Author Topic: Stop getting readings and get your life back!  (Read 25317 times)

Offline AustralieNs

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Re: Stop getting readings and get your life back!
« Reply #45 on: February 09, 2018, 09:42:58 PM »
OMG whiskers can you match advisors' names with their number on your prediction list?  ;D

Offline maroonlight

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Re: Stop getting readings and get your life back!
« Reply #46 on: February 10, 2018, 11:48:32 PM »
Sounds like Tired and I were dating the same person...for the same amount of time....and felt the same way about guy to a tee.  Exactly the same scenario.

We can probably all relate to the guy Tired was calling about....sad to say.  If things were clear, and the relationship was healthy, we wouldn't be calling psychics.  JMO...

With my POI's, it hasn't been an unhealthy relationship, but rather people who have disappeared that I want to return to me.

Offline whskers

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Re: Stop getting readings and get your life back!
« Reply #47 on: February 11, 2018, 04:53:57 AM »
OMG whiskers can you match advisors' names with their number on your prediction list?  ;D

I’ll mail you

Offline Cooper28

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Re: Stop getting readings and get your life back!
« Reply #48 on: February 12, 2018, 04:49:15 AM »
Just wanted to share an awesome book called "Outrageous Openness" by Tosha Silver. It really is amazing. To anyone that wants to truly start to free themselves from this addiction get this book. Download Kindle right to your phone and get reading. Beware this is not just some self help book to get you what you want. This can be a journey to freeing yourself. This psychic addiction can actually turn into a wonderful blessing.

@love, can you share what you found amazing in this book? And how you found that psychic addiction can turn into a blessing?

Offline FaithandTruth

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Re: Stop getting readings and get your life back!
« Reply #49 on: February 15, 2018, 10:27:38 PM »
This is my first time replying to one of your forums (besides my private email to one of the members). Just want to say that I’m relieved to have found you all and that you all found each other on here. I’m an addict since 2008.

Offline jas

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Re: Stop getting readings and get your life back!
« Reply #50 on: February 17, 2018, 02:52:27 AM »
My addiction also started in 08' and is finally starting to let up a little bit.

Offline FaithandTruth

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Re: Stop getting readings and get your life back!
« Reply #51 on: February 17, 2018, 12:53:50 PM »
Hi Jas, nice to meet been quit a journey hasn’t it?  Mine is too although I still call, it’s just more controlled but I wish I had total control to say enough. I’m sure you feel the same when I say imagine all things we could have done better with our hard earned money. Like a down payment on my dream beach house.

My addiction also started in 08' and is finally starting to let up a little bit.

Offline HopefulHeart

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Re: Stop getting readings and get your life back!
« Reply #52 on: February 24, 2018, 02:46:45 AM »
Man oh man it's been a hot minute since I've been on this site! I popped on because I checked my old email address and saw I had a number of messages from a bunch of y'all!

I had stopped really binge reading before I stopped posting but hung around to answer questions and see how things worked out with a bunch of people on here then the page started feeling really toxic so I signed off for a while and stopped getting readings. But I decided to pop in for one more quick update and was so glad to find this topic!

At the risk of sounding braggish, can I just say how GREAT it feels to not have the burden of the addiction of getting readings?! I took my life into my own hands and stopped getting readings and it's been so freeing. I'm no longer worrying about every little thing, I'm no longer agonizing over what this one or that one said will happen. I stopped obsessing over it all. And then other changes started happening; obviously I had money again. I wasn't spending all of my money on readings. I wasn't worrying about a climbing credit card bill or my bank account being low because I was spending it on readings. I started feeling more positive about things! I felt like I was finally getting things under control. And the next best thing? I was once again making decisions for myself! I wasn't stopping myself because some so-and-so told me not to, or because they advised me to do something else. I started listening to myself and doing what I wanted. I gained the confidence to leave my crappy job and got a new one that I LOVE! I dropped crappy friends that made me feel bad about myself. I finally became my own woman again.

And... things started improving with my POI. Are we back together? No. But things are definitely feeling better between us. We talk more, it doesn't feel so tense when we talk, he's invited me out! Things just feel better. Finally. *knock on wood* I think what helped there too, besides my constant obsessed focusing on it, is that my confidence started going up. And THAT is the most important part. I started to remember WHO I was and who I am. I know what I want. Sure I know that I like my POI but I also know that I have a standard of how I want to be treated and deserve to be treated.  I'm spunky and playful, I don't just timidly interact. BUT at the same time, I talk to him like a friend. I just create positive interactions, I no longer bring in that energy like all I want is to be together. NO. I focus on the communication, the conversation, the here and now. I no longer bring in that energy of only being after one goal. And you know what? It's really helped!

Stepping back and breaking the addiction has also allowed me to have a much more critical eye on the readings I had gotten. I realized that a lot of them (most of them) I was bending the prediction to fit the situation because I wanted it to be right. I was telling myself "well they were really off with timing but they said a 4 and it was the 14th so theres the 4!". Now sure, there has been the odd prediction from various others that have been correct, but some could have been lucky guesses or general enough that anyone could have guessed it. Now yes, there were one or two readers that I did have better luck with, but even if they did pick up good details or make accurate predictions, NO ONE has been 100% correct for me. Overall its important to remember readers (real readers) are not miracle workers. They are not going to see every detail and every tiny little possibility. To expect that of them is naive. When you are getting readings, especially if it concerns another person, there's so many other free wills to consider. Nothing is written in stone. You can change things, they can change things, anything can change anything. Also, the danger of online readings is how easy it is for anyone to pretend to be a reader just so they can make a quick buck.

Now I cannot say that I have not gotten a single reading since breaking my habit, because that would be a lie; there are only 2 people I have read with. Both local. The first one I have only read with once a year. He covers that entire year and I go on my merry way. I will read the notes he writes a couple of times and then lock them away to be forgotten. I've read over them a couple of times just to see how things have gone and then I locked them back up again (and honestly, as great as he is I don't think I am going to see him again this year). The 2nd local reader I met last year. She's a more of the here and now reader. I found her and thought what the heck, she was fair priced, it had been a while, and really there's nothing wrong with getting readings IN MODERATION. I have read with her twice now (once every six months) and I might stretch it out longer because I still don't feel the itch for getting a reading.

I've had a lot of messages asking about certain readers and if I would read with them again and the answer is No. To all of them. Keen, AskNow, Oranum, PsychicText, whatever pay-by-the-minute site you're looking at, NO. Looking back I wish I would have never started getting readings in the first place; but it's too late for regrets so I take it as a lesson. I'm in a good place now, getting better by the minute, and I feel a lot better than I did when I was at the height of my addiction. Not a single reading ever really brought me any joy, they just perpetuated the problem. I might have felt better for a day or two (some readings I felt so terrible I was going to someone else and then another and another), but I never had a reading that made me feel truly good or confident.

I sort of went all over the place with this post and it ended way differently than I first intended but I'm just glad to be able to share my own story. It is entirely possible to break the habit/addiction and take your life back in your own hands and I HIGHLY recommend it. :)

Offline Baypark1

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Re: Stop getting readings and get your life back!
« Reply #53 on: February 24, 2018, 04:26:45 AM »
@hopefulheart. BRAVO!!!! CONGRATS! it is an amazing feeling to no longer be addicted to readings. I too have stopped getting them. My last one was with Yona about 3 weeks ago and it was a non reading. She picked up nothing.  She and I talked about the space I was in and the only reason I was reading with her was due the reading already being scheduled for weeks.  This was the 3rd time I had tried to read with her in 3 months. Every time there was an issue where we never could talk. She said we were jinxed. I said it was because I was no longer suppose to get reading and was putting my faith in God instead of psychics.

Absolutely nothing has happened that any of the readers said would. Nothing with the POI, no new man, no huge income, nothing. The best part? I don't care. I'm living my life and enjoying ME. Instead of hating myself for calling all the time draining my bank account.  I haven't been on here in a week or so either.  It's just freeing.  Glad you're doing so great!!!!

Offline dascallie

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Re: Stop getting readings and get your life back!
« Reply #54 on: March 07, 2018, 01:18:53 PM »
I stumbled across this video this morning and actually thought some of the messages helped.. hope it might help someone else to..

I skipped the first bit of the vid... and went straight to the seminar...

I've found a few of Hussey's vids useful at times when I've particularly needed to hear the message.....

Great video know it really strikes right at the heart where I seem to be struggling ( and why I've resorted to coming to psychics since my track record with men seems so dismal in the last 15 years).

The video talks about the crucial need for women to have, and live, their personal value through "standards". And filter the men they bring into their lives according to those standards.

In other words, the way many women USED to do (instead of the endless compromising of our standards--to get and keep a man, and ultimately we end up on the losing side).

Let's face it, we either telegraph our value through our actions, our words and our expectations that we VALUE ourselves as worthy unique humans-- or we give ourselves away like some discounted bargain merchandise. Its not hard to see where that usually leads.

I know I DO have standards...and I try hard to communicate and maintain them...but nowadays, men can behave any way they want to--they are not held accountable--frankly, women really trashed our advantage when the culture encouraged us to start 'acting like men" and thinking it was *modern*, hip and open minded to become intimate physically before we are truly intimate emotionally/spiritually (translated that as 'bonded") with a man.

Uh no.

All that has done is thrown open the door to the UNCONDITIONAL candystore for MEN--and too often the candy is free, no strings attached!

Bottom line: Men and women are fundamentally not wired the same way!

We are a complementary system, not a mirror-identical system. Those differences are what has powered our species survival for millions of years.

All this fashionable gender blending as if the sexes aren't that different is BALONEY and has really screwed things up.

Instead of flattening out the differences, we need to be in awe of them as precious halves of a miraculously designed system.  What needs to occur is a valuing of those differences . Different but EQUALLY valuable. It starts with each of us. We women have been our own worse enemies.

Women need to insist their God-given preciousness is revered and respected...stop drinking the very self-damaging pop culture kool-aid that you should give yourself away so easily--outside your personal standards (you know you're not listening to those standards truthfully when your 'gut' keeps sending you that little uneasiness--it's fighting what that super cute (horny) dude is telling you, maybe even nagging to drop those standards, because he **LOVES** you).

Or maybe Mr Wonderful will disappear if you don't put out by date 1, 2 or 3.

Umm, newsflash, that's plain shitty and a form of emotional blackmail, way too common today.
Unfortunately it has been adopted by too many women, when in truth if we would not accept such 'disposable commodity' treatment and DO IT IN LEAGUE, men would begin to value us, as something precious they have to EARN.

Apologies for the lecture ladies...sometimes I just get