt it because she said she loves getting readings for fun even if she had predictions happen she still gets readings bc she asks about other things and she just enjoys readings) Or is it because her major prediction never happened, had a wake up call and fed up with it all?

She probably changed her screen name on there. Feedback usually dosent just vanish like that.


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Re: Stop getting readings and get your life back!
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2018, 07:20:40 PM »
Thank you so much for this...AMEN!!!! I agree with every single thing you said.

PS: Anyone remember the ex-member ats1rk that got banned? The one that apparently had predictions happen left and right and thinks anyone with a keen account is psychic, and the reason we didn't have prediction happen is because we have bad energy? Well the other day I was curious and searched her name on Keen (she has the same username and posts feedbacks frequently)...all her feedbacks were GONE, she deleted her account. I wonder it because she got back with her POI and no longer needed readings? (I doubt it because she said she loves getting readings for fun even if she had predictions happen she still gets readings bc she asks about other things and she just enjoys readings) Or is it because her major prediction never happened, had a wake up call and fed up with it all?

Or possibly because she was so horrible Keen removed her :) lol   That is interesting though!

I was talking to a forum member for a few months over the summer.  She was adamant this one reader was correct and put every ounce of faith in her. She asked about a job and actually scheduled her life around what the reader told her.  She was going to move to another country because of what this reader told her!  The reader was wrong and she found out before she moved her life, but she was very close to doing it.  That is scary!

Nah...she's gotta be keen's favourite customer. Calling everyday and leaving everyone positive feedback lol. Also dishing out her whole story on the feedback so any advisor can fish info from

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Re: Stop getting readings and get your life back!
« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2018, 07:51:57 PM »
Thank you so much for this...AMEN!!!! I agree with every single thing you said.

PS: Anyone remember the ex-member ats1rk that got banned? The one that apparently had predictions happen left and right and thinks anyone with a keen account is psychic, and the reason we didn't have prediction happen is because we have bad energy? Well the other day I was curious and searched her name on Keen (she has the same username and posts feedbacks frequently)...all her feedbacks were GONE, she deleted her account. I wonder it because she got back with her POI and no longer needed readings? (I doubt it because she said she loves getting readings for fun even if she had predictions happen she still gets readings bc she asks about other things and she just enjoys readings) Or is it because her major prediction never happened, had a wake up call and fed up with it all?

She probably changed her screen name on there. Feedback usually dosent just vanish like that.
Yeah, it's really hard to remove feedback, even if you tell Keen that you made a mistake or fat fingered or something. Good or bad. I changed my screen name a few years ago because I realized that it gave away too much personal information if I was leaving reviews and all my previous feedback just changed to my new name. If she was a mean person, she was probably not having any luck with getting advisors to answer her calls so she changed her name so they can't find her on their bashers lists. She probably did the same thing here. I've noticed someone who was banned a couple months ago has another account that was somewhat inactive up until a couple months ago. It's hard to hide your demeanor. But anyway, I'm not getting involved with it. As far as ats1rk, just look for feedback that's written in the same type of voice as she had. Or if you remember any of her feedback, google the words of the feedback and not her name and her new name might come up.

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Re: Stop getting readings and get your life back!
« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2018, 08:14:30 PM »
I agree with the post.  I have been in the few months trying to be really good with not reading. Because I agree.. it’s destructive and addictive to a certain extent. And in the future would really like to limit my reading periodically. I have been really good in December and January. I am tracking all my expenses now.. and doing part Time jobs to earn back the money I spent on psychics (which is a lot).

Also I have my fair share of disappointment over psychics. In the process I have learned to cut down the people I read with less than 5.. and who to trust. Sometimes I would try someone new, but I stick with a few.

But I’m limiting my reading not because I never had success with them but because I’m trying to be good with saving up money. Actually I have read about 3 PoI and career questions over 4 years.. and for most part, big outcomes manifest.

I feel really bad when I read post that big outcomes didn’t manifest for a lot of people.. but sometimes I wonder why do they manifest for a few.. but not for most. For myself, psychics have helped me get promoted, not get fired, get my ex back, make my relationships better. And again... I went through binges and have weed out who works and who have not. I had a lot of psychics that didn’t work for me... but the popular ones, predictions have manifested  every single time....  so I don’t I don’t know. I really feel bad but I wonder why it doesn’t work for most.

Offline Baypark1

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Re: Stop getting readings and get your life back!
« Reply #13 on: January 26, 2018, 08:34:32 PM »
I agree with the post.  I have been in the few months trying to be really good with not reading. Because I agree.. it’s destructive and addictive to a certain extent. And in the future would really like to limit my reading periodically. I have been really good in December and January. I am tracking all my expenses now.. and doing part Time jobs to earn back the money I spent on psychics (which is a lot).

Also I have my fair share of disappointment over psychics. In the process I have learned to cut down the people I read with less than 5.. and who to trust. Sometimes I would try someone new, but I stick with a few.

But I’m limiting my reading not because I never had success with them but because I’m trying to be good with saving up money. Actually I have read about 3 PoI and career questions over 4 years.. and for most part, big outcomes manifest.

I feel really bad when I read post that big outcomes didn’t manifest for a lot of people.. but sometimes I wonder why do they manifest for a few.. but not for most. For myself, psychics have helped me get promoted, not get fired, get my ex back, make my relationships better. And again... I went through binges and have weed out who works and who have not. I had a lot of psychics that didn’t work for me... but the popular ones, predictions have manifested  every single time....  so I don’t I don’t know. I really feel bad but I wonder why it doesn’t work for most.

You're in the 1% that predictions to manifest and psychics are right.  The problem is, the other 99% see your success and think it will happen with them but for the most part, it doesn't.  That's what happened to me. I was in the 99% that everyone was wrong.  And yeah, why things happen for some (a few) and not the majority.  I wish it was the other way around :)

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Stop getting readings and get your life back!
« Reply #14 on: January 26, 2018, 09:13:07 PM »
I also think we have to hold some kind of personal responsibility too.  Meaning, if you are getting readings that are saying one thing, and reality is showing you something COMPLETELY opposite, it seems a bit strange to only believe the readers and not your own common sense.