Author Topic: Some Myth Busting from a Keen Advisor  (Read 34626 times)

Offline bstalling

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Re: Some Myth Busting from a Keen Advisor
« Reply #45 on: January 17, 2018, 01:07:48 AM »
Well, I do thank pprincess for at least sitting back, watching the board and trying to bring about a discussion. She didnt pretend to be a client and promote herself. Thanks for that.

i don't think we should thank someone for being honest. honesty should be a baseline. she definitely IS pushing SOMETHING.

Well, I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she really believes all she has posted on the original post, but I came to counter that. I don't want her to feel like my different perspective
is me trying to be aggressive towards her.

Offline peppie

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Re: Some Myth Busting from a Keen Advisor
« Reply #46 on: January 17, 2018, 02:46:27 PM »
a myth: "a widely held but false belief or idea."

the whole premise of her post doesn't hold. sorry, not buying it.

Offline mystery123

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Re: Some Myth Busting from a Keen Advisor
« Reply #47 on: January 17, 2018, 03:26:33 PM »
I just wanted to bust some myths I’ve been reading on here.

1)   All Keen Advisors are Just There for Money
No, not all advisors are there for the money. Some of us truly enjoy using our gifts to help others and actually get very tense and restless if some of that energy isn’t directed outwards. Keen gives us an easily-accessible outlet that is convenient for those of us that have demanding day jobs so can’t schedule a lot of in-person readings at reasonable hours.

Also, even when we aren’t in it for the income, many of us are forced to charge more than the minimum because charging the minimum means you have to deal with all of the most abusive callers. You get an exponentially greater quality of client at $5 per minute versus $2 per minute. When your rate is the minimum, you get nonstop calls from underage kids and psychic-hoppers trying to rush an answer out of you in 1 minute or less and will then rate you based on how your yes/no answer compared to what everyone else told them. Nobody wants to take those calls. If you want to work with clients who are actually looking for insight, you either have to charge more than the minimum, or just hang up instantly on the majority of the calls you get.
And even the readers that are indeed working on Keen full-time for income: So, what’s wrong with that? If you have a skill or gift, should you not use it as your day job if you can and if you enjoy it? Do you think it’s such a fun job that people want to do it all day every day for free?

2)   Keen Advisors Share Information on Clients
This one I really don’t understand. In what way would it benefit me to share client information with another advisor? Wouldn’t that just lose me clients because that advisor would appear to know more than I did when the client called them? And that’s if the client happened to even call that advisor – there are hundreds of advisors active on Keen at any moment and thousands of clients. So here we have to assume that I give your info to a friend, you happen to call that friend at some point, and that friend then is able to access the info I gave them on you, read it, answer your call and have all this info ready within 60 seconds? No.

There are basher lists available online that list out the Keen usernames of people who consistently leave one-star ratings, but those lists – as you can google for yourself – don’t contain personal information about the clients that can be used to fake being psychic. And if you’re on that list and a reader finds you there, they most likely won’t take your call at all.

In terms of the reader-only forums on Keen: You have to have a few hundred ratings in order to view them so don’t believe the clients on here who say they have a reader account so that they can view the forums. They can’t see the real ones unless they have been actively working as a reader on Keen for a while, but rest assured that Keen heavily monitors the forums and does not allow us to share any client information there at all. If we even complain about a rating they will delete the post, which is why the online basher lists exist at all.

3)   Readers Purposely Lie to You
As an occasional client on Keen I’ve received my share of bogus predictions, but I don’t believe that the readers purposely misled me. I think some readers are totally bogus, and if you watch you will see that many get weeded out by the feedback system rather quickly. But it doesn’t even make sense that we would be giving out lies that we know will never happen because – duh – we will get terrible feedback, no repeat clients, and will no longer be able to use the site. I think we all do our best, and often times our callers just do not listen to our advice. I can’t even begin to remember all the times I’ve told a client that in order to reach a favorable outcome they had to take a certain action or behave a certain way, then they came back and told me they did the opposite. The future is changeable and subject to your free will. If you are not going to follow the advice of your advisor then how do you expect to get the outcome they predicted?

One more thing I want to point out is that the population that posts here is not representative of the majority of the clientele on Keen. It seems to be a pretty small sample of psychic-hoppers.  The clients who come to us once a month for guidance or only when they are at a crossroads in their relationship or career (those who use readings in a healthy way and have an excellent relationship with their trusted advisor) are not the ones who are posting here, yet those are the ones you would actually want to listen to if you wanted to know which advisors to call.

If you have questions about the reader perspective on Keen I’ll try to answer them, but do not ask what my Keen username is because I’m not here to gain or lose clients. I was just reading some really bitter stuff on here and a lot of people blaming psychics for their relationship problems so I thought I’d put in a couple of my own cents.

BTW: If you are so anxious about your relationship that you call 15 psychics to find out what’s going to happen in that relationship: the answer is NOTHING because you’ve already destroyed it with your intensity and anxiety and insecurity. The object of your obsession can sense it and finds it unattractive and repellent. Nobody wants to be around that kind of energy (including the psychics). Stop calling us and work on being more easy-going.

Thanks for sharing!

Offline journalmuse

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Re: Some Myth Busting from a Keen Advisor
« Reply #48 on: January 17, 2018, 06:35:12 PM »
Thank you for sharing, and being willing to step into the buzzsaw. People here mean well, but are here mostly because they're in the middle of a time of high stress/high emotions, and when your emotional cup is that full, it can overflow easily. (I include myself in this description by the way so I hope that doesn't offend anyone.)

So again, thanks for sharing.

I'd like to ask: Do you have any tips for getting the best reading? As in... call someone earlier in their shift, or call less often, I think these are pretty self-evident. But anything else? How about the right questions to ask, or the right way to frame a question?

Take care.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Some Myth Busting from a Keen Advisor
« Reply #49 on: January 17, 2018, 06:38:14 PM »
Thank you for sharing, and being willing to step into the buzzsaw. People here mean well, but are here mostly because they're in the middle of a time of high stress/high emotions, and when your emotional cup is that full, it can overflow easily. (I include myself in this description by the way so I hope that doesn't offend anyone.)

So again, thanks for sharing.

I'd like to ask: Do you have any tips for getting the best reading? As in... call someone earlier in their shift, or call less often, I think these are pretty self-evident. But anything else? How about the right questions to ask, or the right way to frame a question?

Take care.

Great way to put it, so many post when their emotions are high..

Offline peppie

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Re: Some Myth Busting from a Keen Advisor
« Reply #50 on: January 17, 2018, 06:44:17 PM »
if anyone is referring to me, i'm not posting when my "emotions are high". i stand by my statements.

someone speaking on behalf of an entire community of psychics is irresponsible.

Offline Beesa

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Re: Some Myth Busting from a Keen Advisor
« Reply #51 on: January 17, 2018, 06:47:02 PM »
But how is she speaking on the entire behalf of everyone else? She's only part time and stated that, so I didn't read her post like the voice of Keen or anything.

Offline peppie

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Re: Some Myth Busting from a Keen Advisor
« Reply #52 on: January 17, 2018, 07:37:57 PM »
"myth busting". how about "my opinion?"

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Some Myth Busting from a Keen Advisor
« Reply #53 on: January 17, 2018, 08:26:53 PM »
I no longer use Keen but I still occasionally go back and read thru feedback, and it really seems there are some people calling for years about the same POI or topic that never seems to go anywhere (Flowers and her job search) etc....Faery Lady has a woman named wintersonata who calls it seems every day about a married man she's been seeing for years and waiting to leave his wife.  It hurts my heart when I see things like that.....

I would really like to believe that most callers are not like that but unfortunately I don't think that's the case....
« Last Edit: January 17, 2018, 08:30:29 PM by sawthelight »

Offline pprincess

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Re: Some Myth Busting from a Keen Advisor
« Reply #54 on: January 17, 2018, 08:46:53 PM »

I'd like to ask: Do you have any tips for getting the best reading? As in... call someone earlier in their shift, or call less often, I think these are pretty self-evident. But anything else? How about the right questions to ask, or the right way to frame a question?

Take care.

I’m glad you asked that! Yes I have some tips; that is one of the things that has been discussed in the advisor forums ad nauseam. Advisors HATE it when you ask “When is he going to call” or “When is he coming back.” For one thing, it’s not a question that’s going to get you any insight on the situation or relationship. It’s not going to tell you why he left or what your role in it was or what you can do to improve the relationship and avoid coming to the same place again and repeating destructive cycles. It’s a question that asks us to cut out the flood of information we’re receiving about the relationship and just give you a date. Secondly, for the most part we advisors know that pinning down timing is an art that few have mastered. I myself have never had an advisor give me an accurate date, and I don’t personally believe that psychic ability even works that way or that predicting events happening on a specific date can really be done. A timeframe within a few months, sure, but within a few days? Good luck with that. Most of us don’t see events as they unfold on a calendar, plus your actions and the energy you put out affect your relationships and surroundings. So when you just ask “When is he going to contact me,” you are not only NOT asking a question that’s going to help you or your relationship in any way, but you are asking the advisor to do the hardest work they can while they know it won’t help you. I’m telling you they complain about this in the forums all the damn time. Hate it! If you look through the listings, many of us don’t even offer to give timing anymore.

I think if an advisor says in their listing that they are great at predicting dates, then they are inviting those types of questions so you are free to ask them, but I personally wouldn’t even trust those advisors. You can see from looking at the boards here that dates are often wrong, and clients seems to use that to judge an advisor’s ability. I saw plenty of posts here saying things like “She was great with the present and past but future dates were wrong.” Why do you think that is, that soooo many of us are able to see exactly what’s happening and what’s happened in your relationship but future turns out differently from the path we’re seeing? Obviously the reader has psychic ability – you’re a complete stranger possibly on the other side of the world from us and yet we know all about your significant other? I think it’s because that’s the way our abilities work. The present and past and all the problems and emotions surrounding them are easy for us to see, but we don’t see calendars and the future is changeable.

That being the case, I think if you want to get anything of significance out of a reading, you need to be asking the kinds of questions that actually use the psychic’s abilities to the best advantage and that actually will give you practical help in your life. You can often tell what kinds of questions that advisor specializes in by reading their listing, but if the advisor doesn’t list out questions there, things like the following will get you the best insight: “Is there anything I can do to bring X back to me?” or “What can I do to improve my relationship with X?” I often find that just asking “How does X feel about me?” gives all the answers you need. It usually tells you why they left, what they are feeling now, and what the best possible outcome would be with that relationship. Again, just asking “When” isn’t going to give you much. The “Why” and “How” are where the information lies.

I also want to point out that even though I think the dates advisors give are mostly inaccurate, I don’t think they know that. When you are right on with the past and present, you tend to think what you’re getting for the future must be accurate as well. I think they are taking that on good faith, but I also believe that just the act of telling someone what is coming in the future can change it. A lot of us feel that way, so we are careful to try to look at WHAT YOU CAN DO to lead to the future you want. If someone is telling you to sit tight and your dream is going to fall into your lap from the sky, they aren’t doing it right.

Another kind of question that has been complained about recently with the new year is “What do you see coming for 2018.” You know there is a specific area of your life you want to focus on, so just ask about that. Half the advisors on the board said they wouldn’t answer that and would ask the client to be more specific, and the other half said they would just go ahead and start the read but the client would always interrupt after a card or two with the more specific question. So just start with your specific question and save yourself some time/money.

Other than asking specific questions that factor your own actions and responsibility into the situation, I’d say giving your advisor information about the situation as they go along is extremely helpful to getting a good read. I know you hate to do it because then you think you are just “feeding” us info and we aren’t using our abilities to help you, but we are not omniscient and being able to put the info we receive into the perspective of your life isn’t easy so why shouldn’t you help us out? It is always shocking to me when I find how much more the info I’m getting makes sense because a client reveals something about the situation.

One example: I had a relationship read just yesterday where I kept seeing this other woman kind of on the periphery of the relationship, trying to dig her way in, and I could tell that it wasn’t someone the man was cheating with – no romantic or sexual tie – but it didn’t make any sense to me. I just didn’t say anything about it since I didn’t understand it at all and didn’t want to worry the client with half-ass fears I didn’t have more info on, but then the client later told me that her boyfriend’s sister didn’t like her and asked if the sister was influencing him at all. It was a Eureka moment for me! Oh, it’s his sister, and yes she’s influencing him! This kind of thing happens all the time, and it makes me a better reader each time it happens.

We aren’t omniscient and the feelings and impressions we get about your life aren’t always clear. I discard most of what I get during a read because it isn’t clear enough. But if you help clarify some of that for us, we can better help you. This is also why we love our repeat clients and they love us. The first read – especially if you give us no info – is the hardest to figure out. We know zero about you and have to weed through the info we get to find something substantial that makes sense, but the more we get to know you and the more we know about your situation, the more it’s all so clear. I don’t even have to pull cards for the clients I’ve had for years. As soon as we connect, I can interpret every impression I get for them because I know what it means and how it fits. I think that’s also part of why psychic-hoppers seem to get so many bad reads. They are all first-time reads, they give no info because they are testing the psychic, and the psychic can only understand so much from this faceless person the first time they connect. I repeat, none of us are omniscient. You can help yourself get a better reading by working WITH your psychic.

I hope that answered your question well enough, but let me know if you have others.

Offline peppie

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Re: Some Myth Busting from a Keen Advisor
« Reply #55 on: January 17, 2018, 08:51:08 PM »
In my view, anyone saying "I think we all do our best" etc. in reference to Keen readers is either naive, or trying to whitewash things.

The reviews here simply don't bear that out, which is why this person has to attack the validity of the reviews on this forum to try to get it to hold water. But what's more, even the reviews on Keen itself don't bear it out, despite how flawed the feedback system is on there.

It would be much more realistic to say, SOME readers do their best, SOME do mean well, but to also acknowledge that there are some scammers and dishonest readers on Keen who are not easily weeded out by the feedback system or the fair play policies.

Furthermore it is pretty well known that some of the more dishonest readers can be very competitive, going after the more sincere and well meaning readers and try to hurt their business with negative feedback, or even drive them off of Keen.

Most readers who are genuine know that there are other readers on Keen who are not so genuine, and they will gently try to warn clients to be careful who they call. Just like those of us here who have experienced it ourselves try to warn people.

100% agree. I don't agree with the "let me help you underlings with sage advice."  BS.

Offline doubleoh8

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Re: Some Myth Busting from a Keen Advisor
« Reply #56 on: January 17, 2018, 09:05:22 PM »
Hi pprincess

I just wanted to say thanks for being willing to come on this board and share insight with us. I didn't read through all the back-and-forth arguing... but am grateful for the advice and your willingness to share your perspective.

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Re: Some Myth Busting from a Keen Advisor
« Reply #57 on: January 17, 2018, 09:46:00 PM »

Yes I can usually tell when people are being obsessive and calling a bunch of us, and I can tell when they are seeking to be told what they want to hear and aren't really looking for guidance and real insight into their problems. I can tell when nothing I can say will actually get through to them. It is an anxious energy you get from the caller, it is obvious in the kinds of questions they ask, the way they respond to you, and in their reviews.

You mean to tell me you don’t rely solely on your psychic abilities?  :o

Offline peppie

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Re: Some Myth Busting from a Keen Advisor
« Reply #58 on: January 17, 2018, 10:56:15 PM »
I don't agree with the "let me help you underlings with sage advice."  BS.

Exactly...whether the advice is sound or not, when the underlying attitude comes off like "I know better than you" it sets off alarm bells.

i agree.

Offline pprincess

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Re: Some Myth Busting from a Keen Advisor
« Reply #59 on: January 17, 2018, 11:01:40 PM »

You mean to tell me you don’t rely solely on your psychic abilities?  :o

This post just reminded me of another tip that might help you get better readings: SET REALISTIC EXPECTATIONS.

If you go into a reading expecting the psychic to know everything about you right off and everything about your future, you are going to be disappointed every time. Maybe before you spend money on a psychic reading, you should learn a little bit more about how psychic abilities work and what they feel like to the psychic. I’m hoping I’m getting some of that part of our experience across in my posts, but I want to make that point loud and clear: WE ARE NOT OMNISCIENT.

Even setting the actual psychic ability aside, correctly interpreting the information we receive is a whole other set of skills we have to develop, and that is where our human fallibility comes into play the most. What we see might be totally right on, but how we interpret it? Trial and error is really the only way for us to improve on that.

So to set realistic expectation, I think learning about how psychic ability works will help, paying attention to the specific area of ability the psychic advertises on their listing so you know you’re calling the right person for the answers you need, and also going into the reading knowing what you want to get out of it. Think about your question and what kind of information you want to leave the reading with before you call, and ask yourself if you are really receptive to what they have to say for better or worse. If you aren’t open to hearing them out or facing the reality of your situation, if you aren’t seeking ways to improve your own situation, or if you just feel bad and want to know it’s all going to be okay, don’t call them. You can call actual certified therapists on LivePerson, or seek out self-help topics online, like “How to release an ex,” or “How to get out of a career rut.” Don’t call unless you have a specific area of your life you are trying to work on and need some insight on how to sort it out or which steps to take next, or if someone in your life is confusing you and you need some insight on their intentions or feelings. I think that's what we're here for.