@flora0250 Thank you!!! Fingers crossed for you!
@Sparkle002 - she had predicted the specific Friday, but contact happened Saturday. All fine by me though lolll
@embibems Thank you!! Looking forward to your update!
@KotaSwan - hang in there!! My initial predictions with her were 2 weeks that did happen and then January/Feb which is consistent with Mattie, Rika, and Petunia, Nevada, and a few from Psychic Source. This prediction for Friday was kind of a free will thing as he and I work together and something had happened that really upset him and I was trying to help him as much as I could.
@Law1974 Thank you so much! Hopeful for you as well! You got this!!

Hugs and good wishes to all of you! I am really thankful for having this place to discuss as all my best friends think I am cuckoo for cocoa puffs. Here's hoping we get what we want and deserve! <3