Author Topic: Who's told you he's NOT coming back?  (Read 49505 times)

Offline Sooshi

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Re: Who's told you he's NOT coming back?
« Reply #15 on: December 26, 2017, 05:00:18 PM »
If you're not hanging on, why are you paying a "channeler" to find info out about this person?  You don't need to reply, just wondering.  I have no interest to channel my boss/hairdresser/best friend.  I actually find that borderline creepy.

But hey, have fun continuing to pay for her mortgage/vacations.

Why would you assume there's only one person I ask about? There's tons of applications for it. Say I'm a writer for instance. I can ask what did so and so publisher really think of my book? And use the resulting information in negotiation in my deal. People bluff all the time. They may have loved it but not want to pay my usual rate so they act like they're not that interested. In another post, I mentioned that I found out about someone that was backstabbing me, with so much detail that she had a falling out with her best friend because she thought her friend was talking to me behind her back. 

Offline AustralieNs

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Re: Who's told you he's NOT coming back?
« Reply #16 on: December 26, 2017, 05:01:46 PM »
Judis empath skills really are out of this world. When she channeled him it sounded like she was doing a spot-on impression of him. She used exact phrases he uses. He's told me I'm "f*cken awesome" and she channeled him saying "I think shes f*cken awesome". And one of the last things he said to me was "I just need to get my sh*t together already" which she repeated in her channeling. I just wish her prediction had played out for me, but I know she's an empath not an oracle. But he sounded so distressed with the situation and so on the edge of reaching out... but that was a month ago :/

I'll probably still read with her but I won't get so excited when she makes a prediction

Be careful with that one (Judi)..she can have you hanging on to a dead situation for a long time.  The general consensus is that she channels 20%, makes up 80%.... I know someone who called her regularly...and then called her after some time from a different account and she didn't even channel similar stuff from all her prior reads.  The more you read with her, the more she makes up..IMO.

this feedback on her page made me laugh so hard:

"She said he is interested to get to know me and he likes me but doesn't know where this is going, and yet we are already planning to get married and stuff lol. After I fed her more info, she changed it to "He wants to marry you and I see you looking at rings in June!" She flips based on what you tell her, she is not connecting to Archangel Michael only her own deluded mind."

Thank you, really. I do appreciate the grain of salt. I think she is gifted but it's interesting to hear she might also be an embellisher. I think this site exists so we can all share our honest reviews, positive or negative, with each other. It sucks to read negative or discouraging reviews of psychics we have invested our faith into, but at the end of the day, that's why this site exists- because we know the psychic sites edit the feedback. We come here for the real unfiltered feedback and lack of shills. You do sound bitter, lol, but I get it. Who wouldn't be bitter after spending lots of money and feeling lied to and toyed with. Judis channeling does have lots of applications. There are people out there, myself included, who have too much pride to break silence and reach out and there are situations where people are so hesitant and scared of it progressing, or so angry and resentful, that they won't share their thoughts and feelings and withhold real conversation and sharing. So yeah, that's when I turn to an empath and hope she's honest.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Who's told you he's NOT coming back?
« Reply #17 on: December 26, 2017, 05:02:57 PM »
If you're not hanging on, why are you paying a "channeler" to find info out about this person?  You don't need to reply, just wondering.  I have no interest to channel my boss/hairdresser/best friend.  I actually find that borderline creepy.

But hey, have fun continuing to pay for her mortgage/vacations.

Why would you assume there's only one person I ask about? There's tons of applications for it. Say I'm a writer for instance. I can ask what did so and so publisher really think of my book? And use the resulting information in negotiation in my deal. People bluff all the time. They may have loved it but not want to pay my usual rate so they act like they're not that interested. In another post, I mentioned that I found out about someone that was backstabbing me, with so much detail that she had a falling out with her best friend because she thought her friend was talking to me behind her back.

listen don't want to argue.  I am happy she works for you so well..but to say I'm bitter because I implied she might not work for others seemed a bit strange.  So you started this.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Who's told you he's NOT coming back?
« Reply #18 on: December 26, 2017, 05:07:47 PM »
Judis empath skills really are out of this world. When she channeled him it sounded like she was doing a spot-on impression of him. She used exact phrases he uses. He's told me I'm "f*cken awesome" and she channeled him saying "I think shes f*cken awesome". And one of the last things he said to me was "I just need to get my sh*t together already" which she repeated in her channeling. I just wish her prediction had played out for me, but I know she's an empath not an oracle. But he sounded so distressed with the situation and so on the edge of reaching out... but that was a month ago :/

I'll probably still read with her but I won't get so excited when she makes a prediction

Be careful with that one (Judi)..she can have you hanging on to a dead situation for a long time.  The general consensus is that she channels 20%, makes up 80%.... I know someone who called her regularly...and then called her after some time from a different account and she didn't even channel similar stuff from all her prior reads.  The more you read with her, the more she makes up..IMO.

this feedback on her page made me laugh so hard:

"She said he is interested to get to know me and he likes me but doesn't know where this is going, and yet we are already planning to get married and stuff lol. After I fed her more info, she changed it to "He wants to marry you and I see you looking at rings in June!" She flips based on what you tell her, she is not connecting to Archangel Michael only her own deluded mind."

Thank you, really. I do appreciate the grain of salt. I think she is gifted but it's interesting to hear she might also be an embellisher. I think this site exists so we can all share our honest reviews, positive or negative, with each other. It sucks to read negative or discouraging reviews of psychics we have invested our faith into, but at the end of the day, that's why this site exists- because we know the psychic sites edit the feedback. We come here for the real unfiltered feedback and lack of shills. You do sound bitter, lol, but I get it. Who wouldn't be bitter after spending lots of money and feeling lied to and toyed with. Judis channeling does have lots of applications. There are people out there, myself included, who have too much pride to break silence and reach out and there are situations where people are so hesitant and scared of it progressing, or so angry and resentful, that they won't share their thoughts and feelings and withhold real conversation and sharing. So yeah, that's when I turn to an empath and hope she's honest.

LOL far from bitter, just realistic.  I actually know someone who used Judi for about a year, and it was all horseshit. 

If you are channeling a guy you hardly speak to, or who has shown hardly any interest, and she comes at you with all the stuff like "I'm scared, I need to work on my stuff" etc, it's not reality.  Guys go after what they want...with the rare exception of maybe a few who are in bad situations, or really emotionally stunted.  Seriously, read thru her thread, plenty have said the same I have.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Who's told you he's NOT coming back?
« Reply #19 on: December 26, 2017, 05:28:27 PM »
One good thing about her is that at least she tells people don't wait around, and the like.  If the person still wants to keep channeling a person that is showing little/no interest, that's on them.  But good on her for telling people to not hang on.

Offline whskers

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Re: Who's told you he's NOT coming back?
« Reply #20 on: December 26, 2017, 05:29:04 PM »
And one of the last things he said to me was  "I just need to get my sh*t together already" which she repeated in her channeling. 

She gave me this exact phrase too for my ex.

Haha she said that to me  >:(

Offline AustralieNs

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Re: Who's told you he's NOT coming back?
« Reply #21 on: December 26, 2017, 05:29:58 PM »
Thanks guys, good to know.

Sorry to call you bitter if you're not sawthelight. Realism is good.

I'm getting extremely close to contacting him on my own so we'll see soon enough if she was accurate for me or not.

So back to the topic though, anyone else have readers tell them to Forget It ?

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Who's told you he's NOT coming back?
« Reply #22 on: December 26, 2017, 05:32:13 PM »
Thanks guys, good to know.

Sorry to call you bitter if you're not sawthelight. Realism is good.

I'm getting extremely close to contacting him on my own so we'll see soon enough if she was accurate for me or not.

So back to the topic though, anyone else have readers tell them to Forget It ?

No worries, I get where you are coming from.  Of course we can all get bitter about stuff, but I don't get bitter about Judi lol, I don't care that much..just wanted to warn people not to get to hung up on her readings.  The girl I knew that read with her a lot told me things actually got WORSE with the POI when she was regularly channeling him.  could be just a coincidence tho.

I don't know if you use bitwine, but Miss Ann is pretty good with prediction if something is hopeless or not.

Offline Baypark1

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Re: Who's told you he's NOT coming back?
« Reply #23 on: December 26, 2017, 05:37:48 PM »
From my experience, if 100 readers give good outcome and 2 say he's not coming back, those 2 are correct.  This has happened with 2 different POIs

Offline AustralieNs

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Re: Who's told you he's NOT coming back?
« Reply #24 on: December 26, 2017, 05:39:31 PM »
And one of the last things he said to me was  "I just need to get my sh*t together already" which she repeated in her channeling. 

She gave me this exact phrase too for my ex.

Haha she said that to me  >:(

Yup, hey I bet if we all compared notes there would be a lot of common phrases. Is it because guys commonly say these things, is she really channeling or just making a lucky guess. This sounded kinda like my ex, but then she gave me a lot of other stuff too that sounded nothing like him.

Lol oh nooooo ahaha
Yeah that's why I share exact quotes from readers so often!
I totally get and respect when people don't do that but I'm always wondering how much is just stock

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Who's told you he's NOT coming back?
« Reply #25 on: December 26, 2017, 05:47:48 PM »
One good thing about her is that at least she tells people don't wait around, and the like.  If the person still wants to keep channeling a person that is showing little/no interest, that's on them.  But good on her for telling people to not hang on.

True, she tells people to move on, but she does it after building the caller up that the person is interested or still in love or "he thought about marrying you" etc. Hearing all these things only makes it that much harder to move on. That's basically the racket most of them have going.


Offline sawthelight

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Re: Who's told you he's NOT coming back?
« Reply #26 on: December 26, 2017, 05:54:43 PM »
I thought I remember someone posting that she mixed up energies too, with two different the caller thought he was talking about her, but he was actually talking about another women that he wanted.

Offline Sooshi

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Re: Who's told you he's NOT coming back?
« Reply #27 on: December 26, 2017, 06:11:40 PM »
listen don't want to argue.  I am happy she works for you so well..but to say I'm bitter because I implied she might not work for others seemed a bit strange.  So you started this.

Definition of bitter
1.having a sharp, pungent taste or smell; not sweet.
2.(of people or their feelings or behavior) angry, hurt, or resentful because of one's bad experiences or a sense of unjust treatment.

That 2nd definition definitely sounds applicable. Judi has two 1-star reviews on keen right now, and you reposted one of them here. That story sounds familiar and I think one of our former posters posted that review but they're not on this board anymore, iirc. Overall, the most frequent complaint I've heard about Judi is that the caller has no way of confirming the verasity of what she's channeled. Saying that she makes up 80% of what she comes out with just seems like an exageration. You can usually count on what she comes out with if it's something she's channeled. If she asks her guides or tries to interpret the feeling she gets on something, it's not quite as solid, but she's still correct more often than not.

She does come out with actual words and phrases people have said either in the past or end up saying later. For me, it can't be coincidental because some of the people I've asked about are from small towns with their own unique colloqialisms, that Judi herself had never heard before and she had to pause and ask me what they meant.I mentioned in another post how she channeled word for word the advice someone else's lawyer gave them. That's huge. Knowing inside information like that could shift the outcome of a case entirely. Have I had Judi give me inaccurate information? Yes, occassionally. I did mention that in one reading she told me that the person I was asking about was avoiding the backstabber because she wanted to hang out, which isn't possible because they don't live in the same city. It wasn't something she channelled, it was just a comment on the feeling of avoidence she was getting. However, he was in fact avoiding her. So it was at least partially true. She does come out with some stuff now and then that's not accurate, but I really don't believe she's trying to pull the wool over anyone's eyes or intentionally trying to hurt anyone or string them along for their money.

Maybe I'm different from the typical caller. I don't call around asking for contact dates or outcomes. I don't call out of anxiety. I call because I'm missing certain puzzle pieces and it helps me put the whole picture together. Judi has a skill I haven't come across in any other reader and I think it's really underutilized. I've said it before but it really depends on the kind of questions you're asking as well. If you keep calling and asking "Does he still love me" you're going to get the same sort of answer and those feelings are usually going to fade over time if you're not in contact with them. There's just so much more you could ask, differently. Judi isn't the be all, end all for readings but if you get creative in how you ask your questions, you can get so much more out of your readings. Ask about other people. If you want to know if a guy really likes you, ask her to channel his best friend, for example, to ask if he talks about you to him. You might get an entirely different perspective on the situation. It might be "He talks about her non stop" or it might be "No, he's still hung up on that other girl from 4 years ago." Sometimes you get information that your poi doesn't even want to admit to themselves when you ask like that.

Offline Love-33

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Re: Who's told you he's NOT coming back?
« Reply #28 on: December 26, 2017, 06:19:28 PM »
Jesus Christ. Why would you say that she is bitter just because she posted her personal feedback of a reader? It's called a feedback, a review. Simple as that. If one day you post a negative feedback about a reader, would it be because you are bitter? No, it would simply be your review, that's it. So ridiculous.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Who's told you he's NOT coming back?
« Reply #29 on: December 26, 2017, 06:20:20 PM »
listen don't want to argue.  I am happy she works for you so well..but to say I'm bitter because I implied she might not work for others seemed a bit strange.  So you started this.

Definition of bitter
1.having a sharp, pungent taste or smell; not sweet.
2.(of people or their feelings or behavior) angry, hurt, or resentful because of one's bad experiences or a sense of unjust treatment.

That 2nd definition definitely sounds applicable. Judi has two 1-star reviews on keen right now, and you reposted one of them here. That story sounds familiar and I think one of our former posters posted that review but they're not on this board anymore, iirc. Overall, the most frequent complaint I've heard about Judi is that the caller has no way of confirming the verasity of what she's channeled. Saying that she makes up 80% of what she comes out with just seems like an exageration. You can usually count on what she comes out with if it's something she's channeled. If she asks her guides or tries to interpret the feeling she gets on something, it's not quite as solid, but she's still correct more often than not.

She does come out with actual words and phrases people have said either in the past or end up saying later. For me, it can't be coincidental because some of the people I've asked about are from small towns with their own unique colloqialisms, that Judi herself had never heard before and she had to pause and ask me what they meant.I mentioned in another post how she channeled word for word the advice someone else's lawyer gave them. That's huge. Knowing inside information like that could shift the outcome of a case entirely. Have I had Judi give me inaccurate information? Yes, occassionally. I did mention that in one reading she told me that the person I was asking about was avoiding the backstabber because she wanted to hang out, which isn't possible because they don't live in the same city. It wasn't something she channelled, it was just a comment on the feeling of avoidence she was getting. However, he was in fact avoiding her. So it was at least partially true. She does come out with some stuff now and then that's not accurate, but I really don't believe she's trying to pull the wool over anyone's eyes or intentionally trying to hurt anyone or string them along for their money.

Maybe I'm different from the typical caller. I don't call around asking for contact dates or outcomes. I don't call out of anxiety. I call because I'm missing certain puzzle pieces and it helps me put the whole picture together. Judi has a skill I haven't come across in any other reader and I think it's really underutilized. I've said it before but it really depends on the kind of questions you're asking as well. If you keep calling and asking "Does he still love me" you're going to get the same sort of answer and those feelings are usually going to fade over time if you're not in contact with them. There's just so much more you could ask, differently. Judi isn't the be all, end all for readings but if you get creative in how you ask your questions, you can get so much more out of your readings. Ask about other people. If you want to know if a guy really likes you, ask her to channel his best friend, for example, to ask if he talks about you to him. You might get an entirely different perspective on the situation. It might be "He talks about her non stop" or it might be "No, he's still hung up on that other girl from 4 years ago." Sometimes you get information that your poi doesn't even want to admit to themselves when you ask like that.

Thanks, Webster, for the definition of bitter are really starting to sound like a shill for this woman...weird!

an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others.

Btw, you are the one that posted the story that sounded "familiar":

"I have seen Judi connect to the POI for a person and get the reading for their current or another love interest instead of the person calling.
I think it was Leogirl that Judi channeled messages from her POI that he had texted to another girl he was stringing along. Leogirl confirmed that the other girl had texts on her phone with the exact things Judi had channeled. That may well have been the case with Tired's POI and the comment about her hair. Sometimes readers get things mixed up. It doesn't mean they're trying to pull one over on you or that they have anything to come clean about."

You also said at one point:

"Let me get this straight, your friend called Judi, who explicitly states she doesn't read jobs (or health), just relationships in her ad, to ask about her boss... and then got pissed off when she read it like it was a romantic interest.  :-\"

So why are you channeling people other than your love interests if Judi explicitly states she only reads hearts?  How do lawyersr fit into that equation?  :-X
« Last Edit: December 26, 2017, 06:28:00 PM by sawthelight »

