Had quite a few predictions this year that came to pass. A lot of different readers, across platforms saw some key details about a work/relocation situation. Some saw
more details than others. Those included Indio from CP, Cherokee from CP, Tajah from CP, Princess Petie, Leanne Halybruton, Miss Ann from Bitwine, and Mrs. Donna from Bitwine.
I took a spin around CP and found a few readers that seemed to really hit it out of the ballpark. I searched through CP and saw that they have over 400 readers on there. Took a dive at some of the newer ones and was pleasantly surprised.
I will note that this year I was basically going the entertainment route as far as predictions. I didnt particularly care either way if they were right or wrong. More like an experiment and
just for general readings. I've found most are accurate for general readings. I'm married now, but if I ever go through a hard time with my husband, I dont forsee me using a psychic again in the love area. Its just not worth it. Read on things that are practical or that you can easily detach from.