listen don't want to argue. I am happy she works for you so well..but to say I'm bitter because I implied she might not work for others seemed a bit strange. So you started this.
Definition of bitter
1.having a sharp, pungent taste or smell; not sweet.
2.(of people or their feelings or behavior) angry, hurt, or resentful because of one's bad experiences or a sense of unjust treatment.
That 2nd definition definitely sounds applicable. Judi has two 1-star reviews on keen right now, and you reposted one of them here. That story sounds familiar and I think one of our former posters posted that review but they're not on this board anymore, iirc. Overall, the most frequent complaint I've heard about Judi is that the caller has no way of confirming the verasity of what she's channeled. Saying that she makes up 80% of what she comes out with just seems like an exageration. You can usually count on what she comes out with if it's something she's channeled. If she asks her guides or tries to interpret the feeling she gets on something, it's not quite as solid, but she's still correct more often than not.
She does come out with actual words and phrases people have said either in the past or end up saying later. For me, it can't be coincidental because some of the people I've asked about are from small towns with their own unique colloqialisms, that Judi herself had never heard before and she had to pause and ask me what they meant.I mentioned in another post how she channeled word for word the advice someone else's lawyer gave them. That's huge. Knowing inside information like that could shift the outcome of a case entirely. Have I had Judi give me inaccurate information? Yes, occassionally. I did mention that in one reading she told me that the person I was asking about was avoiding the backstabber because she wanted to hang out, which isn't possible because they don't live in the same city. It wasn't something she channelled, it was just a comment on the feeling of avoidence she was getting. However, he was in fact avoiding her. So it was at least partially true. She does come out with some stuff now and then that's not accurate, but I really don't believe she's trying to pull the wool over anyone's eyes or intentionally trying to hurt anyone or string them along for their money.
Maybe I'm different from the typical caller. I don't call around asking for contact dates or outcomes. I don't call out of anxiety. I call because I'm missing certain puzzle pieces and it helps me put the whole picture together. Judi has a skill I haven't come across in any other reader and I think it's really underutilized. I've said it before but it really depends on the kind of questions you're asking as well. If you keep calling and asking "Does he still love me" you're going to get the same sort of answer and those feelings are usually going to fade over time if you're not in contact with them. There's just so much more you could ask, differently. Judi isn't the be all, end all for readings but if you get creative in how you ask your questions, you can get so much more out of your readings. Ask about other people. If you want to know if a guy really likes you, ask her to channel his best friend, for example, to ask if he talks about you to him. You might get an entirely different perspective on the situation. It might be "He talks about her non stop" or it might be "No, he's still hung up on that other girl from 4 years ago." Sometimes you get information that your poi doesn't even want to admit to themselves when you ask like that.