Hey guys,
I have a contact prediction pending for the next couple of days with Effie and one major prediction coming up in the next 1-3 weeks. I highly doubt either of these will happen considering the current situation of dead silence (yet watches my stories???) with my POI.
Has she gotten crazy impossible things right for any of you? And, if so, was her timing off but the prediction STILL happened? I'm really losing hope here and about to cut the cord with my POI but want to hear what you have to say.. Thanks
OMG - you and I are in the SAME exact boat.... MY ex was silent for awhile and now he watches my stories pretty quickly AND even started doing his own (pretty sure to see if I am watching them) -- I had a 20 minute Effie convo JUST on he and I's social media.... Effie told me exactly what he would do over the next 2 weeks with his social media and then a contact prediction in like 2.5 weeks from now - Good Luck, You never know. I mean were all shocked when they reach out right? Or maybe he'll reply to a story?
@embibems and @law1974 - omgosh same same here!! I actually spoke again with Effie today and am supposed to hear from the boy today. I heard from him Monday but only one text. I am also supposed to get some kind of reassurance from him on Friday. Will update. Good luck to the both of you. Sending all my hugs, love, and good vibes!! <3
@embibems and @poorprincess - did the watching of social media recently start or did they always? Im asking because mine is new (like within the last week) - so I always wonder if this is them getting closer to contact that readers see? Im just not sure what to think. He had completely shut me down previously! Effie said he is ALL over my pages trying to figure out if I'm dating (teeheehee)....
@poorprincess - Did Effie predict your first contact? AND.... how did that progress?
@law1974 - great question, it is new! He added me himself without me saying a thing about 1 month ago. Also, the first contact is kind of predicted but not as exact as the message for today and Friday. What she had said in my last call was that expect to hear from him in two weeks. I had been texting him everyday as his brother had passed and he finally responded on Monday. It was just a sorry I've been really down and very stressed with work and arranging the funeral. I simply responded with that is fine I am always here for you and will be here for you when you are ready to talk. I WANT HIM TO TALK TO ME NOW. LOL. Ok, better now.
He always watches my stories and used to reply to them but now he's stopped doing that and just creeps on my stories and page. I just changed my status to Single because we were never official just on and off for a year long distance and he never was able to commit so I'm sure he'll see that and be like ?? because I never had my relationship status up before. I'm planning on leaving him Saturday for good if I don't hear from him, I can't keep living on edge like this. I'm supposed to hear tomorrow or Friday according to Effie.
I'm wondering if people who have had success with her MAJOR PREDICTIONS would like to quip up? I'm really curious to hear if she's been accurate with MAJOR outcomes for anyone. She nails the present!!!!