Author Topic: Effie  (Read 182501 times)

Offline Emshea

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Re: Effie
« Reply #300 on: August 15, 2019, 02:24:18 AM »
She has been on vacation. And sometimes when she isnt on its because no babysitter.

Offline embibems

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Re: Effie
« Reply #301 on: August 15, 2019, 03:48:37 PM »
She has been on vacation. And sometimes when she isnt on its because no babysitter.

My guess was either vacation, sickness (she has upper-respiratory issues and was down w pneumonia for weeks last year), or her kids lol. Damn!!! Now I have to wait until Monday at the earliest. Maybe I'll try to hop in Mattie's line if I can.

And thank you re: congratulations!! I am ecstatic. Nervous, but ecstatic :)

Offline Ems2727

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Re: Effie
« Reply #302 on: September 15, 2019, 05:12:40 PM »
I'm interested to hear if Effie's predictions are right for me. She seemed really sure about something about another party that I kind of felt opposite about, but I also can't completely verify one way or another. She did kind of nail the situation in the recent past. When you all say she gets near future predictions correct, do you mean predictions that are only days / weeks away? Or months?

Offline Jili1945

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Re: Effie
« Reply #303 on: September 15, 2019, 06:14:05 PM »
I'm interested to hear if Effie's predictions are right for me. She seemed really sure about something about another party that I kind of felt opposite about, but I also can't completely verify one way or another. She did kind of nail the situation in the recent past. When you all say she gets near future predictions correct, do you mean predictions that are only days / weeks away? Or months?

She made a love prediction (contact) for me in Feb that was supposed to happen end of April. It's now Sep and nothing has happened YET!

Offline kdspirited

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Re: Effie
« Reply #304 on: September 15, 2019, 08:21:56 PM »
Same here her predictions for me were may/June nothing she said happened. She did pick up on a few things correctly which I could verify

Offline Scorpio9227

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Re: Effie
« Reply #305 on: September 16, 2019, 09:03:51 PM »
So, I had read w/her about two weeks ago. Given her extensive feedback on here, I thought I would give her a try. Things were in a weird place with my boyfriend, and honestly I didn’t have to give any information or ask any questions she just basically asked me would you like me to do a spread on the two of you, and aside from our bdays she sprung right into it. She nailed the situation, in terms of what was going on between us. She described his actions/reactions as being very defensive and like an animal being backed into a corner, trying to aggressively fight his way out (he’s used the exact same analogy in apology of his poor behaviors on several occasions) she said that the nature of our current issues is not something that can be met head on, but will be sorted out over time. She explained exactly how I’m feeling (essentially, fed up, I can’t do this, this has entirely drained me) she explained how he had felt, which was also quite accurate, in terms of him feeling “restricted” contained, pressured (its pressure from within himself, which she had also explained) she told me that im currently upset with him because he’s not matching my efforts, emotionally, and that he’s not giving the relationship the attention/effort that it rightfully deserves, and that my feelings are 100% justified. She stated it was not from a lack of love/feelings, but stubbornness. (All true)

She said that in his mind, he’s the type of person who loves me, has sincere emotions, good intentions, but his actions are not aligned properly with that, because he’s childish and selfish and has this mentality that “if its not my way, I’m not interested” she stated that he will eventually come my way in terms of just doing the right things, and that he just needs to feel glorified/validated in his own selfish weird ways. Our biggest issue is “a communication break down” (also very true) we had a pending trip planned, and I had asked her if we were still going to attend the trip. At the present state that things were in, it was very questionable. She had said she sees a yes/no for the trip. She said its not going to be as planned, but we’ll make “lemonade out of lemons” she thought initially that either one of us would be going, or I would refund the trip, but she said “ultimately the choice is yours” we did end up going, but only after I had sent a long text basically saying lets put this shit aside and enjoy ourselves this weekend. She stated that she dislikes his current energy regarding the trip because it feels “entitled” like he should be going regardless. (That was also true given his bratty behavior) she had stated the conversations that we would have leading up to the trip and such.she said that the first conversation will completely catch me off guard, because he’ll be so aggressively defensive, that he’s going to use a previous argument as his ammo in order to try to regain “control” by attacking me and hoping that ill drop it. She said that there will be subsequent conversations, and that sadly his intentions are good, but his approach is horrific and it will be really uncomfortable for awhile. She did mention that when his “ego is negatively impacted” that he seeks complements and attention from other people, in order to boost himself. “Not cheating, just talking and flirting to feel better” she said he’s starting to realize how shady and inappropriate this behavior is and he’s stopping it. (This has also been true)

I think she’s absolutely fantastic at denoting the present situation and also the short term details (the way that she had predicted the subsequent conversations and the outcomes. I wish I had more long term predictions from her, but given her price (and how expensive that conversation actually was haha) I wasn’t about to remain on the line! Also, I wonder if she’s reliable with long term predictions? Has anyone had success with them from her?

Offline embibems

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Re: Effie
« Reply #306 on: September 23, 2019, 03:19:27 PM »
Hi all, have any of you had Effie correctly predict a new love interest that you were not calling about? I have a guy supposed to be coming in this year, I'm excited lol we shall see :)

Offline Blueberry

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Re: Effie
« Reply #307 on: October 01, 2019, 06:39:45 PM »
As much as I (used to) love Effie, I have to be honest. I’ve had 3 readings with her (January, February and March). None of her predictions happened. We’re are wayyy past the timeframes she gave me. And nothing (absolutely nothing!) transpired. A big prediction was supposed to happen end of September / beginning of October. So I called her today to see if she would pick up on it (this would be my 4th reading with her) She didn’t pick up on her previous predictions! And she also flipped the outcome! She used to tell me POI and I are meant to be together, we’ll sort things out, blah blah..
She always got the lovers, sacred cord, the star, the marriage cards, etc. All the good cards.. today, it was very somber; she said this is never gonna go anywhere and that I’m meeting someone this month who eventually I will marry in a few years. 🥴 Disappointing. I had a lot of faith in her.

I used to think she was excellent at reading energy but I’m not so sure  anymore. Flipping on the outcome is a major red flag. She said things that are true but at this point, it’s probably just a coincidence that she got that right. I think she mixes energies too. Nice woman though.

Offline Blueberry

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Re: Effie
« Reply #308 on: October 01, 2019, 06:42:36 PM »
Hi all, have any of you had Effie correctly predict a new love interest that you were not calling about? I have a guy supposed to be coming in this year, I'm excited lol we shall see :)

In March, she described 2 men that I was supposed to meet this summer. I did meet a bunch of guys but none matched her descriptions at all. There’s another one I’m supposed to meet very soon, but he sounds too good to be true. I’ll be very surprised if it happens.
I hope you have better luck with her predictions.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2019, 10:25:31 PM by Blueberry »

Offline AnxiouslyWaiting2012

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Re: Effie
« Reply #309 on: October 03, 2019, 02:24:15 AM »
She has not worked for me at all either. That’s a shame because she is so expensive.


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Re: Effie
« Reply #310 on: October 03, 2019, 02:42:23 AM »
As much as I (used to) love Effie, I have to be honest. I’ve had 3 readings with her (January, February and March). None of her predictions happened. We’re are wayyy past the timeframes she gave me. And nothing (absolutely nothing!) transpired. A big prediction was supposed to happen end of September / beginning of October. So I called her today to see if she would pick up on it (this would be my 4th reading with her) She didn’t pick up on her previous predictions! And she also flipped the outcome! She used to tell me POI and I are meant to be together, we’ll sort things out, blah blah..
She always got the lovers, sacred cord, the star, the marriage cards, etc. All the good cards.. today, it was very somber; she said this is never gonna go anywhere and that I’m meeting someone this month who eventually I will marry in a few years. 🥴 Disappointing. I had a lot of faith in her.

I used to think she was excellent at reading energy but I’m not so sure  anymore. Flipping on the outcome is a major red flag. She said things that are true but at this point, it’s probably just a coincidence that she got that right. I think she mixes energies too. Nice woman though.

She gave me those same cards about my Previous POI, lovers, sacred cord (which according to her she rarely gets), etc...  nothing happened lol.

Offline alphabetsoup

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Re: Effie
« Reply #311 on: October 03, 2019, 01:49:45 PM »
My Effie prediction never manifested, I read with her for the first time 2 years ago, the time frames came and went.

Offline cake101

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Re: Effie
« Reply #312 on: October 27, 2019, 11:56:44 PM »
Has anyone ever had it where they asked Effie about a third party and she gave a prediction which didn't happen in the given time frame but may be happening a month later with a different third party of concern? There is a new issue in my situation arising and it reminded me of her reading

Offline Heather

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Re: Effie
« Reply #313 on: October 28, 2019, 01:21:21 AM »
I just read with her recently. She described my situation accurately, but who knows about the prediction.

Offline Jili1945

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Re: Effie
« Reply #314 on: October 28, 2019, 01:30:08 AM »
My Effie prediction never manifested, I read with her for the first time 2 years ago, the time frames came and went.

The same here and the timeframe was April.

