Author Topic: My Ex Came Back, After I Let Go.  (Read 55183 times)

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Re: My Ex Came Back, After I Let Go.
« Reply #60 on: November 15, 2018, 04:38:40 PM »
I never had an ex come back.  Though I have only had 3 relationships in my life so I have a small pool to choose from but I do want the last one to come back.  1st one married the next person she dated after me.  I was okay with that because I knew at the time our short lived 3 month relationship wasn't something I wanted long term.  It ended mutually.  The 2nd was pretty rough.  She wasn't good for me and we were official for a year and unofficially together for another year.  I thought I wanted to be with her but really it was just that.  The thought was nice but she wasn't really the one for me.  Haven't talked to her in 8 years.  The last one we were together for just over a year.  Been broken up since March.  She is the only one that I would want to come back but we will see. 

I want to add that the closest I got to someone coming back was a girl interested in me that I wasn't.  I told her upfront and started to separate myself from her when she wasn't getting that I wasn't interested.  She ended up reaching out years later to see if I changed my mind, which I hadn't.

This is my exact experience, but with exes/guys. The ones who you were never interested in seem to keep trying to push their luck over the years to see if you'll miraculously change your mind. Exes I think it's horses for courses. Some people seem to have their exes come back to check up on them, see how life's going, or have them back because things in their life aren't going so great since they parted with you. It's like some people will see UFO's, some won't. Some people will be psychically gifted and others won't. Some people will see bigfoot, others won't. I think it's just different strokes with luck of the draw with exes coming back. And I think most of the time it's no compliment when an ex gets back in touch.. I had a friend tell me her ex came back after 2 years of no contact because he was unhappy in his marriage.

This is why I feel like with some psychics when they tell an ex coming back that they try to give that sense of false hope for those rare occasions because it makes you feel good.  I can say in my current situation that started me on this psychic quest that is what I felt.  That it is a sense of false hope even though I do have a gut feeling that my ex might reach out and even around the time they are predicting.  But if that does happen it would be an honest miracle.

I completely agree. I am really confused about my situation because not one reader so far has outright said my ex won't be back. They all said he'd be back, but mostly it's not great. The really blunt ones have said for bad reasons, like to use me and answers along those lines. Aries and Yona see my ex coming back positively, I can't comment on Lady P and others yet, as I'm waiting on their reply.

When they all say your ex is coming back, you feel sort of stuck and really confused, especially from blunt readers. My situation is similar to yours in that I highly doubt mine will come back.. It has been a very very long time.

Just because it has been a long time doesn't mean that they will not come back.  So the psychics maybe right that they will come back.  Could be later than they predicted.  Even look at what a few have said in this forum about an ex coming back years later.  I heard of cases where an ex came back almost 10 years later, they got back together and married.  So don't count yourself out yet.  For mine I do see it as a long shot and that she might be gone.  But she is also the first ex that I have ever had a gut feeling of her coming back.  So time will tell.  In the meantime I am going to just live my life.

The issue is, my gut feeling on the situation isn't very good at all. I have a foreboding feeling about it all, there's not an ounce of any "hope" within me, which is why I'm deciding to give up readings because I don't believe in them. Perhaps he might come back, but when I've moved on and that's where this feeling of us never seeing each other again is coming from, but I doubt he will make an appearance, to be honest. Life works in funny ways and most of them have given me the line that I'd have moved on when he decides to come back. I do hope yours comes back, if your gut is sensing there's hope, then I wouldn't ignore it. But living your life is the best thing to do, to be honest.

Offline Snow-white8

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Re: My Ex Came Back, After I Let Go.
« Reply #61 on: February 24, 2019, 07:39:33 PM »
It's insane to think it's only 2 months shy from a year since this happened. We're still together and I just recently moved near him (the city has better opportunities anyways) and our puppy.

YellowLove - I haven't always consistently checked this forum so I just came across your posts now.  I'm super happy for you!! Congratulations on your predictions happening and you being happy  with the man you love.  So encouraging to see but I also commend you for all the work you did.  I too got into a deck I really love, and stopped getting readings for a few months, developing my own intuition and I did a lot of healing.  You mentioned that it was really hard at first when you and your ex (at the time) reunited and it was quite painful but you were both committed to mending things, healing, and working on yourselves.  DO you have any suggestions or any further advice on what worked for you, and you two as a couple?  I can only imagine the hurt, the fear, the distrust, the worry that came up as you were trying to start things back up again and make things work.  Your story is really inspiring and if you're willing to share anything further, any advice, it'd be super appreciated <3 :) Best to you!!

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: My Ex Came Back, After I Let Go.
« Reply #62 on: February 24, 2019, 10:43:28 PM »
Thank you for updating and sharing your story. ❤

Offline YellowLove

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Re: My Ex Came Back, After I Let Go.
« Reply #63 on: February 25, 2019, 02:07:07 AM »
It's insane to think it's only 2 months shy from a year since this happened. We're still together and I just recently moved near him (the city has better opportunities anyways) and our puppy.

YellowLove - I haven't always consistently checked this forum so I just came across your posts now.  I'm super happy for you!! Congratulations on your predictions happening and you being happy  with the man you love.  So encouraging to see but I also commend you for all the work you did.  I too got into a deck I really love, and stopped getting readings for a few months, developing my own intuition and I did a lot of healing.  You mentioned that it was really hard at first when you and your ex (at the time) reunited and it was quite painful but you were both committed to mending things, healing, and working on yourselves.  DO you have any suggestions or any further advice on what worked for you, and you two as a couple?  I can only imagine the hurt, the fear, the distrust, the worry that came up as you were trying to start things back up again and make things work.  Your story is really inspiring and if you're willing to share anything further, any advice, it'd be super appreciated <3 :) Best to you!!

Thank you. Good thing I still pop in here every now and then lol. This second go round has been like a miracle compared to the first. The best thing was that I wasn't holding back how I was feeling anymore and being 1000000% open and honest if something is bothering me. We both went through individual therapy because not to put his business out there, but something effected him I'd say right when he was becoming a man (death of a family member). So one night, I put pieces together and figured out that really that experience COULD be hindering him. Other then that, really we're the best we have been. This may be TMI, but the s3x is even out this world ahaha. I mean we've been through even a lot since we got back together again, but I'm a Cancer (astrologically speaking) and well, the heart wants what the heart wants. On the same standpoint, if we split again, yeah I'd be heartbroken but I've learned too that you always really have to put yourself first. I don't mean that in a narcissistic form, just don't stop living just b/c you're with (or without) someone (hobbies, goals, etc.)

Now, I'm trying to work out my career aspect of my life ahaha.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2019, 02:08:41 AM by YellowLove »


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Re: My Ex Came Back, After I Let Go.
« Reply #64 on: February 25, 2019, 02:15:32 AM »
It's insane to think it's only 2 months shy from a year since this happened. We're still together and I just recently moved near him (the city has better opportunities anyways) and our puppy.

YellowLove - I haven't always consistently checked this forum so I just came across your posts now.  I'm super happy for you!! Congratulations on your predictions happening and you being happy  with the man you love.  So encouraging to see but I also commend you for all the work you did.  I too got into a deck I really love, and stopped getting readings for a few months, developing my own intuition and I did a lot of healing.  You mentioned that it was really hard at first when you and your ex (at the time) reunited and it was quite painful but you were both committed to mending things, healing, and working on yourselves.  DO you have any suggestions or any further advice on what worked for you, and you two as a couple?  I can only imagine the hurt, the fear, the distrust, the worry that came up as you were trying to start things back up again and make things work.  Your story is really inspiring and if you're willing to share anything further, any advice, it'd be super appreciated <3 :) Best to you!!

Thank you. Good thing I still pop in here every now and then lol. This second go round has been like a miracle compared to the first. The best thing was that I wasn't holding back how I was feeling anymore and being 1000000% open and honest if something is bothering me. We both went through individual therapy because not to put his business out there, but something effected him I'd say right when he was becoming a man (death of a family member). So one night, I put pieces together and figured out that really that experience COULD be hindering him. Other then that, really we're the best we have been. This may be TMI, but the s3x is even out this world ahaha. I mean we've been through even a lot since we got back together again, but I'm a Cancer (astrologically speaking) and well, the heart wants what the heart wants. On the same standpoint, if we split again, yeah I'd be heartbroken but I've learned too that you always really have to put yourself first. I don't mean that in a narcissistic form, just don't stop living just b/c you're with (or without) someone (hobbies, goals, etc.)

Now, I'm trying to work out my career aspect of my life ahaha.

I’m so happy for you yellowlove. You just made my heart so happy. I love seeing people’s growth and getting their heart’s desire. Never stop putting you first and loving yourself. Keep us posted. Stay well.

Offline Snow-white8

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Re: My Ex Came Back, After I Let Go.
« Reply #65 on: February 25, 2019, 11:35:16 PM »
It's insane to think it's only 2 months shy from a year since this happened. We're still together and I just recently moved near him (the city has better opportunities anyways) and our puppy.

YellowLove - I haven't always consistently checked this forum so I just came across your posts now.  I'm super happy for you!! Congratulations on your predictions happening and you being happy  with the man you love.  So encouraging to see but I also commend you for all the work you did.  I too got into a deck I really love, and stopped getting readings for a few months, developing my own intuition and I did a lot of healing.  You mentioned that it was really hard at first when you and your ex (at the time) reunited and it was quite painful but you were both committed to mending things, healing, and working on yourselves.  DO you have any suggestions or any further advice on what worked for you, and you two as a couple?  I can only imagine the hurt, the fear, the distrust, the worry that came up as you were trying to start things back up again and make things work.  Your story is really inspiring and if you're willing to share anything further, any advice, it'd be super appreciated <3 :) Best to you!!

Thank you. Good thing I still pop in here every now and then lol. This second go round has been like a miracle compared to the first. The best thing was that I wasn't holding back how I was feeling anymore and being 1000000% open and honest if something is bothering me. We both went through individual therapy because not to put his business out there, but something effected him I'd say right when he was becoming a man (death of a family member). So one night, I put pieces together and figured out that really that experience COULD be hindering him. Other then that, really we're the best we have been. This may be TMI, but the s3x is even out this world ahaha. I mean we've been through even a lot since we got back together again, but I'm a Cancer (astrologically speaking) and well, the heart wants what the heart wants. On the same standpoint, if we split again, yeah I'd be heartbroken but I've learned too that you always really have to put yourself first. I don't mean that in a narcissistic form, just don't stop living just b/c you're with (or without) someone (hobbies, goals, etc.)

Now, I'm trying to work out my career aspect of my life ahaha.

I’m so happy for you yellowlove. You just made my heart so happy. I love seeing people’s growth and getting their heart’s desire. Never stop putting you first and loving yourself. Keep us posted. Stay well.

Thank you so much for replying back YellowLove - and so quickly!  Definitely sounds like you've done the inner work and you continue to do what you gotta do for YOU! <3 listening to your heart is part of that I agree :)  I'm so happy for you and its so wonderful to hear you guys are better than ever (in all ways haha)  I think its so nice the psychics that connected with you were right.  Good luck with the career momentum!!

Offline Marlenesko

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Re: My Ex Came Back, After I Let Go.
« Reply #66 on: May 24, 2019, 04:03:31 PM »
Well letting go has so much power and when you drop the energies completely of someone and focus on self life and not Constantly manifest fear. It can really shift the energies completely and I have experienced the same for myself. But it’s the truelovetarot from purple garden who really taught me the meaning of truly letting go and everything In my life was going pretty messed and I was Constantly clinging to my past and clinging to the experience and was not really allowing myself to be happy... well we all do get stuck into sometime those vicious cycle and now I am happy engaged and set to get married in July  :) :) :)