Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Psychic Readings That Came True
While you wait....
Ok, again, many people have asked me what I did to stay postive while I waited for SM to come back so I thought I would post it here with some thoughts that "might" help some of you. Believe me... this was HARD! But I did it!
So, the first thing I tried to do is to not focus my thoughts (other than manifestation medications) on him. I thought about everything else in my life and what I wanted to do and learn. I bought books and read on many different subjects that I was interested in. I went out with friends. I went on dates. I went on vactions. I worked on my house. I did things that were important to ME and anything to focus on something other than him.
I think I mentioned this before, but I bought the book "Catch Him and Keep Him" and read it and studied it cover to cover. I know it sounds like I focused on SM here but I made it be about men in general rather than about SM. If he wasn't coming back, I was going to be prepared mentally for what's next and it taught me A LOT about men. I would never recommend the rest of the series as they are just money makers for Christian Carter, but book one was great as far as I was concerned!
One of the things that has taken ME forever to learn is that just because I was committed to someone in MY head didn't mean that I was committed to them otherwise. I was free to live me life, and enjoy myself regardless of where he was with his issues. I needed to be the most important person to ME before I could be his important person. Whether this is an issue for some of you, I don't know but learning this lesson has completely changed my world and my persepective.
I hope this was of some help to some of you. I'm rooting for you all!!!
I love this. Thank you, Sunshinegirl!
I love it tooo...jeez it seems like the only ay to be with your sm after you've met them is through patience and faith. Can I ask you what circumstances made it a challenge for you guys? And how long did you wait. I have a soulmate story also and it seems like all hope is lost for me :(
I have read some of Christian Carter books and I think he mentions that it takes a man 3 weeks and sometimes longer to realize what he has lost and i agree with that 100 percent
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