I don't have much to say yet, but I will say she was the only one last year to tell me timing wouldn't be til 2019 - she's been right there. All other readers told me last year. One thing though was that my second reading with her she was so sure about present details on POI and I found out it wasn't true. I never called her on it when I read with her again bc I felt like it was irrelevant and I thought it was off at the time anyway. My reading with her after that she didn't same the same present details, she gave me more accurate details. So I guess she was off that 2nd reading - which really sucks. But the reading after that she seemed more in tune. Its weird though bc she always comes across as really in tune but I find my gut will tell me if something was off. How I wish she was 100% and totally right...sigh...anyone else verify her accuracy?
Hey, snow you asked me about Effie on the other thread so I thought I'd pop in here and just reply! I've been reading with Effie since last summer. She is the best tarot reader I have come across who does not "channel", I guess as you'd call it, like Tara does ya know? Effie got a major prediction wrong for me last fall but she warned me at the time that if something my POI was working on w his career did not go positively, he would delay this major prediction for a long time. She was correct--he has delayed it and our entire relationship since November, so.
I find Effie amazing at nailing inter-personal relationship details (for me at least) and picking up surrounding energies. If there's a third party to be worried about, she'll usually hit that. She also has been pretty keen on picking up the details of conversations I've had or will have in the future. Like, she'll pick up on the tone of a conversation, and repeat certain words or phrases that I've said or they have said, and then explain how the other person may have reacted internally. She's been right on my POI's moving about (as in changing living situations, and she's gotten the timing of these shifts correct for me as well!)
My next "major shifts" are set for March and this summer, so I will have to keep you posted. I would be surprised if a major one for March happens, but I'm trying to just go on w my life and live for myself

When I'm in a panic and I need some clarification on a social situation, however, and regardless of love or not, I tend to call Effie because she's no bs. She doesn't wax on about the moon or astrology (which is fine if that's what you want) but reallllly explains the cards she's pulling and what they entail. I've noticed she's been using the tarot of the soul a lot with me and several other decks that I'm forgetting. She's just great at picking up energy, at least for me, and for getting work and career shifts right for me and my POI. Her contact timing can be off! But--if she sees someone contacting you, they will. Just not always within her timing.
I hope this helps... I could probably write a ton more. She hasn't been always right. But she's been consistently accurate about things that matter to me. I hope she works for some of you, too. Cheers xo