Author Topic: Effie  (Read 182453 times)

Offline doubleoh8

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Re: Effie
« Reply #60 on: November 10, 2018, 06:02:27 PM »
@star1 agree - I am really on the fence on whether or not I believe in LOA - I kind of don’t more than do - but the matter of “letting go” and detachment as is described in the link I shared *is* something that resonated with me.

And don’t get me wrong - I am not perfect and it is not that I am somehow 100% confident that I’m not going to slip up and fall back into the mindset of worrying and wondering and making a call. I hope I don’t. I really really hope I don’t. But this is how I’m feeling now and I hope it lasts and I hope I can solidify this lesson.

Lots of love your way.

You're only human and you are going to slip up and make mistakes. Otherwise you'd be like God, lol. It's normal to have wobbles and slip up, it's part of our nature. And yes, it sounds more sensible than other LOA. Lots of love back, thank you ♥️

Hi star and flora. I am reading your posts and thought I'd join the conversation about letting go, as it's been quite a challenge for me over many years. Somebody (a virgo - can't remember who now) suggested it is a personality thing. Maybe there's something to that... or maybe it has to do with early experiences, either way once attached to someone it's very hard for me to let go.

That said, I have had a few interesting letting go experiences that have shaped the way I think about LOA.
- In my mid-20's I had a short and passionate relationship with a guy (will call him P) with lots of chemistry and attraction, that ended (long story, originally I pushed him away b/c he was moving too fast, then became super attached when he started seeing someone else). We kept in touch for a while -- I held on for years hoping he'd come back -- and then finally I let go. I moved across the country and got on with my life. A few years later, I got engaged, and out of the blue, P came back around - came to visit me and tried to talk me out of getting married.
- My first ever BF / love (at 17, "D") really broke my heart and I pined for years. He also came back - he comes in and out of my life but he made attempts to really come back and try a relationship again when I fell for someone else. (I.e. when I fell for P, D came back on the scene and that caused some of my trouble with P)
- have had other small ones... but those were kind of major.

My take on the idea of letting go is that it's more energetic / emotional than anything. So, you can go through the motions of focusing on your life (exercise, new job, dating) but if you're holding onto a person emotionally via pining for them, comparing others to them, biding time until they come around, you haven't really let go. In my first example above, the shift was within me. I held onto P through a whole other relationship -- someone I lived with! -- but once I really let go and opened to my husband, I believe P felt that energetically and came back in a way that was more sincere.

One other important point (IMO), is that being MAD at a POI, or feeling hurt and trying to emotionally block them out, saying things like 'I'd never take him back' or 'I want him to feel the way I felt', that's also not letting go. Those are negative emotions that also tie you to the past and stop the flow of what might come in too.

Once you accept what is and live without expectations (which can be really hard) then you're in a let go state and things can come in. For me this includes once I am happy and really liking my life as it is.... but open to what might come in, including someone from the past.

I guess I'm still not sure about one thing, which is, if you really let go in the way I suggest above, can the romance with that person come back. That's not something I've experienced, but I know others have...

Offline star1

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Re: Effie
« Reply #61 on: November 10, 2018, 06:08:40 PM »
@star1 agree - I am really on the fence on whether or not I believe in LOA - I kind of don’t more than do - but the matter of “letting go” and detachment as is described in the link I shared *is* something that resonated with me.

And don’t get me wrong - I am not perfect and it is not that I am somehow 100% confident that I’m not going to slip up and fall back into the mindset of worrying and wondering and making a call. I hope I don’t. I really really hope I don’t. But this is how I’m feeling now and I hope it lasts and I hope I can solidify this lesson.

Lots of love your way.

You're only human and you are going to slip up and make mistakes. Otherwise you'd be like God, lol. It's normal to have wobbles and slip up, it's part of our nature. And yes, it sounds more sensible than other LOA. Lots of love back, thank you ♥️

Hi star and flora. I am reading your posts and thought I'd join the conversation about letting go, as it's been quite a challenge for me over many years. Somebody (a virgo - can't remember who now) suggested it is a personality thing. Maybe there's something to that... or maybe it has to do with early experiences, either way once attached to someone it's very hard for me to let go.

That said, I have had a few interesting letting go experiences that have shaped the way I think about LOA.
- In my mid-20's I had a short and passionate relationship with a guy (will call him P) with lots of chemistry and attraction, that ended (long story, originally I pushed him away b/c he was moving too fast, then became super attached when he started seeing someone else). We kept in touch for a while -- I held on for years hoping he'd come back -- and then finally I let go. I moved across the country and got on with my life. A few years later, I got engaged, and out of the blue, P came back around - came to visit me and tried to talk me out of getting married.
- My first ever BF / love (at 17, "D") really broke my heart and I pined for years. He also came back - he comes in and out of my life but he made attempts to really come back and try a relationship again when I fell for someone else. (I.e. when I fell for P, D came back on the scene and that caused some of my trouble with P)
- have had other small ones... but those were kind of major.

My take on the idea of letting go is that it's more energetic / emotional than anything. So, you can go through the motions of focusing on your life (exercise, new job, dating) but if you're holding onto a person emotionally via pining for them, comparing others to them, biding time until they come around, you haven't really let go. In my first example above, the shift was within me. I held onto P through a whole other relationship -- someone I lived with! -- but once I really let go and opened to my husband, I believe P felt that energetically and came back in a way that was more sincere.

One other important point (IMO), is that being MAD at a POI, or feeling hurt and trying to emotionally block them out, saying things like 'I'd never take him back' or 'I want him to feel the way I felt', that's also not letting go. Those are negative emotions that also tie you to the past and stop the flow of what might come in too.

Once you accept what is and live without expectations (which can be really hard) then you're in a let go state and things can come in. For me this includes once I am happy and really liking my life as it is.... but open to what might come in, including someone from the past.

I guess I'm still not sure about one thing, which is, if you really let go in the way I suggest above, can the romance with that person come back. That's not something I've experienced, but I know others have...

Thanks for sharing your experiences. Yes! That's what I believe in, too. If you're still pining over them or have feelings, that's not letting go in my belief. Letting go means letting go, moving on. I've never had an "ex ex" come back into my life so far. Only silly things like flings where you see someone but casual, or guys who keep trying it on with you over the years. The more emotionally invested, the less they seem to come back. I think everyone's experiences are different.. A friend of mine always has all her exes contacting her, it does give her an ego boost (she's an aries). I am very much of the "moving on is moving on", school.

And your negative wording point is very true. If you've moved on, you wouldn't care or feel any anger towards your ex. It's like people who come on here and say that they've moved on but they're still asking readers about their exes, or they're saying "my ex came back, and the reader said this and that" you wouldn't care. You'd shrug your shoulders and not be bothered if you truly moved on. Good points.

Offline embibems

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Re: Effie
« Reply #62 on: November 10, 2018, 09:56:23 PM »
Holy crap. I just went back and listened to my first reading with Effie a couple months ago and damn did she nail it. Things she predicted, like small contact etc. back in September... Totally on. I really hope the rest of her predictions come to light for later this year. And I hope the rest of you have the same success with her. It's uncanny how she gets to the root of things..

Offline LAW1974

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Re: Effie
« Reply #63 on: November 10, 2018, 10:04:41 PM »
Holy crap. I just went back and listened to my first reading with Effie a couple months ago and damn did she nail it. Things she predicted, like small contact etc. back in September... Totally on. I really hope the rest of her predictions come to light for later this year. And I hope the rest of you have the same success with her. It's uncanny how she gets to the root of things..

thats awesome - i hope mine do too!  i really liked her as well, very detailed! 

Offline embibems

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Re: Effie
« Reply #64 on: November 10, 2018, 11:40:06 PM »
Holy crap. I just went back and listened to my first reading with Effie a couple months ago and damn did she nail it. Things she predicted, like small contact etc. back in September... Totally on. I really hope the rest of her predictions come to light for later this year. And I hope the rest of you have the same success with her. It's uncanny how she gets to the root of things..

thats awesome - i hope mine do too!  i really liked her as well, very detailed!

Very detailed without being too random, right? Like... knew my POI is a runner, training for the military, that it's in the family, everything lol. Sure, astrology/DOB helps here and there but the details... uncanny. Many wishes to you and anyone else who has read w her! I'm trying to trust that the universe will work its way out for us :) xo

Offline LAW1974

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Re: Effie
« Reply #65 on: November 12, 2018, 07:53:16 PM »
Wanted to update that I had a second read with Effie today... It was super specific.  She changed outcome a tad BUT it's because I did something a little different.  I added him to snapchat and started doing snap stories and therefore he started watching them and doing them back.... SO it's an indirect form of communication as we kinda were both doing them toward each other!  SOOO she gave VERY, VERY specific predictions as to his next "stories" over the next 2 weeks and his communication to me over the next 3 to 4 weeks.   So I will update you on if they manifest how she says!  She was so incredibly detailed I love it.... Like asking about my stories (I make mine vague so he doesnt know what Im doing) she said OMG you are driving him crazy, he cant figure out if you're dating and now he is going nuts trying to dig in youre stuff... LOL!  She's sooo detailed!

Offline poorprincess

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Re: Effie
« Reply #66 on: November 12, 2018, 08:17:40 PM »
Wanted to update that I had a second read with Effie today... It was super specific.  She changed outcome a tad BUT it's because I did something a little different.  I added him to snapchat and started doing snap stories and therefore he started watching them and doing them back.... SO it's an indirect form of communication as we kinda were both doing them toward each other!  SOOO she gave VERY, VERY specific predictions as to his next "stories" over the next 2 weeks and his communication to me over the next 3 to 4 weeks.   So I will update you on if they manifest how she says!  She was so incredibly detailed I love it.... Like asking about my stories (I make mine vague so he doesnt know what Im doing) she said OMG you are driving him crazy, he cant figure out if you're dating and now he is going nuts trying to dig in youre stuff... LOL!  She's sooo detailed!

@Law1974, YAY!!! I love this. Fingers crossed for you! Quick question, how long did you wait between readings with her? I did one two weeks back and really want to try again but not sure if it is too soon. Thanks!!

Offline LAW1974

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Re: Effie
« Reply #67 on: November 12, 2018, 08:35:31 PM »
Wanted to update that I had a second read with Effie today... It was super specific.  She changed outcome a tad BUT it's because I did something a little different.  I added him to snapchat and started doing snap stories and therefore he started watching them and doing them back.... SO it's an indirect form of communication as we kinda were both doing them toward each other!  SOOO she gave VERY, VERY specific predictions as to his next "stories" over the next 2 weeks and his communication to me over the next 3 to 4 weeks.   So I will update you on if they manifest how she says!  She was so incredibly detailed I love it.... Like asking about my stories (I make mine vague so he doesnt know what Im doing) she said OMG you are driving him crazy, he cant figure out if you're dating and now he is going nuts trying to dig in youre stuff... LOL!  She's sooo detailed!

@Law1974, YAY!!! I love this. Fingers crossed for you! Quick question, how long did you wait between readings with her? I did one two weeks back and really want to try again but not sure if it is too soon. Thanks!!

2 weeks ago:)

Offline poorprincess

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Re: Effie
« Reply #68 on: November 12, 2018, 09:58:40 PM »
Wanted to update that I had a second read with Effie today... It was super specific.  She changed outcome a tad BUT it's because I did something a little different.  I added him to snapchat and started doing snap stories and therefore he started watching them and doing them back.... SO it's an indirect form of communication as we kinda were both doing them toward each other!  SOOO she gave VERY, VERY specific predictions as to his next "stories" over the next 2 weeks and his communication to me over the next 3 to 4 weeks.   So I will update you on if they manifest how she says!  She was so incredibly detailed I love it.... Like asking about my stories (I make mine vague so he doesnt know what Im doing) she said OMG you are driving him crazy, he cant figure out if you're dating and now he is going nuts trying to dig in youre stuff... LOL!  She's sooo detailed!

@Law1974, YAY!!! I love this. Fingers crossed for you! Quick question, how long did you wait between readings with her? I did one two weeks back and really want to try again but not sure if it is too soon. Thanks!!

2 weeks ago:)

Thankkkks mucho!! I think thats my cue lol - who am I kidding, I didn't need much of a cue, just a string of validation! Will try her again this week :) Xo

Offline embibems

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Re: Effie
« Reply #69 on: November 13, 2018, 12:35:51 AM »
Wanted to update that I had a second read with Effie today... It was super specific.  She changed outcome a tad BUT it's because I did something a little different.  I added him to snapchat and started doing snap stories and therefore he started watching them and doing them back.... SO it's an indirect form of communication as we kinda were both doing them toward each other!  SOOO she gave VERY, VERY specific predictions as to his next "stories" over the next 2 weeks and his communication to me over the next 3 to 4 weeks.   So I will update you on if they manifest how she says!  She was so incredibly detailed I love it.... Like asking about my stories (I make mine vague so he doesnt know what Im doing) she said OMG you are driving him crazy, he cant figure out if you're dating and now he is going nuts trying to dig in youre stuff... LOL!  She's sooo detailed!

Yay!! GO @poorprincess, go!! I love it. Effie is amazeballs. I just had a reading last week but really am anxious about something and tryna figure it out so I'm in her queue for tomorrow as well.. I know. I'm bad. I read w her like 1x a week LOL for clarification as small things pop up. I missed a callback today while I was in the shower lol dammit. I noticed her queue is filling up like CRAZY and I'm actually happy because I believe she is great at what she does. I'm glad you guys enjoy her as well. It's like she can get into your mind and your POI's mind and the situation. In ten minutes, she's given me more details than most readers. Keep us posted with those predictions! Stay positive. We got this, ya'll xoxo

Offline poorprincess

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Re: Effie
« Reply #70 on: November 13, 2018, 01:24:18 AM »
Wanted to update that I had a second read with Effie today... It was super specific.  She changed outcome a tad BUT it's because I did something a little different.  I added him to snapchat and started doing snap stories and therefore he started watching them and doing them back.... SO it's an indirect form of communication as we kinda were both doing them toward each other!  SOOO she gave VERY, VERY specific predictions as to his next "stories" over the next 2 weeks and his communication to me over the next 3 to 4 weeks.   So I will update you on if they manifest how she says!  She was so incredibly detailed I love it.... Like asking about my stories (I make mine vague so he doesnt know what Im doing) she said OMG you are driving him crazy, he cant figure out if you're dating and now he is going nuts trying to dig in youre stuff... LOL!  She's sooo detailed!

Yay!! GO @poorprincess, go!! I love it. Effie is amazeballs. I just had a reading last week but really am anxious about something and tryna figure it out so I'm in her queue for tomorrow as well.. I know. I'm bad. I read w her like 1x a week LOL for clarification as small things pop up. I missed a callback today while I was in the shower lol dammit. I noticed her queue is filling up like CRAZY and I'm actually happy because I believe she is great at what she does. I'm glad you guys enjoy her as well. It's like she can get into your mind and your POI's mind and the situation. In ten minutes, she's given me more details than most readers. Keep us posted with those predictions! Stay positive. We got this, ya'll xoxo

<3 thanks @embibems!! I have like a million meetings tomorrow and Wednesday so here's hoping I can get in with her! :) I will for sure keep everyone posted! My POI just lost his brother a little over a week ago so he's in a super duper down state and ordinarily he would be talking to me but he's barely said anything lately but that he's sorry he is depressed. I've been reassuring him that I am there for him good or bad but it would be nice to chat with her and understand my timeline a bit better since circumstances have evolved. XOXO everyone!

Offline embibems

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Re: Effie
« Reply #71 on: November 14, 2018, 07:09:51 PM »
Hey guys,

I have a contact prediction pending for the next couple of days with Effie and one major prediction coming up in the next 1-3 weeks. I highly doubt either of these will happen considering the current situation of dead silence (yet watches my stories???) with my POI.

Has she gotten crazy impossible things right for any of you? And, if so, was her timing off but the prediction STILL happened? I'm really losing hope here and about to cut the cord with my POI but want to hear what you have to say.. Thanks :( xx

Offline LAW1974

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Re: Effie
« Reply #72 on: November 14, 2018, 07:18:44 PM »
Hey guys,

I have a contact prediction pending for the next couple of days with Effie and one major prediction coming up in the next 1-3 weeks. I highly doubt either of these will happen considering the current situation of dead silence (yet watches my stories???) with my POI.

Has she gotten crazy impossible things right for any of you? And, if so, was her timing off but the prediction STILL happened? I'm really losing hope here and about to cut the cord with my POI but want to hear what you have to say.. Thanks :( xx

OMG - you and I are in the SAME exact boat.... MY ex was silent for awhile and now he watches my stories pretty quickly AND even started doing his own (pretty sure to see if I am watching them) -- I had a 20 minute Effie convo JUST on he and I's social media....  Effie told me exactly what he would do over the next 2 weeks with his social media and then a contact prediction in like 2.5 weeks from now - Good Luck, You never know.  I mean were all shocked when they reach out right?  Or maybe he'll reply to a story?

Offline poorprincess

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Re: Effie
« Reply #73 on: November 14, 2018, 07:23:29 PM »
Hey guys,

I have a contact prediction pending for the next couple of days with Effie and one major prediction coming up in the next 1-3 weeks. I highly doubt either of these will happen considering the current situation of dead silence (yet watches my stories???) with my POI.

Has she gotten crazy impossible things right for any of you? And, if so, was her timing off but the prediction STILL happened? I'm really losing hope here and about to cut the cord with my POI but want to hear what you have to say.. Thanks :( xx

OMG - you and I are in the SAME exact boat.... MY ex was silent for awhile and now he watches my stories pretty quickly AND even started doing his own (pretty sure to see if I am watching them) -- I had a 20 minute Effie convo JUST on he and I's social media....  Effie told me exactly what he would do over the next 2 weeks with his social media and then a contact prediction in like 2.5 weeks from now - Good Luck, You never know.  I mean were all shocked when they reach out right?  Or maybe he'll reply to a story?

@embibems and @law1974 - omgosh same same here!! I actually spoke again with Effie today and am supposed to hear from the boy today. I heard from him Monday but only one text. I am also supposed to get some kind of reassurance from him on Friday. Will update. Good luck to the both of you. Sending all my hugs, love, and good vibes!! <3

Offline LAW1974

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Re: Effie
« Reply #74 on: November 14, 2018, 07:35:52 PM »
Hey guys,

I have a contact prediction pending for the next couple of days with Effie and one major prediction coming up in the next 1-3 weeks. I highly doubt either of these will happen considering the current situation of dead silence (yet watches my stories???) with my POI.

Has she gotten crazy impossible things right for any of you? And, if so, was her timing off but the prediction STILL happened? I'm really losing hope here and about to cut the cord with my POI but want to hear what you have to say.. Thanks :( xx

OMG - you and I are in the SAME exact boat.... MY ex was silent for awhile and now he watches my stories pretty quickly AND even started doing his own (pretty sure to see if I am watching them) -- I had a 20 minute Effie convo JUST on he and I's social media....  Effie told me exactly what he would do over the next 2 weeks with his social media and then a contact prediction in like 2.5 weeks from now - Good Luck, You never know.  I mean were all shocked when they reach out right?  Or maybe he'll reply to a story?

@embibems and @law1974 - omgosh same same here!! I actually spoke again with Effie today and am supposed to hear from the boy today. I heard from him Monday but only one text. I am also supposed to get some kind of reassurance from him on Friday. Will update. Good luck to the both of you. Sending all my hugs, love, and good vibes!! <3

@embibems and @poorprincess - did the watching of social media recently start or did they always?  Im asking because mine is new (like within the last week) - so I always wonder if this is them getting closer to contact that readers see?  Im just not sure what to think.  He had completely shut me down previously!  Effie said he is ALL over my pages trying to figure out if I'm dating (teeheehee).... 

@poorprincess - Did Effie predict your first contact?  AND.... how did that progress? 

