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Anyone read with her?

I read with her once and really like her. She's an intuitive card reader, and I don't normally call card readers, but her gifts appear to go beyond that. She was accurate with some aspects of things, we'll see about future predictions. What I liked about her is that she was able to give me a lot of details, and then further dig into what's behind it. Her reading style that way is unique.

Well, score one for Effie. A prediction she made for January, which I really didn't think was going to happen, did.

Oh my I read this post about Effie and noticed that she was good for timelines. I also searched the forum to see if anyone else has read with her and again, timelines seemed to be her thing. I checked CP and read reviews there as well.

She told me that I would hear from my POI TODAY and Lo and Behold I DID! He is taking me out this evening.
When I tell you I did NOT believe her I didn't - not that she gave me BS but I just didnt think it would be TO-DAY. WOW

Now Im really shocked about this because He had not called me since last week (we've had texts in between), but I really thought that it was turning into BS.

Welp - Good one Effie ;)


--- Quote from: Sparkle002 on May 31, 2018, 11:24:15 PM ---Oh my I read this post about Effie and noticed that she was good for timelines. I also searched the forum to see if anyone else has read with her and again, timelines seemed to be her thing. I checked CP and read reviews there as well.

She told me that I would here from my POI TODAY and Lo and Behold I DID! He is taking me out this evening.
When I tell you I did NOT believe her I didn't - not that she gave me BS but I just didnt think it would be TO-DAY. WOW

Now Im really shocked about this because He had not called me since last week (we've had texts in between), but I really thought that it was turning into BS.

Welp - Good one Effie ;)

--- End quote ---

Congrats!! keep us posted

I will!

I have to give her an additional credit - she specifically said it would be a phone call, not text (which I was getting)....when I saw his call I was like "Well I'll be dammed" lol

--- Quote from: candiednut on May 31, 2018, 11:28:50 PM ---
--- Quote from: Sparkle002 on May 31, 2018, 11:24:15 PM ---Oh my I read this post about Effie and noticed that she was good for timelines. I also searched the forum to see if anyone else has read with her and again, timelines seemed to be her thing. I checked CP and read reviews there as well.

She told me that I would here from my POI TODAY and Lo and Behold I DID! He is taking me out this evening.
When I tell you I did NOT believe her I didn't - not that she gave me BS but I just didnt think it would be TO-DAY. WOW

Now Im really shocked about this because He had not called me since last week (we've had texts in between), but I really thought that it was turning into BS.

Welp - Good one Effie ;)

--- End quote ---

Congrats!! keep us posted

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