I have spoken with Effie quite a few times and man, I just love her! She’s so cool to talk to and she seems so genuine. However, I’m curious if your mood/mental state/her present state can affect readings. She has flopped once on me and I don’t know what to think of it.
She has told me there will be random contact in May or June and “lovers in the action line” in June. She even saw the cord coming up in June/July and a serious conversation taking place between my POI and I, which all of the other readers have also mentioned. She also saw something I did a week or two after we quit speaking that made him jealous and further back away, unfortunately.
Three of our four calls this is what she saw and stuck to. One however was sooo different and it really threw me off, so much so I gave it a week and called her back to see if she was back to her same old song and dance. It was strange. She said we would most likely talk eventually but he wasn’t going to step up and it wouldn’t be in June.
Another thing she has flipped on is whether there is another person in the picture. He is having issues with his ex, which is taking a lot of his energy, so maybe she is misinterpreting her cards? But in the more negative reading she said she sees someone who is purely physical, no emotional attachment. Prior to this though, she did a social forecast of him and was like man I don’t see even hookups at all, all I see in his path is you.
I’m not really sure what to think of this. It’s very possible the more negative reading is true, it’s probably closer to reality, but the other times were so consistent and seemed valid! Anyone have this happen with her? Also, I’m aware my problem is most likely not being patient and calling too much

I’m going to wait and see how things unfold moving forward!