So I waited post two months since he came back to type up this update as I wanted to make sure things were on a standing ground. My ex dumped me back in Dec. of 2016. About a week later, he was in a relationship with someone else. It crushed me to no end. I did the classic dumpee thing of begging, crying, and of course: resorted to psychics. It cost me a lot of money and that was a time where emotionally I was just feeling gutted & worthless, for lack of better term. I mean we were together for a year roughly and I will say two months before that happened, I did feel like he was distancing himself and I did feel neglected, but I just kept telling myself how it was just me since I'm always usually thinking the worst.
Well anyways, I would say that I had a psychic addiction. It even got to the point where I'd research heavily on the "best" psychics to make sure that the reading was quite accurate. Long story short though, I read with a certain psychic who I would say was more bang on with her accuracy than any others. I'll bring her up later. In May, I got in contact with my ex after not have spoken to each other for around 5 months at that point to let him know that although what he did was grimy, I forgave him and I didn't want to be on a hatred standpoint. We did text for a few days, but then stopped. He was still in a relationship and I was not trying to intervene. Friendship was all it would be and we did state that we'd always be friends. I was at peace with things and ready to move on.
In June, I met another guy who I was extremely smitten with. He was handsome, tall, charming, and had an old-soul approach to him. Finally, things just seemed awesome...or so I thought. In my head, he was everything I'd ever wanted...but in reality, he wasn't. I mean he still is a great person, but he did self-admit that he was bad at communication. I could also tell that he was just about himself and mainly what he could get out in I had to let him ago.
August rolls around and I'm at the standstill. I was still feeling ultra depressed and I was in the standpoint in where I wanted to go ahead and start up things for the 2018 year. I wanted to really become a better version of myself and was getting super big into the law of attraction, manifestation, and I had even bought myself some tarot cards (Morgan-Greer deck is my favorite). So until mid Oct. I was just feeling at peace and astonished at the fact in how far I've come in such little time. Around this time, I had stopped the bulk of psychic readings and was really trusting within myself.
Oct rolls around and I swear almost ALL my exes were getting in contact with me. I felt this was a test from the universe in how much I had grown and I was dismissing all of them. I didn't have any feelings for them anyways, so it was all good. Well then, THE EX that I was so in love with and who was the person that had me start this self-journey from late 2016 got in contact with me in expressing his remorse, regret, etc. He had dumped the other girl way beforehand as she didn't treat him right. I won't get into details, but he felt it was a karma for what he had done to me. We talked for about 2 weeks before we saw each other. When I first seen him it was like...all that love just came rushing back. We both admitted how we still missed the other, and after a deep heart to heart talk and tears and what not, we've decided on rekindling things.
I'll admit, it's easier now but even in the beginning...well really the midst of us starting over, it was still hard...and even heartwrenching. It even got to the point where we were like, maybe things are just WAY too damage for us to try and maybe we should move on. Well, luckily we're two dedicated ppl and we are working on our flaws individually while also working on ourselves on a couple's standpoint. We also just got a puppy and I am relocating to be with him soon. I know this sounds like we're going supersonic fast, but I can promise you we're not, and I encourage everyone who wants to get back with their ex to just truly let go, b/c regardless if they do happen to come back or not, you really want to become a better you. You're the only person that you have control over...remember that

Now to jump back, I have to give the psychic Rachel Marie ultra credit for this. She was 97% correct on how things would go, from us briefly talking in May, to them splitting up in the Fall, to him reaching out and us rekindling things later this year...and how he would be incredibly authentic with everything. You can find her on bitwine here: I say 97% b/c she did say in May he'd initiate contact with me, when it was really me, but overall, she nailed it. She can be quite wrong with time also, but in the grand scheme of things, I'm still just blown away about how things are now and just overall feeling grateful for things.